Oh. My. God.

So this happened a few days ago, but anyway on with the story.  

As per usual, I was laying in my bed occupying myself with my phone, and I decided I should go and check instagram because, you know, I hadn't really done that in a while.  So I got curious as to what one of the guys who use to go to my school looked like now since a friend of mine had said that he had a really nice six pack (yeah yeah laugh all you want).  It took me a while to actually find his damn profile/account, but when I finally did I then had to go through a bunch of his pictures.  I finally came across one that had I guess him and a few of his friends in the picture.  There was one guy who was shirtless but I couldn't tell if that was him or not, so I double tapped the screen to try and zoom into the picture.  And what happens when you double tap a picture on instagram?  You like the picture.  So I froze for a second after that completely mortified by what I had just done.  After a few agonizing seconds went by I unliked the picture as fast as humanly possible.  Actually it took a little longer than I would have liked becaue I double tapped the picture again, because that's how you can unlike a picture too but it didn't seem to want to work that way, so I went and had to scroll to the little like button at the bottom of the picture discription and unlike it that way.  

In any case, the conclusion to this story is that I'm still completely mortified and in constant fear that he will go on instagram and find out (somehow) that I liked the picture of him shirtless.

Dear lord help me.
