Chapter 9

Waitt had left the house to go to his new job obviously ignoring the calendar when leaving so everyone who remained at the house ( Cheer, Rex, Starlight, Ribbon dancer,Glory who remained outside, Masquerade, Mimic, Melody,Loli and Pop who disappeared for an entire chapter-.) Apparently today was Waitt's birthday ( wow how creative me-) and since Waitt was at his job they had until Waitt got back to plan an entire surprise party. It was going to be a huge party too but they didn't want to overwhelm him or anything so they decided not to go overboard. So it was going to just be them in their little home, playing games, dancing, and eating snacks. " Everybody meeting outside!" Starlight said peeking his head through the sliding door that lead to the patio " So we have exactly...Rex how long do we have until Waitt comes home?" Starlight asked he'd usually remember these things but because this was on such a short notice he threw everything out the window and sorta winged it " about 2 hours" Rex responded  Starlight nodded " So we have exactly 2 hours to get the Surprise party all set before Waitt comes home." Starlight said " Alright so Ribbon dancer and the Triplets can make decorations... Loli and Pop can help wrap gifts with me and Rex...Cheer I can trust you know how to make. a cake right-?" Starlight asked looking up at Cheer she simply nodded " I'll make sure there is one." Cheer Said  Starlight grinned " Great, well I think we're good now." Cheer said with a grin " We're good now" Starlight repeated " Now let's get to work!" " Right..." everyone said before running off to get something done " Oh and Glory you can tell us when Waitt's almost home!" Starlight said looking at Glory who was resting in the pool " I Won't let you down!" Glory said smiling before Starlight entered the house where everyone was getting things ready Starlight walked over to the living room where Rex, Lolli and Pop were waiting while Ribbon dancer was talking to the Triplets as they created decorations which was probably for the best Starlight trust's Ribbon dancer just not enough to leave him unsupervised . Starlight sat down on the couch with a sigh and smiled fondly at the sight of the Triplets drawing on a long sheet of paper (?) on the floor in front of the couch " Do we have wrapping paper?" Starlight asked Rex despite Waitt being old enough to not really want anything other than money which no one really had gift's would suffice. Rex hummed and pointed to a small box sitting on the coffee table next to Starlight who grabbed it and opened it " Thanks." Starlight said smiling as he pulled some wrapping paper from the packaging. Starlight tore the paper into smaller pieces then proceeded to wrap up Waitt's gift "  Star Star!" Melody said  suddenly appearing next to Starlight as she jumped onto the couch " Yes?" Starlight asked looking  confused while  he laughed " I have a gift for Mr. Waitt!" Melody said holding out a box covered in purple paint that was slightly dry seeing as some of the paint rubbed off onto his hands " What's inside?" Starlight asked lifting the box out of Melody's hands " It's a flower and a picture I drew of you and Mr. Waitt!" Melody  said grinning " Ahhh... Thank you Melody, it's very thoughtful." Starlight said smiling fondly at Melody " And I'm excited about the party!" Melody said before going back over to Ribbon dancer, Mimic and Masquerade were Starlight stared at the box he didn't open it but he was trying to decide if he wanted wrap the beautiful purple box in wrapping paper but eventually wrapped a pink ribbon around it and putting a tag on it that read " From Melody" and putting the gift with the others " Hey Rex can you help us hang up the tapestry?" Ribbon dancer asked despite having another set of arms they wouldn't be long enough to reach the other side of the long rectangular tapestry " Sure." Rex said standing up and lifting the Tapestry up to hang it on the wall this gave Mimic and Masquerade enough time to hand Starlight their presents to Waitt before a crashing noise was heard in the kitchen " Hey Loli can you put a ribbon on this gift the Pop you put a ribbon on this one." Starlight said quickly handing Loli and Pop the gifts and running to the kitchen to see Cheer standing behind a pile or one broken plate in front of her " Oops " She said awkwardly as she looked up at Starlight  " Are you alright?" Starlight asked worriedly as Cheer sighed " Yeah, just fine." she said " You look upset" Starlight noted concerned " Well no duh! I just broke a fricken plate!" gesturing at the broken plate " I'll clean it up" Starlight said about to start picking up the plate remains " No no it's fine I'll clean it up ." Cheer insisted " Really? If it bothers you I don't mind-" Before Starlight could finish she shook her head frantically " I want to! That thing cost a lot of money! I wanna do it! I promise I'll clean it!" Starlight blinked in surprise but nodded anyway. " Alright then." He said  before returning to the living room to see Loli who's arm was tied to the present and Pop trying to use the scissors to cut the ribbon off with out cutting into her arm joint which was clearly a bad idea " Here -" Starlight offered cutting off the ribbon from Loli before moving Pop aside  " Thank you!" Loli exclaimed happily. " Of course." Starlight replied as he picked up the wrapping paper again " Now, uhm, the first thing we need is music -"  before he could continue Ribbon dancer interrupted him "  Actually we still need balloons -" Starlight paused as he turned back to Ribbon dancer " Oh yes.. I forgot." Starlight mumbled as he went and pulled a few boxes and wrapped each of the packages individually. While Ribbon dancer and Pop made balloons they took Starlight's place at the dining room table to begin decorating the tables. They both started with the chairs while Starlight worked at figuring out what music to play  for the party so he could find the perfect song for Waitt and himself "...I hope he likes our surprise party." Loli whispered softly " Me too." Cheer replied as they finished up making some balloons and started decorating the table as soon as they were done with the chair's they moved on to the next table  Starlight meanwhile continued working on the music " Any luck finding songs?" Cheer asked Starlight " No... Not yet." Starlight said honestly " Maybe you can sing for him after we sing happy birthday to Waitt" Cheer suggested with a hopeful smile and a glimmer in their eyes " Yeah...." Starlight said nodding slowly and biting his bottom lip "  But, uhm, not right now. We should wait for him to come home first." Starlight added Cheer nodded and went back to decorating  the last two tables " There we go! All done!" Ribbon dancer declared as they hung the balloons up with a small smile on their face " I see Waitt coming down the sidewalk " Glory said calling into the how's through the sliding door " Everyone hide!" Starlight said ushering everyone to hide while he turned off the lights  and hid behind the couch " I'm home..?" Waitt said opening the front down to see and empty house he eventually turned on the lights and everyone jumped out from where they were hiding " Happy birthday Waitt!" everyone yelled in chorus  as they ran up to him  " Whaaaaaa?!" Waitt said in surprise as everyone hugged him and spun him around " Wait what?! How did you guys even know?" Waitt gasped in shock " The calendar said so and Starlight remembered that today was your birthday!"  Pop said " Yeah!" Ribbon dancer exclaimed cheerfully Waitt smiled and lightly hugged Starlight  " Thank you thank you thank you!" Waitt squealed " No problem." Starlight murmured hugging Waitt back." Now let's get this party started!" Starlight said happily as Starlight ushered Waitt into the kitchen so he could see the cake they had made for him .
Waitt walked in to see the candles in the middle of the cake with a note in front of them saying "Happy birthday Waitt!" along with a bunch of balloons and other various decorations  Waitt chuckled looking around to spot all the balloons that lined the walls " Aww, thanks guys!" Waitt exclaimed turning to face Starlight " Happy birthday Waitt!" Starlight said as everyone waved at Waitt. Waitt laughed a couple minutes later they were all circled around the table and began singing happy birthday to Waitt it was pretty successful mission if anything before long they had all gathered in the living room to open presents.

( I'm too lazy to write more so y'all just gonna have to wait for part so cliffhanger I guess-)

Today's chapter plot was requested by- undeaddog79

Hope you like next chapter is a little special chapter and then finishing another request
