Will The Hunger Ever Stop?- Synacky

A/N- This one-shot is loosely based off of my To Love A Demon... Story

Will The Hunger Ever Stop? 

Brian's POV

I sit still, perched in the tree outside of his window. I watch as he undresses, his hands trailing over his slim body, I know I shouldn't look, but I can't turn away... By now I've lost count of the times I've waited for him to finally go to bed just so I could sneak in and watch over him.

He was perfect, I was flawed. He was an angel, I was a demon. His scent was enticing, I could never get enough.

I watch as he redresses and slips under the tousled blankets covering his bed and I wait; I wait for my que of safety to sneak in.

After what feels like forever, it's finally what I've been waiting for. I spread my blackened, crooked wings and fly over to the window seal. Sneaking a hand forward I push the window open slowly.

His scent instantly fills my nostrils making me inhale deeply. My pupils dialate as I take in all that is in front of me. The scent, and the man who is in a deep rest in front of me. His black hair covering parts of his face, mouth slightly a jar...

"I watch you like a hawk," I whisper taking a step towards his bed, "I watch you like I'm gonna tear you limb from limb. Will this hunger ever stop?"

Tears make their way down my cheeks and onto the man sleeping below me; he shifts and like a deer in the headlights I meet my fate.

His eyes flutter open; the emerald orbs slowly make their way towards me. "Brian...?"

Just hearing him say my name again was enough, I pounce him connecting our lips. He was my heaven, but I could never have him...

Our heated kiss comes to a halt, "Can we simply starve this sin?"

I feel the tears once more, "Salt my wounds but I can't heal the way I feel about you..."

"Way can't they just except us, B-Brian?" The moonlight shining through the open widow shows me he was crying as well.

"Because they don't understand what our love is, Zee..." My lips reconnect with his, the kiss slow, passionate. Zacky's the full to my fire, even with the slightest touch I grow. I could feel my instincts take over.

"I'll hurt you, Zee. We can't..."

"Don't try to fight the storm; You'll tumble over board..."

"If we do the tides will pull both of us under..."

He places a soft kiss to my lips, then leans away looking towards the window longingly. "That little kiss you stole; It held my heart and soul, and like a ghost in the silence I disappear..."

Like that I'm out of that room, heart and soul left with him, my love. Through the sound of the wind passing by I hear him whisper, "And on my deathbed, all I'll see is you...The life may leave my lungs, but my heart will stay with you..."



Tell me what you thought? I really liked writing this one-shot, though it was very sad.. :( Tell me if your feels are just as broken as mine right now...

