Lance Dies - Keith Mourning

I entered his room. It was black. I flipped the light switch on and the room lit up. The light reflecting off his belongings like stars. I stood in the doorway and just stared. I slowly and carefully entered, the door shutting quietly behind me. I walked almost robotically to his bed. The blue and white sheets messed up. He never made his bed? Did he? I can't even smile at the thought. I look to the side and his jacket catches my eye. I reach over and pick it up. Slowly bringing it to my face and taking in the scent of him. It smells just like him. I don't try to stop the tears as they glide down my cheeks. The small droplets land on the jacket and the bed. I crawl onto the bed and curl myself into a ball around his jacket. Holding it close to me in a death grip. This is all I have left of him. He's gone and he's never coming back. Ever. I let the screams come. I let everything I'd been holding in go. Nobody's around to see it so why hide? I yell and scream into his jacket. Staying curled up around it crying. The tears come harder and my voice becomes hoarse. My throat hurts but I don't stop. The pain is unbearable. He's dead. Lance is dead. It hurts more than words can say. You never realize what you have until it's gone. And now. It's gone. The one person I could open up to. The one person who could love me. The one person I should have been able to protect. Is gone. Forever. I'm forever alone. I scream and cry until my shaking body can't handle it anymore. My voice cuts and the tears simmer down. They don't stop. They'll never stop. Because now, Lance is gone. Gone because I let him die.
