~15~(Not a hc but it's got the hunger games)

This isn't really a headcanon but I got a tad bored and decided to switch it up a little(Feel free to skip this-)

The tributes(I used a wheel):

- The districts -

District 1: Mondo, Kokichi

District 2: Mahiru, Makoto

District 3: Tsumugi, Byakuya

District 4: Chihiro, Nekomaru

District 5: Himiko, Celeste

District 6: Hajime, Kyoko

District 7: Fuyuhiko, Ibuki

District 8: Angie, Nagito

District 9: Akane, Gundham

District 10: Sakura, Kirumi

District 11: Korekiyo, Kiyotaka

District 12: Gonta, Leon

(Bet on which district will win RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!)

- The bloodbath -

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds

Hajime grabs a shield leaning on the Cornucopia

Angie grabs a backpack, not realising it's empty

Kokichi runs away from the Cornucopia

Mondo runs away from the Cornucopia

Mahiru runs away from the Cornucopia

Gonta runs away from the Cornucopia

Fuyuhiko runs away from the Cornucopia

Nekomaru retrieves a trident from inside the Cornucopia

Kiyotaka grabs a sword

Byakuya runs away from the Cornucopia

Nagito takes a handful of throwing knives

Himiko grabs a backpack, not realising it's empty

Kirumi grabs a sword

Makoto runs away from the Cornucopia

Korekiyo runs away from the Cornucopia

Chihiro and Akane fight for a bag, Chihiro gives up and retreats

Kyoko runs away from the Cornucopia

Leon takes a sickle from inside the Cornucopia

Ibuki grabs a sword

Celeste retrieves a trident from inside the Cornucopia

Gundham runs away from the Cornucopia

Sakura runs away from the Cornucopia

- Day 1 -  

Gonta camouflages himself in the bushes

Kirumi questions her sanity

Fuyuhiko receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor(Hola Natsumi.)

Hajime steals from Akane while she isn't looking

Korekiyo explores the arena

Himiko camouflages herself in the bushes

Kyoko receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor(Hello, I'm Jin Kirigiri, I'm your father)

Kokichi forces Makoto to kill Gundham o r Byakuya. He decides to kill Byakuya

Kiyotaka constructs a shack

Ibuki chases Celeste

Mahiru explores the arena

Chihiro severely injures Leon, but puts him out of his misery(I- Okay ;-;)

Mondo, Nekomaru, Angie, and Tsumugi raid Sakura's camp while she's hunting

Nagito thinks about home

- Honor The Fallen - 

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance

Byakuya, District 3

Leon, District 12

- Night 1 -

Fuyuhiko fends Angie, Korekiyo, and Sakura away from his fire(Aight, I see you Fuyuhiko)

Kirumi goes to sleep

Kyoko and Chihiro huddle for warmth(Ayo?)

Tsumugi, Akane, and Celeste cheerfully sing songs together

Mondo thinks about winning

Ibuki is awoken by nightmares

Nekomaru goes to sleep

Gonta receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor

Kokichi loses sight of where he is

Nagito tends to Gundham's wounds(First off, how'd you get hurt-)

Makoto receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor(Komaru's looking out for you luckster)

Mahiru and Kiyotaka huddle for warmth(Ayo wha?)

Hajime stays awake all night

Himiko thinks about home

- Day 2 -

Kirumi fishes

Korekiyo, Hajime, Mondo, and Nekomaru hunt for other tributes

Nagito tends to Makoto's wounds(Ah, the hope...)

Mahiru steals from Fuyuhiko while he isn't looking

Celeste explores the arena

Gonta goes hunting

Sakura sets off an explosive that kills Angie and Himiko(WAIT NO WHY.)

Kiyotaka, Kokichi, Akane, and Kyoko raid Gundham's camp while he is hunting(3 K's and then we have Akane)

Ibuki stalks Tsumugi

Chihiro receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor

- Arena Event -

Monkey mutts fill the arena

Nagito uses Kyoko as a shield from the monkey mutts(You weren't hopeful enough Kyoko)

Gonta survives

Chihiro dies from internal bleeding caused by a monkey mutt

Korekiyo survives

Makoto injures Kiyotaka and leaves him for the monkey mutts(MAKOTO I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER)

Nekomaru injures Kirumi and leaves her to die for the monkey mutts(NEKOMARU YOU TOO)

Ibuki injures Akane and leavers her for the monkey mutts(Oml- WHYY!)

Mahiru survives

Fuyuhiko dies from internal bleeding caused by a monkey mutts

Sakura survives(Yas queen)

Celeste uses Hajime as a shield from the monkey mutts

Tsumugi survives

Kokichi survives

Mondo is pummeled to the ground and killed by a group of monkey mutts

Gundham survives

- Honor the fallen -

10 cannon shots can be heard in the distance

Angie, District 8

Himiko, District 5

Kyoko, District 6

Chihiro, District 4

Kiyotaka, District 11

Kirumi, District 10

Akane, District 9

Fuyuhiko, District 7

Hajime, District 6(Sorry District 6)

Mondo, District 1

- Night 2 -

Mahiru passes out from exhaustion

Ibuki is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth

Celeste passes out from exhaustion

Makoto, Korekiyo, Nekomaru, and Sakura tell each other ghost stories to lighten up the mood

Nagito questions his sanity

Gundham cooks his food before putting his fire out

Tsumugi is awoken by nightmares

Gonta loses sight of where he is

Kokichi sees a fire, but stays hidden

- Day 3 -

Nekomaru, gonta, Tsumugi, Mahiru, and Celeste hunt for other tributes

Nagito severely injures Makoto, but puts him out of his misery(I- Wow okay)

Sakura receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor

Ibuki searches for firewood

Korekiyo discovers a river

Gundham and Kokichi work together for the day

- Honor the fallen -

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance

Makoto, District 2

- Night 3 -

Tsumugi stabs Ibuki in the back with a trident

Gundham sees a fire, but stays hidden

Gonta thinks about winning

Mahiru defeats Sakura in a fight, but spares her life(Mahiru, you a real one for that)

Korekiyo receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor(SwEeT KorKeKiYo lolol)

Celeste begs for Kokichi to kill her, he refuses, keeping Celeste alive

Nagito and Nekomaru run into each other and decide to truce for the night

- Day 4 -

Nagito, Nekomaru, and Gonta get into a fight. Nekomaru triumphs and kills them both(NOO-!)

Tsumugi receives clean water from an unknown sponsor

Sakura goes hunting

Korekiyo receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor (Didn't you just get one?? Also, part of me hopes Kork wins)

Gundham forces Celeste to kill Kokichi or Mahiru. She refuses to kill, so Gundham kills her instead (CELESTE YOU A REAL ONE)

- Honor the fallen -

4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance

Ibuki, District 7(Damn, there goes a tribute)

Nagito, District 8(Wha- Okay 2 tributes)

Gonta, District 12(3 TRIBUTES IN 1 GO???)

Celeste, (All the tributes falling down, falling down, falling down-)

- Night 4 -

Tsumugi and Gundham hold hands(Ayo wha?)

Mahiru goes to sleep

Sakura sets up camp for the night

Korekiyo stays awake all night

Nekomaru tries to sing himself to sleep

Kokichi dies from hunger

- The feast -

Tsumugi decidea to not go to the feast

Sakura, Mahiru, and Gundham confront each other, but grab what they want slowly to avoid conflict

Korekiyo decides not to go to the feast

Nekomaru decides not to go to the feast

- Day 5 -

Gundham steals from Nekomaru while he isn't looking

Sakura makes a slingshot

Mahiru, Tsumugi, and Korekiyo hunt for other tributes

- Honor the fallen -

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance

Kokichi, District 1(Damn, bye district 1)

- Night 5 -

Tsumugi passes out from exhaustion

Gundham, Mahiru, and Nekomaru cheerfully sing songs together

Sakura sees a fire, but stays hidden

Korekiyo receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor(Yo, you're getting a lot of stuff man)

- Day 6 -

Nekomaru, Sakura, Tsumugi, and Korekiyo hunt for other tributes

Mahiru tends to Gundham's wounds

- Night 6 -

Gundham kills Korekiyo with a sickle(He got SO MUCH STUFF, and still he dies)

Mahiru, Sakura, and Tsumugi cheerfully sing songs together

Nekomaru thinks about winning

- Day 7 -

Nekomaru spears Sakura in the abdomen(Man is on a killing spree, dayum)

Mahiru discovers a river

Tsumugi receives clean water from an unknown sponsor

Gundham falls into a pit and dies

- Honor the fallen -

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance

Korekiyo,  District 11(Welp, there goes 11)

Sakura, District 10(And 10)

Gundham, District 9(And.. .9 too)

- Night 7 -

Nekomaru looks at the night sky

Tsumugi climbs a tree to rest

Mahiru loses sight of where she is

- Day 8 -

Nekomaru begs for Mahiru to kill him, She refuses, keeping him alive

Tsumugi fishes

- Night 8 -

Mahiru starts a fire

Nekomaru questions his sanity

Tsumugi attempts to climb a tree, but falls to her death

- Day 9 -

Mahiru begs for Nakomaru to kill her, he reluctantly obliges, killing Mahiru

- Honor the fallen -

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance

Tsumugi, District 3

Mahiru, DIstrict 2

And the winner is...

Nekomaru from District 4!

- Kills -

Nekomaru: 5

Gundham: 2

Makoto: 2

Nagito: 2

Sakura: 2

Celeste: 1

Chihiro: 1

Ibuki: 1

Tsumugi: 1


Holy, this took forever. But- If I did this again, with different characters, would you guys wanna see??
