
Hey, reader. What's up? I'm excited to see you've come across this book which may turn out atrocious, but let's hope not. 

As you can probably tell, this book is gonna have a bunch of random stuff related to Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. One chapter could just be a collection of memes while the next is a short story or me sharing my opinion about an event in the video game.

Depending on what the chapter may contain, there will be warnings at the top of every chapter. Some chapters may contain minor spoilers while others contain huge spoilers and some chapters may contain sensitive topics which some people may not want to read about.

Please respect my opinion and whatever may appear in this book. It's okay if you disagree with me on some things and I'd love to hear your opinions of stuff as well. If you're gonna debate with something I say, please do it in a respectful and calm manner. I respect any and all opinions and people, so I hope you can respect me in return too.

Other than that, I don't really have much to say. I hope you enjoy this book and have a nice day. Thank you for reading the short introduction chapter!
