
Cain held the little gurgling bundle above his head. The baby suckled on her hands, then cheerfully cooed and wiggled them around as she looked down on Cain. She looked absolutely adorable in Cain's eyes, but he just couldn't accept it. He held her up in bewilderment, towards the light. It blanketed her gently, in an almost angelic manner, making his heart twist in blissful agony. He looked away, almost in tears. No, she is just too cute, he admitted to himself. He brought her down and examined the strange and shocking surprise that was now left in their care.

"Indigo," Cain cried over his shoulder to his boyfriend. "I can't do this."

"What are you talking about," said Indigo. He walked into the room with a baby bottle filled with formula and a towel in his hands. "Mary Ann said we had to do this."

"Yes, I know but, I just don't think we are qualified enough to take care of a baby."

"What do you mean," Indigo raised his brow as he took baby Leanne (that was the name given to her by her mother) and began to feed her the bottle.

"I mean, look," Cain spread his arms wide in display. "I'm a Vampire." Cain began to pace the room frantically. "Me, raise a baby, a witch for crying out loud, I can't do that,"

Indigo set Leanne on the bed helping her grab her onto her bottle and then focused his attention on Cain. "Look, I never got to known Mary Ann, but you did. You trusted her, right?"

"Yes, I did," he emphasized, "but -," Cain frowned at baby Leanne. "But I never heard from her in over 1,000 years. Then suddenly she comes out of nowhere, tells me I must raise her child and then she -," Cain stopped not wanting to say the words died. "We should be the last people to raise her. I don't even know how babies' function. There's no manual!"

"We can do this," Indigo said encouragingly.

"Indigo," Cain held his head in frustration. "Witches are not your average baby. As she grows older, she will be more curious, she will want to learn, she will be called by the forest. And it's not just her personality that will be troublesome. Her magic will grow, and if Mary Anne is right, it will have to be contained for her safety. Putting a bottle cap on a witch's magic is like placing a soda under pressure. When uncapped it will explode when opened."

He walked over to Cain and grabbed him firmly on his shoulders. "Cain we can do this." He talked sternly but in a calming in soothing voice looking at him straight in the eyes. "You're not alone in this. I'm here too and I want to do this."

Indigo moved them towards a comfortable spot on the bed and they sat together. "Just look at her isn't Leanna cute."

Cain gazed down on Leanne. "I mean, of course she is," he mumbled looking down at her.

"Look," said Indigo leaning on Cain's shoulders. "She has your cute nose and my bright eyes."

Cain rolled his eyes. "Sure, she does." Cain glanced at Indigos tender smile and sighed. "I know you want to keep her but what kind of a life can we give her. We're not even married."

"You know we could be if you wanted to," muttered Indigo not making eye contact with Cain.

Cain frowned to himself and sighed. "Maybe we can take her to a witches guild. They can raise her, teach her magic. They will be able to keep her safe."

"What are you saying," Indigo turned abruptly in anger. "You are a freaking Vampire prince," Indigo poked Cain harshly on his shoulder, "and I'm a Werewolf from a powerful prestigious family. What do you mean we can't protect her?"

Indigo began to sulk. "I'm sorry," Cain tried to face Indigo but he kept turning away. "Look," Cain tried to explain, "You know I just, -"Cain was then cut of my Leanne's crying.

"See now you made her cry," pointed Indigo.

"No, I didn't," rebutted Cain. "Maybe we just need to change her diaper or something."

Cain walked over to a crying squirming Leanne. "Sorry," he mumbled and peeked inside her diaper. "Nothing."

"Well then maybe she wants to play," Indigo scurried over to Leanne with some toys. "What do you say Baby Lea want to play," he sings jingling a stuffed toy.

Leanne screamed and cried louder making Cain and Indigo cower their ears. "Guess that's a no," said Cain. Suddenly things around the room began to glow and float.

"What's going on," asked Indigo.

"I don't know," said Cain, "but I think Leanne is doing it."

"What do we do," yelled Indigo frantically as he began to float of the ground as well.

Cain quickly grabbed Ophelia who began to float off the bed and soon joined her in the air.

"WE NEED HELP," yelled Indigo.

Cain agreed and pulled out his mirror.


Birch reached out for a green crayon to place the finishing touches on his colorful masterpiece. Just then his mothers mirror started to glow. Birched picked up his picture and his mother's mirror and made his way to the living room were she was watching Real Princesses of Huitsol.

"No, you tell that bitch to sit the fuck down Hera, you know that your crown," yelled Olena at the screen.

Birch run up to his mom waving her mirror at her. "Mom your mirror is glowing."

"Oh, thank you sweety," Olena smiled turning the volume down on a very intense and verbal cat fight. "Hello, who is this," she asked gleefully. "Hey Cain, what's going- Oh my gosh what's going on," she stopped mid-sentence surprised to see Cain floating around from the view.

"SAND," yelled Cain. "I need you here now at my place. I got a baby and I don't know what to do with her she's making us float around – Gosh dammit Indigo stop acting that you're in space this is an emergency." Just then the mirror went blank.

Sand looked at Blue worriedly. "Blue get your sisters baby bag were going to your uncles place."

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