Chapter 29 Time To Tell Gaara

-Calienia's P.O.V.-

 I woke up from a cat nap on the couch with a yawn. I looked around and spotted the clock on the while to check the time. 7:58pm, Gaara should be home soon. I sat up and looked out the window to see how dark it was. It was always pretty creepy here at night when I was all alone. Usually I had Suzu for company but she was still in Konoha, training.

I stood up and stretched, trying not to think of scary things and ignoring the shadows I saw at the corners of my eyes, trying to keep myself calm.

'Nothing's there Calienia, your fine. Nothing is gonna pop out of no where and grab you.' I thought to myself. I heard some jingling kind of sound behind me and gulped, still trying to stay calm. 'It's nothing... you're hearing things..' I heard something like the door behind opened. 'It's nothing, I'm gonna turn around and find nothing there...'

I hesitantly turned around then screamed, seeing someone WAS there. Two seconds later I realized it was a surprised Gaara that flinched at my screaming. I held a hand over my heart to calm it down and sighed in relief before panting slightly.

"You scared me!"

"Sorry... I thought you heard the door open or the sound of my keys even..."

"I did.." I trailed off and Gaara rose an eyebrow before he shut the door behind him.

"Are you alright Calienia? Your not normally afraid of such little things... You also haven't been yourself lately..."

Guilt filled my heart as I looked at the ground. I had to tell Gaara this before my stomach grows, that way we can talk about keeping it or getting I sat down on the couch then pated the spot next to me.

"We need to talk..." Gaara hesitated but took off his gourd and set it by the end of the couch before he sat next to me. I took his hand and sat there in silence, looking at the ground. After another moment or two, I sighed. "I'm not exactly sure how to tell you this... but I don't just want to blurt it out like it's nothing..."

"What are you talking about??" Gaara asked, sounding a bit concerned. "Did they tell you any bad news while you were at the doctors?? Are you.... are you dy..." Gaara stopped and grit his teeth, not wanting to finish that sentence.

I smiled sadly. "Don't jump to any conclusions, I'm not dying."

Gaara sighed in relief. "What is it then?"

"Remember that night we spent together on that beach?"


"Do you ever remember packing condoms?"


I looked at Gaara and rose an eyebrow. "Well did you ever use them?" Gaara's eyes widened and I sighed before looking into his eyes. "Gaara.... I'm pregnant."

I sat there and waited for Gaara to say something, but he just stayed there in shock, eyes widened and mouth opened. "D...Do you... want to-

"I don't know..." I answered his question before he could finish asking it. "At first I did but I was told it wasn't allowed without your permission." I looked down with tears in my eyes. "I don't know if I'm ready to be a mother... I'm not sure this is what I want, I mean... What if I died on a mission? What if WE died on a mission?? What if that happened to the entire village and no one but our child survived?! I... I'd be leaving it all alone to try and figure things out... just like when I was fourteen and my village..." I gritted my teeth and sniffled and Gaara gently raise my chin to look at him.

"Do you think I'd ever let that happen? As the Kazekage I will die protecting this village if I have to, and as your fiance I will die protecting you. Our child wouldn't be left alone."

"Does this mean... You want the baby?"

Gaara hesitated before answering. "I lost my mother by me being born... I don't like the thought of loosing you to child birth as well... but if I somehow knew you'd live... then I'd be ok with it."

"...So if I died... you wouldn't love our child? Not one bit?"

"I never said that, I'm just worried... I've never thought about being a father before."

I looked down at my stomach and let go of Gaara's hand to place a hand over it. I then thought of what my new friend had told me. I took a deep breath then took hold of Gaara's hand and set it on my tummy.

"Ya know... a very kind person told me that once I stop trying to think of how I feel and start feeling, I'll know what to do." I looked up at Gaara and into his eyes. "So let's try and feel."

Gaara hesitated but nodded and we both looked at my tummy with our hands resting upon it. Awhile later we had laid down, continuing to feel with our eyes closed. We couldn't feel any kicking of course or anything like a heartbeat. The baby was still too undeveloped for any of that. But we did feel something... I suddenly got images of shopping in the baby section, pushing my child on the swing, tucking them in at night, telling them how I loved them.

I felt a bit more happy at the thought of being a mother. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad... but could I really always be there for them? Could I promise that no harm would ever come to them? Dawn flashed through my mind, causing slight fear and panic, but then I gained control over my thoughts and Setto appeared. Which was funny considering I wasn't trying to think about her... I wonder if having a baby could keep me away from bad thoughts.. like Dawn.

"Do you feel anything?" I asked Gaara.

"Is it the same thing your feeling?"

"I think so... but I'm not sure, you have to tell me."

Gaara chuckled lightly. "Just feel my answer."

"That's such a cliche thing to say.." I pouted.

"You started this."

"Yeah, but it doesn't work that way. At least I don't think so..."

"You want the baby.. don't you?" I remained silent. "Did you know that sometimes you watch Temari and Anna like your jealous?"

"I do?"

"I had a feeling you wouldn't notice. But yes, you do, and it's always when they're with their kids."

"I never realized that..."

"Calienia.." Gaara looked into my eyes with a serious expression. "Do you want this child?" I hesitated. "I don't want to force you to carry a child your not ready for. If you don't want it, I'll personally demand the doctors to remove the child, if you want the baby, we'll keep it. But you have to tell me now, do you want the child or not?"


CLIFF HANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD you know I love to torture you guys~ Next update will come when I feels likes it~ hope ya liked it! Next chappy you'll find out whether Cali keeps the baby or not. Ya never know, I may just kill this child and wait another ten chapters before they have a baby~ *hides behind pregnant Cali to avoid any weapons behind thrown at me* You throw any weapons and the baby is dead for sure!

