Chapter 1

Author-Chan here, that is what my character looks like but please pretend the hair is a little less choppy please. This is a Gaara x OC story.

What happens when lightning meets fire and falls in love with the sand. Author-chan out.


Raiden's POV

Beep Beep Beep

My alarm went off and I had to wake up for school. Groggily I got up for school and hit my alarm clock so it would shut up. Slowly I started to get dressed for school. Quickly and efficiently doing my makeup. Before I left I went to the store. The reason is that me and one of my friends before I had moved away from them would always stop at the store before classes to get snacks. I went in and got some chocolate pocky due to the fact that she would always make me get pocky. I was looking for drinks when I found one that said 'so good you'll be in a different world' or something like that. I saw the flavor which was peach lime and I got one because it was one that my old friend enjoyed. If you didn't already know, my friend is named Akosua Amon. I think we got along because neither of us had many people who stuck around with our names' meanings. My name is Raiden Riku which translates to lightning death and Akosua Amon translates to fire demon and so nobody wanted to be near us and we kinda bonded over that.

And I forgot about school.


"NOO" I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and I made it to school on time. I had dressed in a black button up shirt and a skirt on top of the shirt. I put on a yellow orange kind of colored sweater, kind of like a Zenitsu's and had put on yellow socks but instead of the yellow triangles they were yellow petals like hearts. I put on some yellow boots that go up about two inches and had put on a small amount of makeup consisting of lip gloss and mascara. People had always thought I was cute even though my name was kinda weird. I normally was a good student but after I had got to school I opened tho soda ,where I went we could have them in class as long as we didn't spill them, and I drank about half. I don't quite remember what happened after but I know I blacked out a bit and I had a weird dream.

I woke up and was covered in sand. I looked around and saw some kids about six messing around and playing with each other. But what caught my eye was a small boy sitting on the swing next to the playground. He was watching the kids when he was hit with the ball and he picked it up. He offered it to the children and they ran away screaming monsters. I stand up and realize I'm much shorter than usual. I look down and realize I'm only six. I look the same but I'm small? I shook the thought away and started to walk to the boy. "H-hello" my voice came out as a squeak. If you're wondering why that was because this boy in front of me was none other than Gaara of the sand son of the Kazekage, and also one of my favorite characters, I had a huge crush on him. "Are- are you talking to me" he said with a bit of surprise in his voice ''Yea.. I was wondering if you wanted to play with me" "A-are you sure you wanna play with a monster" "You're not a monster you're a child like me and by the way my name is Raid-"

I woke up to the teacher just about to end the lesson. "Miss Raiden, are you okay?" Asked the teacher. If you're wondering, I used to live in America with Akosua. She moved to Japan and that's why she is used to having honorifics in her name while here we use first names more often.

"Yes I am fine but I think I should head to the nurses office just in case" I said. "Okay dear I think that it would be best to pack your things before you leave. '' The teacher replied and went back to teach the lesson. I started to pack my things when I got a headache. I ignored it and finished packing my things and put them into my locker. Heading to the nurses office my headache slowly got worse until it was a loud pounding in my head and my vision was blurry. I had just managed to open the door before I collapsed, before I passed out I heard the nurse calling my name and then I saw black. 

(Dream starts here)

I woke up to Gaara hovering over me with an emotionless face but if you looked in his eyes you could see worry. "You're up," Gaara said, worry etched in his voice. "Y-yeah, what h-happened," I asked him. "Well you kind of just vanished after i asked your name," he said while looking away from me. "Oh" I said looking down. "H-hey are you okay? '' he asked me. "yep i'm fine" i said standing up and looking at him with a small smile on my face. "I don't think I can say my name so you can call me yellow for now, okay?" I ask/tell Gaara. "Okay," Gaara said cheerfully. With that done I Tagged Gaara and Said "You're it" and started running. Gaara started chasing after me to try and tag me. After about an hour we both got tired and we went to the swings . I stayed off and fell asleep next to a tree.

In the real world

Mystery POV

I walked out of the classroom and saw a person in the middle of the floor. "Hey are you okay?" I asked. She didn't move. I walked up to her and moved her over to see she had not been breathing. "Nurse-NURSE," I had entered the nurses office with her "call the ambulance."

"Hurry get her to the hospital, her pulse is weakening," ordered the school nurse, while checking her pulse. The students cleared the way when the nurse told them that her pulse was weakening. With her body on a stretcher they hurried her to the ambulance while a doctor was getting stuff ready so they could try and save her. When they got in the ambulance her heart stopped so the nurse tried the Defibrillator to restart her heart a couple times when that didn't restart her heart the nurse declared her dead three minutes later.

New life

Third personPOV

I woke up next to a swinging boy who had blood red hair. I could hear whispers of people who thought he must have hurt me and out me there. I looked at the boy then to the people. I stood up and the people looked at me and I turned to Gaara. Said boy looked at me and I went and hugged him just to show the people he wasn't any danger to be around. I heard gasps and whispers around the place, most likely surprised that I had willingly gotten next to the supposed monster. I let go and looked at the crowd and grabbed Gaara then started to walk away.

I dragged him to the spot where we had met and I asked him something that had been weighing on my mind for a while. The reason why is because if i didn't and i accidentally let it slip that would be awkward. "Hey Gaara, why do people insist you're a monster?" I asked , fully knowing the answer.

(Author-chan here I didn't know if he knew about shukaku when he was a child so in my story he does)

 "I have the one tails,Shukaku, sealed in me and everyone thinks I'm a monster because I-I've k-killed people." "Oh Gaara you're not a monster," I said soothingly.

♡Time skip a month before graduation♡

I was walking to the academy when a sand Anbu approached me. "Miss Raiden, we request you leave the village immediately." the Anbu said with an emotionless voice. "But why?" I asked , confused. "It was kazekage-sama's that ordered you to be transferred over to the hidden leaf village. You have an hour to be outside of the village before we remove you by force." the Anbu said. I debated my options. I could either get kicked out and not have my things or I could have my stuff and leave of my own free will, kind of. "Okay, I will pack my things now thank you for telling me." I said as I turned to go home. I packed everything I could carry into scrolls and what I couldn't carry wasn't important.

I had everything I needed and left for the kazekage office. I knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter. "Come in" was heard through the door. I don't necessarily like the Kazekage after what Gaara has told me about him but I had to do what I was about anyway. "Hello sir i would like to inform you that i shall be leaving the village now" i said bowing slightly. "Ok thank you for informing me you may leave." he said waving me off. I left the gates and took one last look at my old home. " good bye Suna... good bye Gaara." I whispered , turning around. I left into the sand and was walking so I could find the next closest village. Konoha, the village hidden in the leaves.

"Hurry get her to the hospital, her pulse is weakening," ordered the school nurse, while checking her pulse. The students cleared the way when the nurse told them that her pulse was weakening. With her body on a stretcher they hurried her to the ambulance while a doctor was getting stuff ready so they could try and save her. When they got in the ambulance her heart stopped so the nurse tried the Defibrillator to restart her heart a couple times when that didn't restart her heart the nurse declared her dead three minutes later.

The end




Just kidding tho this is the end for chapter one.

i had some help on this book check hers out


Author-chan out.
