Chapter 1

"Hi, my name is melody and i am 14 years old. I was born in Nigeria so basically i am a black. I lost my mom to an accident 12 years ago so my adventures are always with my dad. Living in Nigeria is by far great and i thought i was going to stay there forever until...."

Jack: Honey we are moving to the united states

Melody: What? dad no i can't leave Nigeria, i have so many memories and friends here and..

Jack: And you can make new one's in the united states

Melody: No dad i can't

Jack: Melly do you remember when you first wanted to make friends

Melody: No

Jack: I am glad you remember cos you were scared also but you gave it a chance, maybe you can give this journey or whatever you call it a try

Melody: Ok dad i will give it a try

Jack: Thanks honey

"What was i supposed to do? My dad just felt so happy when i said yes, i can't just tell him i don't want to go, i mean its part of the father daughter code. I mean look at his face. This is gonna be a long ride."

                             (The next morning)

" Hey guys, yh am leaving Africa today and i am really, really scared. Don't tell anybody. I honestly have no idea what am going face there, but one thing for sure. Its gonna be a bad one"

Jack:- You ready to go

Melody:- Yes dad, i am ready to go to my misery

Jack:- Look if you don't want to go just say so

Melody:- I don't wanna go

Jack:- Yhhh  you are still going

Melody:- (under her breathe) tried my best

Jack:- What was that?

Melody:- Oh nothing

Jack:- If we waste anymore time talking we are gonna miss our flight

Melody:- Yes dad

                         (8 hours later)

Melody:- We are finally here

Jack:- Yep

Melody:- Oh my are we staying in that estate?

Jack:- No we are staying there

Melody:- Dad you are really funny, cos it sounds and looks as if we are staying in that terrible, miserable, little house

Jack:- Am not joking actually, we are

Melody:- What, but dad

Jack:- Come on is gonna be great, i promise

Melody:- Dad don't you think promise is such a strong word, huh? dad?

Jack:- Melody i don't want to have this conversation again, this house is really priceless trust me

Melody:- What makes this house so priceless dad?

Jack:- story for another day.

" I had no idea what i was gonna face in this new place"

Check watt pad again on the 25th for the continuation trust me is gonna be epic
