Intro, hoe

I'm getting passive-aggressive vibes from that title. Wowie

Hello, it's me, Stella. inserting myself into yet another fandom once again. I'm like the gift nobody asked for. But that's okay!

So I decided to steal a random get to know me tag so you can gEt tO kNoW mE

1. Are you named after anyone?
Stella McCartney yeeT

2. When was the last time you cried?
I cried laughing earlier today because my friend accidentally slid down a skateboard ramp

3. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yeah because I'm an edgy teen

4. Scary movies or happy endings?
Plot twists & cliffhangers oof

5. Favourite smells?
Petrol & talcum powder

6. Do you have any pets
A sphynx cat called Charles. He's p cool

7. How many countries have you visited?
Idk probably like 5 or 6

8. What would you name your children?
I have a whole fucking list of namesย 
- Avery
- Iris
- Corey (u already knoww)
- Lux
- Winona
- Dominique
- Lana
- River (bรชb)
- Sasha
- Frank
- Oriya

9. Do you play any sports?
Hockey, my dude

10. What are your bad habits?
Under-eating! Yikes!

11. What is your zodiac sign?
Uhhhhhย Scorpio

12. How are you?

This chapter is the most mediocre thing ever to be uploaded to wattpad. Sorry!

Anyway, if you're still reading bless you


Okay, I'm actually going now loveyou bye!
