Chapter Ten - Failure Of The Progress

Muichiro's pov

Genya finally stopped and started taking his pants back on while staring at me. I laid on the floor, not talking, not screaming... I was just silent, still shocked from what just happened. Genya came closer to me and grabbed me by my chin to make me face him. He wiped my tears and said "now you see what happens when you make me mad... what happens when you lie to me... when you decide to replace me...Obey me... and nothing like this will happen again.."

Genya then stood up, unlocked the door and walked away leaving me behind. I slowly sat up, but struggled due to the pain in my lower body. I looked at my legs that were covered with blood and semen. Tears immediately built up in my eyes once more as I looked around the room to look for my pants and something to clean the mess with.

Soon I finally left the room and headed home. The last thing I wanted was someone to see me like this and to my luck... "Muichiro?" I heard behind me. I slowly turned around to see Mitsuri walking closer to me. "A-Are you okay? You don't look so good" She asked me. I didn't answer... I just broke down again.

She came closer to me in panic and asked me what's wrong but I couldn't answer... I just kept on crying harder and harder.


At this point I was calmer but I kept on crying. Mitsuri sat on the floor next to me and stroked the back of my head. Later I finally managed to calm down somehow. "Are you okay now? What happened?" She asked.

I didn't answer... "If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay... but you should go home now, you really don't look good. Do you have anyone to pick you up? or will you be able to go home alone? I can talk to the teacher and maybe ask Tanjiro t-" She didn't even finish and I just shook my head before standing up.

"Okay, get better soon," she said and smiled. I forced a smile too, grabbed my bag and began to walk away.

Tanjiro's pov

I heard a door to the classroom open so I looked at who it was, it was Mitsuri. She left like 30 minutes ago to go to the washroom "what was she doing there for so long?" I asked myself as she sat down at her seat. I asked her what took her so long before she just answered with "I'll tell you next break"

The lesson ended and the teacher left the classroom with some other students behind her. Mitsuri turned to look at me and began to talk,

Mitsuri : So throughout the lesson, when I walked to the washroom... I saw Muichiro.. he looked horrible. When I asked him what's wrong he just broke down. I-

Tanjiro : Broke down? D-Did he tell you what happened?!

Mitsuri : N-No he didn't...

Tanjiro : Where is he now?

Mitsuri : He went home.

Tanjiro : Tsk this has to do something with that bastard Genya... he's the only person Muichiro has been talking to.

Mitsuri : Why weren't you talking anyways? Did you get into some kind of fight?

Tanjiro : No it's not that... I'll explain to you someday..

Kanao : Tanji!

Kanao yelled while running to me.

Kanao : So I wanted to ask... There is a new cafe opening today.. Do you want to go with me?

Tanjiro : I am sorry, I can't

Kanao : Wha- Why!?

Tanjiro : Something happened with Muichiro, I need to go check on him.

Kanao : Check on him? But he completely left you out because of Genya he-

Tanjiro : He is still my friend! I don't care what he did, he left me out yes but you don't know the whole story behind it, so stop blaming him.

Kanao : Fine then...

That was all she said before she walked away.

Kanao's pov

As I left the classroom I immediately took out my phone to text Genya.


Genya : He talked with me in the morning about that whole situation with Tanjiro. That he got some stupid text from someone talking about Tanjiro not wanting to talk to him anymore. Let's just say that the thought of seeing Tanjiro with Muichiro made me... lose it.

Kanao : Oh that... that text was from me... Wait, what do you mean lose it? What did you do?

Genya : That's none of your business. All I am gonna say is that... I am glad I did it.

Kanao : Okay? You better fix it and get him to hangout with you again.

Tanjiro's pov - After school

I closed my locker and immediately headed to Muichiro's house. All day I was thinking about what happened to him, what made him break down. It was for sure something with Genya... There's no doubt about that.

When I got to Muichiro's house I knocked on the door multiple times and waited for someone to open the door. Soon his uncle opened the door, he had this worried expression on his face that made me also more worried and curious about what happened.

Tanjiro : O-Oh hello, I am here for Muichiro.

Uncle : Oh come inside

I walked inside and began to take off my shoes as he closed the door and asked.

Uncle : Did something happen to Muichiro at school? He came home early, he didn't even say anything... he just went to his room.

Tanjiro : It's a.. bit complicated. I'll explain everything later.. I'll go check on him now.

I said and headed to Muichiro's room. First I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Nothing. I knocked one more time to still not get any answer. I decided to come into the room anyway. I saw Muichiro sitting on the floor resting his back against the bed. He had knees to his chest and head laid on them with both of the hands around his knees.

"Muichiro?" I said while closing the door. Muichiro flinched and slowly looked at me. His cheeks were covered with tears and they kept coming. I dropped my bag on the floor and immediately went to him. "A-Are you okay? Mitsuri told me about what happened at school. Did Genya do something to you?!" I panicked.

He stood up and ran to me while apologizing as he kept on crying harder and harder. "I-I SHOULD HAVE T-TRUSTED YOU! I-IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" He said before he hugged me thightly still crying loudly. I returned the hug and held him gently before asking "What do you mean by that?". Muichiro didn't say anything more... he just kept on apologizing while sobbing.


A long time had passed, and I managed to calm Muichiro down enough to ask him again what happened. We sat on the bed together, Muichiro had his head on my chest while still sobbing silently. I ran my fingers through his hair still holding him close to me.

Tanjiro : Are you feeling better now?

He nodded slightly.

Tanjiro : What happened? Is it something with Genya?

Muichiro's eyes filled with new tears as he nodded slightly.

Muichiro : I am sorry... I-I should have trusted you... I-I s-should have listened to you... I-I am so, so s-sorry I left you o-out for someone l-like him...

Tanjiro : I-It's okay.. don't worry about it... what exactly he did to you?..

Muichiro : He.... H-He...

I could see that he was on the edge of breaking down again, so I pulled him closer to me and continued stroking his hair in hopes of keeping him calm.

Muichiro : H-He.. r-ra... r-raped m-me...


I yelled out in shock. Muichiro buried his face into my chest and cried.

2 hours later

I laid Muichiro down on the bed and pulled a blanket up to his neck. I ruffled his hair before leaving the room. I slowly closed the door and sighed. "what happened?" suddenlt someone said making me flich. "oh god Yuichiro, you're gonna give me a heart attack" I said laughing akwardly. "after my question.. what... happened?" He said crossing his arms.

I looked at the floor and said "okay, just don't yell". "okay? now say it" I took a deep breath "Muichiro.. he.. got raped by Genya" I said quickly. Yuichiro's mouth opened slightly like he wanted to say something but nothing came out.

"R-Raped?" He said with a shaky voice. I slightly nodded. "what is he doing now?" "he's asleep... I finally calmed him down after couple hours..."

Yuichiro sighed deeply and buried his face into his hands. "alright.. I'll just.. I'lll just tell it to our uncle" He said quietly and left.

1 week later

It has been a week since the incident with Genya. After Yuichiro told their uncle what happened and Muichiro explained the whole story there was no doubt but telling the principal about this whole incident.

Right the next day before school started their uncle talked with the principal and when he got to know the whole thing that happened, he immediately called Genya to his office along with his parents being already informed about the whole situation.

I waited in front of the office waiting for Muichiro to come out. All I could hear was Genya's parents yelling at Genya for doing such a thing while he refused to confirm that something like that happened and kept on saying "I wouldn't do such a thing, I don't know what has gotten into Muichiro... he's my boyfriend after all... right?"

Just like that Genya was immediately expelled for his actions and not even in two days the whole school knew about why he got expelled. Most of the students felt sympathy for Muichiro... how sorry they were for him and that he didn't deserve such a thing but Muichiro couldn't care less... after the meeting with the principal he didn't come to school for over a week.

Until today when he finally decided to come. His anxiety was even higher than before. From not being able to talk to being sensitive to loud noises, fast movements around him and even bigger fear of people. When I asked him if he's okay, he answered yes but just from looking at him, it was clear that he was doing his best to not break down again.

Yuichiro who was with him for the whole week described his state as "I thought I would never see him in this state again... when our parents died... I thought this would be the lowest point I ever see him in and prayed I would never have to see him in so much pain again... it hurts to see him like this again"

I tried to make him feel better, I tried to make him laugh... at least smile but nothing seemed to work. He just looked empty, sad and scared..

Kanao's pov


One of the girls yelled while she ran into the classroom. "What?!" I slammed my hands on the desk in front of me and stood up. "Yeah, apperentaly he raped one of the guys from 10B." My heart dropped.

"Raped? Ugh why would I care about that freak! Only thing I care about is my relationship with Tanjiro... what am I supposed to do now... I am all alone for it..."

I thought....


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