The Disappearance

On entering the hall, the guards were nowhere to be seen. The container containing the Stellar Sphere lay ajar. Cerys ran towards the box and looked in. It was empty.

"Where are the guards?" cried Zane. Suddenly, they heard a groan from behind one of the tables. One of the guards stood up. "What happened?" asked Cerys.

"I don't know," replied the guard. One moment we were all standing guard and then we heard a scream from beyond the hall. Geoffrey went out to look and we heard a bang and a crash. Two of us went to investigate, and that's when I heard something from behind this table. I went to look, and that's the last thing I remember."

"There were no guards outside," said Lena. Where could they have gone? And the container is empty."

The guard came over to look. His face blanched in terror. He grabbed his ComLink. "Alpha, can you hear me? Where are you? Where is everyone?" He received static in response.

Panic ensued in the Ceremonial Hall. Their celebratory event had suddenly turned into a nightmare. Cerys felt a knot tighten in her stomach. "We need to notify the authorities," she declared, trying to keep her voice steady.

"But our NeuroSyncs have been jammed," Lena added, flicking her wrist and showing her device's screen flashing red.

"Someone's trying to isolate us," Rax pointed out, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of danger.

"But why would they take the Stellar Sphere?" Zane asked, his gaze returning to the open container.

"No time to speculate. We need to figure out how to communicate with the outside," Cerys cut in, her training as a space cadet kicking in. They were trained for combat, for emergencies in space, but this was an entirely different scenario.

Suddenly, the room's lights flickered before plunging the hall into darkness. The team froze, instinctively reaching for their sidearms, but they were only met with the cold touch of their empty holsters. Their weapons were confiscated before they entered the premises as a part of the protocol.

A moment later, emergency lights washed the room in a dim red glow. The eerie silence of the hall was now punctuated by the soft whirring of the surveillance cameras, now useless due to the jammed communications.

"This can't be a coincidence," Lena whispered.

"We need to stay together and find a way out," Cerys directed, her voice echoing in the cavernous, dimly lit hall. "Remember our training. Stick together, stay vigilant."

Their heads bobbed in agreement, and they formed a small huddle, back-to-back, watching every corner of the room as they began their careful advance. Their first taste of real adventure had taken a sour turn, and they needed to navigate this unexpected crisis swiftly and wisely. The fate of the Stellar Sphere and their own lives depended on it.

"I'll go find the authorities," said the guard. There must be someone who can help us." He walked past the tables towards the doorway. Suddenly he jerked, and fell to the floor. A lone figure stood in the doorway, impossible to discern due to the dimmed lighting. The figure turned and left.

"Quick, after him!" yelled Cerys. They ran towards the doorway, but by the time they reached it, the figure was nowhere to be seen. They hesitated for a moment, the hallway stretching ominously in both directions. Rax moved to check on the guard, his fingers finding a pulse. He sighed in relief. "He's unconscious, but he's alive."

Zane glanced at the two possible paths. "Should we split up? One of us could possibly catch the intruder while the others try to get the guard to safety."

Cerys shook her head firmly. "No, it's too risky to separate. We stick together. We'll drag the guard along if we have to."

Without further ado, they lifted the guard between them and started down the hallway to the left, the path the figure had most likely taken. Despite the dire situation, they couldn't shake off the thrill that coursed through them. This was what they had trained for - unpredictable situations, quick decision making, teamwork. But the stakes were much higher than any simulation. This was real, and their every action mattered. They ventured into the unknown hallway, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
