The Great War

Alessia's POV

I slashed through the enemy soldiers as fast as I could. But they kept coming no matter how many I killed. I glanced towards my target. Prince William. He was sitting idly on his horse with a bored expression on his face. I somehow made my way to him. A circle of soldiers surrounded him. I pointed my sword at him and shouted as loud as I could.

"Prince William. I, Prince Alex of Devontae challenge you to a duel." I just hoped my voice reached from over the cloth on my face.

He barely glanced at me before shouting back. 

"Do you have a death wish, Prince?"

"Do you accept it or not?".

He jumped down from his horse.

"All right. If you like losing that much."

We began circling around each other. I waited for him to attack first. He did and our swords crashed against each other. I pushed his back with all my might. I aimed for his neck but he blocked my strike. We fought for a while with neither side winning. My arms were starting to ache now. He raised his sword in a high strike and I raised mine to block it, he pulled it back and slashed through my abdomen. 

An exceeding amount of pain passed through me. I stared straight at Prince William and he merely smirked. I looked around as my consciousness started leaving me. We were losing the battle. Killing the prince had been my only chance. 

My knees gave way and I fell on the ground. The wound was deep. I probably won't survive. My family was all I could think of as all turned to black.

[Author's note

Hey guys. This is my first story on wattpad. This will have short chapters. I hope you guys like it.]
