Who's Ready To Rock?!

~Sam's POV~

Riff and I we're making our way to our spots to get our instruments ready so we could begin the preforms to get the string

"Yo, Sammy wait up", I stopped and turned around to see Barb making her way towards me, I turned my head to Riff to see he has stopped as well

"Riff" Riff stopped looking at Barb and looked at me

"Yea?" He asked with a bit of confusing (I love that his a little dumb)

"Get to your drums, I'll be there real soon" he looked at me then Barb then me again and then a little grin grew on his face

"Ok" he said with a nod and turned back around and speed walked away

I turned back around and saw that Barb was behind me and our faces were close

"Jesus!" I yelped and stepped back

Barb just rolled her eyes and laughed a little and took a little step back

"Uh..." clears throat "what's up Barb?"
I swear I was blushing mad

"Nothing, I was just wondering what your thoughts are about this whole plan of mine" she said with a little grin and tilted head to the side, which is really cute

"Um, well I think it's a awesome plan" I said with a happy smile

Barb nodded her head with a satisfied and proud look, like she was happy with herself and my answer

"Ok, good to know"


"O.K yelp I better get going and get ready, uh see ya after Barb" I said with a awkward smile after breaking the silence

"Oh! Oh yea, see ya" Barb said back also with a awkward smile but a little blush on her checks, with that I turned around and walked fast to get to my spot were Riff was probably waiting

~Barb's POV~

After my little conversation with Sammy I got to the opening of the angle bus and saw it started opening, here we go

The front of the angle bus opened and I see King Trollex

"Hey man, there he is! King Trollex of the techno trolls right?" I said while looking at him and where the other techno trolls where (totally not counting them)

"That's right, who's asking" King Trollex said not seeming scared or nervous, welllll he will be soon

"Queen Barb, of the hard rock trolls" I said like it was obvious but all he did was shrug his shoulders confused, but I wasn't done

"Aaaand I'm here to take your string bro" with that I played a little bit of my guitar with a grin

"No way" oh now his nervous

"Oooh, don't do it man" ew what the hell is that, never mind

"If we lose our string, we lose our music" he seems a little angry

"You mean your bleeps and bloops?" Then I made bleeps and bloops noises

"Ha yea that's not music, you want to hear real music?" And I said with a evil grin


I look around out the outside of my bus angle to see the small other bus angles open up at the front to see groups of rockers with their instruments ready to play

Then we start to play, I turn around to see Riff with his drums and Sam with her guitar coming up from the ground

"Here I am!"
"Rock you like a hurricane!"

With the last play of my guitar I sent a power strike at King Trollex's dj booth and it split in half

"Okay okay! Enough stop, you're harshing the vibe we worked very hard to build to" King trollex said looking scared and sad

"Oh! But by the end of my world tour we're all gonna have the same vibe, we're gonna be one nation of trolls. Under rock!"

Then we started playing again

"Who's ready to rock?!"


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
