Welcome to my life

YAY MORE QUESTIONS, btw if I tag you and your question and u don't get a notification, I'm sorry. Cause when Wattpad updated it changed how to tag and I still haven't figured it out yet. If any of you know plz tell me because I want the person to know if I answered they're question.
First question comes from @_hawkflop_
"Where do you get the holy water?"
- I've answered this in my announcements page, but I get the holy water from our lord and king Pewdiepie. He is awesome and a amazing, hilarious you tuber.*cough* even though he steals ideas from pyrocynical *cough* *cough*. But yeah, that's where I get it boiiiissss.
Next question comes from @fabianafilms
"how many times have you seen bts smut in the most popular tag for fanfics?? and have you read any of them? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
- I personally haven't seen any bts smut on my page when I open up, but I mostly stay in my recommended or I'm looking for a specific kind of story through the search. BUT LORD HAVE MERCY I CAN NOT COUNT ON MY FINGERS HOW MUCH I AM TAGED IN THE COMMENTS OF BTS SMUT! I open up my notifications and all I mostly see is people tagging me for holy water on bts smut stories. It's a lot, but doesn't mean I won't help when needed.
- I, myself, don't read bts smut. Because, 1, I'm not a big fan of them and, 2, when it comes to smut stories about real life people, I try to stay away from that. Now starting with one, I've always liked bts, they're all adorable boys, they're music is great and so is they're dancing 👌🏻 👌🏻 👌🏻, but I'm not a big fan of them and I don't know much about them. I've tried to get into the fandom, but I just wasn't really interested in joining. But I do have a friend who loves bts and has a story out. Go check out Proud_BTSARMY cause she good at writing. Btw nothing against the fandom, they seem cool
Now on to two, it just makes me uncomfortable to read smut story about someone in the real world. But that's just my opinion, if like those kinds of stories I got nothing against ya.
Also @fabianafilms wanted me to show more cat photos. Here u go:

Ok y'all I'm tired and need to go to bed, leave questions in the comments or dm me at any time... ok maybe not anytime but you get it.
See ya guys, girls, and people
Love y'all
- TheOfficalHolyWater
