Chapter 4: Prepare for an Emergency Landing!

(As the festivities continued, there were a lot of mishaps. Tag, Scooch, Gilber, Cheddar Biscuit, Frank, Beans, Big Dog, Little Dog, and Manhole Dog were playing "Pin the hat on the pumpkin" when a Boeing 757-300 rolls by and causes another disruption.)

Tag: (Shouting) Ugh! Too many planes!

Scooch: (Shouting) WHAT?!

(In another part of the festival, some students from True Tail were dancing to the music of Melody, Harper, and Lyra dressed as a magician, black cat, and marching band student, respectively. An Airbus A330-300 passes by suddenly after landing. Causing a second disruption.)

Harper: (Shouting) Who dares to interrupt my performance?!

Caleb: (Shouting) WHAT?!

Melody: (Shouting) IT'S SO LOUD!!

(Meanwhile, other students, Nature Cat, Squeeks, Hal, Daisy, Hugo, children of Petsburg, and others, were watching Dylan and Doh-Li, dressed as a vampire and witch, respectively, preforming magic spells. An MD11 passes by suddenly causing a third disruption. Everyone covers their ears)

Tank: I take that back. These planes can be really noisy.

Dylan: Yeah, maybe we should talk to Stanford now? Maybe express our concern?

Daffy: Yeah, that's a pretty good point.

(Just as he said that, Stanford frantically runs towards them with fear.)

Stanford: (Frantically) Guys! You have to get out of here!

Luna: Huh?

Roxy: How come?

Stanford: (Frantically) We have a huge problem. The last plane, a Boeing 777-300, the non extended range variant, can't land safely. It has nearly 130 people onboard!

(Caleb walks in his detective costume)

Caleb: Okay, so what's its callsign?

Stanford: SkyNort 537. It's registered as N442NX. (November 4-4-2 November X-Ray).

Caleb: And why can't it land safely, exactly?

Stanford: (Frantically) Its front landing gear is stuck inside the plane! I calculated that the plane doesn't have enough room to stop safely! It's going to crash into your festival!

Viktor: Okay, Caleb, you can stop doing that detective thing now. This is serious.

Caleb: Okay, fine. (Puts away notebook and pencil). What do we do?

Roxy: Can it go to another airport?

Stanford: It can't! It only has 30 minutes' worth of fuel left! It can't divert to O'Hare!

All: What?!

Bobby: How in the whiskers did that happen?

Stanford: (Frantically) I don't know! They only loaded enough fuel for the flight at the origin airport, Ciudad de México, Mexico City! (Calms down, then sighs) Look, I'm sorry for testing this airport during your Halloween festival. I should've thought more about you guys instead of Templeton Airport.

Derek: I'm sorry, too.

Ralph: We're all sorry.

Phinny: Thanks for apologizing, Stanford and Derek. (Looks at the Pupstruction crew's trucks and the runway) And I just thought of a way to save that plane. What if instead of evacuating the festival, we extend the runway?

Katrina: That's an awesome idea. How fast can you get it done?

Phinny: Fast enough to save that plane, but we need everyone on deck, including you and your friends. Here's the plan: (Takes out blueprint book) Luna, I need you to unbolt the ILS System and runway lights, and I'll use my crane to put it in its new location.

Luna: I dig it!

Phinny: Lola and Porky, I need you to smooth out the area and clear rocks with your bulldozer and steam roller.

Lola: You got it.

Porky: (Stammering) Sounds good!

Phinny: Tank, I need you to pour in the asphalt, and Daffy, you haul in the on-runway lights.

Tank: Ready to haul!

Daffy: You got it, Phinny. Wahoo! (Runs off to his dump truck.

Phinny: Roxy and Tweety, I need you to hammer everything into place

Roxy: Let's crush this!

Tweety: Okay!

Phinny: Sam and Kit, I need you to get everyone to safety and get the fire and crash rescue crews ready.

Kit: Gotcha, Phinny!

Sam: Let's do this.

Phinny: And lastly: Stanford and Derek, I need you to track how much fuel the plane has left and clear them to land once we're finished.

Stanford: Of course.

Derek: We gotcha!

Phinny: Alright then, let's crank it up!
