oh shiiit!!!

      I was relaxing in my room when a loud bang came from my door. I opened it only to see..." You damn brat what did you do to me!? " you guess it. It was corporal neko levi and he was surprisingly adorable. " awwwww heichou~ " I rubbed his cat ears which were soft. He mewled in delight but still kept that same emotionless face up " you did this to me" " so what if I did? " he glared at me " I'm definitely punishing you after this. But for now you have to take care of me you shitface " I chuckled silently not minding. I lead him to the bed and sat him down " alright lemme get some food ok heichou? " he glared at me " tch " with that I left. When I came back having breakfast I opened the door to see eren and ash with levi. Ash was petting him while eren was talking to him. " what are you guys doing here? " ash spoke up " well eren wanted to wake you up so we can go on a run but I honestly wanted to stay in bed.." She spoke in a raspy voice the slight bags under her eyes proved she had a nightmare that night. I smiled and said " hey eren maybe mikasa and Armin would go with you? Ash needs some sleep and I have heichou to take care of " he nodded smiling " I figured. She almost ripped my head off this morning. And heichou probably need taken care of. Mikasa will be happy to go o a run and Armin is probably gonna try and get out of it but I can make him go " levi suddenly turned full cat and lied in my lap purring " I like you more in this form heichou heh.." He opened his eyes and glared at me hissing slightly. I giggled while ash laughed and eren snickered levi honestly unamused. " alright fools I'm going to sleep." heichou turned back and Nuzzled her still keeping a stoic face saying " you need it. " she blushed slightly and smiled petting him again " aight' little Lele! Enjoy breakfast! " me eren and levi looked dumbfounded " Lele? " she blushed and said " a nickname ok! Don't judge me! Goodnight!" Eren muttered " more like good day " she flipped him off and walked to her room. Eren chuckled " bye guys " levi nodded a bye and Y/N just smiled and waved ( just smile and wave boys. Smile and wave ) as soon as eren was gone levi and Y/N ate. As she was getting up levi grabbed her waist and made her sit again before laying on her. His head on her Chest and fell asleep. She smiled patting his head then too falling in a deep slumber.

A/N: HIIIIII AGAAAIN did you like Levi's nickname?? I suck at nicknames so :P I would probably call him riville or something. ;-; but anyway hope you enjoy! Leave a comment! And I love you all!!! Ashy out!
