
sunday, 14 march 2021

Carefully, Winnie dragged the mascara wand over her curled eyelashes. She was careful not to get anything on her sparkly green eyelids, that matched her long olive green dress. Sitting in front of the vanity, she smiled as she watched Karl come up behind her in the mirror. 

"Hi," he mumbled, placing a soft kiss to her overgrown roots. 

"Hello," she replied, grinning at him through the mirror as he rested his chin on her head. 

"We're gonna be late," he said, watching her go back to putting the mascara on. 

"Then stop distracting me!" she said, laughing a little.

"Mm." he hummed. "No."

A lot had happened over the past 8 months. For starters, Winnie and Karl's relationship was still going strong. They's been dating ever since that day when Winnie's mom showed up, and both were very happy. 

Hillary had made the move back to North Carolina. She was living in a condo a few towns over, and she and Winnie visited each other frequently. They were still repairing their relationship, but it had been going well. Winnie was pleased to have her mom back. 

Her brother Owen even came to visit over his winter break from school. Their reunion was filled with tears, but was overall a very fond memory for them both. He had run from the gate in the airport to her and hugged her so hard that she was lifted from the ground. She was astounded to see how tall he had gotten, and how much mature he looked. His stay during January was the happiest Winnie had been in a long time. 

She still kept in touch with Faye, even more so after she broke her sobriety. Faye threatened to get a plane ticket when she heard the news about Hillary's return, but Winnie urged her not to. Faye remained one of Winnie's biggest supports during her recovery, despite being across the country. 

The Hallows were her other support system. Chandler, who had been her rock the whole time, had arranged a system in which she had contact with at least one person while she was recovering. She frequently went to dinner at his parent's house, and she went out to brunch and shopping with Hannah. Cassidy texted nearly every day, and Zach liked to show up randomly to check in on her. 

Tricia, even though Winnie had her mom again, remained as her second mother. She took just as much care of Winnie as Hillary did, and Todd was just as supportive. It took them a while to forgive Hillary for her past actions, but now, 8 months later, everyone got along relatively well. Winnie was so grateful for everything. 

"Okay, I'm done. Can you grab my purse?" she said, which left Karl to walk into the living room to get her purse. She grabbed her white shoes, carefully picked to match the small white flowers dotted across the fabric of her dress. 

She stood as Karl entered her bedroom again, handing her the bag. She pulled the strap over her shoulder, standing up on the tips of her toes to kiss him. As she broke away, Karl frowned and pulled her back to him with his arms around her waist. She laughed. 

"We're going to be even more late!" she said. "Let's go!"

He groaned but obliged, following her out of the bedroom and out the door, walking down the stairs toward his car. He opened the door for her like always, running around to the driver's side after he had closed her door. 

When they arrived at the Hallow house, Winnie walked in to see streamers and balloons decorating the living room. She laughed and shook her head. Tricia appeared in the doorway from the kitchen, with a big smile. 

"Winnie! Happy Birthday!" she exclaimed, moving across the room to hug her. Winnie grinned happily as she returned the hug. 

"I see you went all out." she said. 

"Of course I did." replied Tricia. "Come, everyone's sitting at the table."

"Oh no, are we late?" she asked, following the woman to the dining room. 

"No, I'm almost done cooking. You're right on time." she said. 

Everyone cheered when they saw Winnie. Sitting around the table (and folding table that had been pushed up against the regular table to make more space) was her mother, Zach, Hannah, Cassidy, Chandler, Cara, Todd, Chris, and Katie. There were three empty spaces, and Karl and Winnie took two of them. 

There was a chorus of hellos and happy birthdays, Winnie replying and thanking everyone for the wishes. She and Karl chatted with everyone for a few minutes before Tricia brought out the food. Winnie thanked her profusely as she watched the woman set down a large platter of cooked ham. 

After everyone ate, she helped Tricia clear the table before she was sent away so Tricia could bring out the cake. With 2 big lit candles displaying '22,' Tricia slowly walked into the dining room with a decorated cake. 

"Happy birthday to you, 

Happy birthday to you. 

Happy birthday dear Winnie, 

Happy birthday to you!"

She blushed as everyone sang the familiar tune, blowing out the candles at the end. Cheers filled the air, and people started pulling out gifts. 

Zach gave her a box of white chocolate dipped strawberries, sprinkled in birthday sprinkles. In his card was a $100 gift card for amazon, which Winnie thought was way too much. After Zach was Cassidy And Hannah, and they pulled out an apple watch. Winnie's jaw dropped, and she remembered telling Cassidy that she wanted one. She told them that they were crazy, but they insisted she accept the gift. 

Chandler and Cara got Winnie a customized sketchbook and the nicest drawing pencils she knew of, along with another $100 gift card. She laughed as she thanked them, remarking that everyone was spending entirely too much money on her. 

Chris and Katie handed her a card. Inside, along with 2 $100 bills, was a long written note from Chris detailing his pride in her for how strong she was, and how he loved being her friend. Katie wrote a small note as well, and the combination made her cry a little. 

"Okay, our turn!" said Tricia, getting up from her seat and disappearing into the kitchen. 

When she reappeared, she was holding a large picture frame. Standing, she turned it around. Winnie gasped as she took it in. It was a large collage, featuring pictures of Winnie with everyone. She could see the picture of her and Owen at the airport, selfies with Cass and Hannah, family pictures from the fourth of July, goofy pictures of her with Zach, pictures of her filming for Jimmy, pictures of her and Karl, and some of just her. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as they darted back and forth across the collage. She got up from her seat, giving Tricia a hug. 

"Thank you." she said, breaking away to give her a smile. 

"It's from me and your mom." said Tricia. 

Winnie turned to Hillary, who was sitting across from her. She gave her a genuine smile, whispering a thank you to her too. Todd cleared his throat as she took a seat, handing her a blue envelope. He too wrote her a message, which was just as funny as it was sentimental. He included a gift card, which Winnie said he shouldn't have. She thanked him just as profusely as she had everyone else. 

"Okay, everyone, I want to thank you guys-"

"Hold on," said Karl, getting out of his seat and disappearing into the kitchen. Winnie was confused, because he had already given her a set of colored pencils that morning. When he returned, he was holding a small green bag with white tissue paper sticking out of it. She laughed when he set it down in front of her. 

"You guys are spoiling me too much." she said, taking out the tissue paper. 

Inside was as card and a jewelry box, big enough for a necklace. She turned to look at Karl, who had a big grin on his face. She decided she would look at the card first. The card was a simple one, only displaying two stick figures holding hands. She thought that was cute. Inside, on the opposite side from the printed "Happy Birthday!" was a long note written in Karl's neat handwriting. 


Happy birthday, Winnie. I hope it's a good one,
because you deserve it. You deserve the world,
actually. These past eight months have been
the happiest months of my life, and it's all you.
You make my world so much better, and I can't
imagine life without you. When I think of you, I
can't help but smile. You are truly my happy
place, and falling in love with you is the best
thing that ever happened to me. It's daring to
say I know this feeling will last forever, but
there's no doubt in my mind that I want to
spend my life by your side. 

"My heart is and always will be yours." -jane austen

She knew what was up. I love you, Winnie. 

Happy Birthday, pumpkin. 

Karl's note left her sniffling and wiping away even more tears, pulling him in for an emotional hug. He soon pulled away, motioning to the white jewelry box sitting on the table. "Open it!"

She carefully opened the box, and inside was the most beautiful piece of jewelry she'd ever seen. It was a pice of jade that matched her dress perfectly, held in place by delicate and intricate gold koi fish and lotus flowers. Her jaw dropped as she looked back to Karl. 

"Oh my god. This is so beautiuful." she said, holding up up to show Cassidy when she demanded to see what Winnie was talking about.

She gave the necklace to Karl, holding her hair up so he could put it around her neck. He placed a quick kiss to her cheek before he sat back down. Winnie thanked everyone up and down for their generosity and thoughtfulness, telling them that she was over the moon. 

And do you want to know what her birthday wish was?

For everything she had now to stay just as it is.

The end. 
