Chapter 18

After a few weeks you get fully healed, you guys moved to the city of Busan and stayed there forever next to each other apartment.

You guys were completely like a families after what have happened between you guys, all of you never separated from each other and hold each other when you guys were in a bad days or so on...

You guys even made a wings for each of you to fly together as one forever. You were happy that you met them in your life cause if you don't, you wouldn't be able to be alive no more.

They saved you when your about to suicide a few years ago and you just love them as a payback for their kind hearts.

You and X1 members are now even being so closed to each other and loved them as what they were. Meanwhile Ateez, they were like you siblings because whenever you need someone to talk or lean with, they were there to comfort you and you even did the same when they're sad.

You guys took a bus to the city of Busan while joking around with each other like there's no tomorrow which make the old married couple smiled towards all of you, seeing you guys were happy and they just smiled to each other then lean on each others.

You loved being with them and they completely changed everything in your life and you can't asked for any other things more cause having them were the greatest gift you have after you lost Yuqi in your life. You even started to accept the reality of Yuqi left you but still she stayed beside you 24/7.

You looked towards them, seeing they're playing with each other and joked around. Then, Jongho put his arm over your shoulders and smiled towards you when you looked at him.

You smiled back and hugged him.

"Having a hug without inviting us, we see." San and Dongpyo said while pouting.

You guys just laughed and made a big group hugs while laughing your heads off.

A few minutes later~

You guys finally arrived at the new apartment and started to pack out all the things inside you bags. When you guys done, you guys decided to make a camping at the beach and stayed there for a few days or maybe a few weeks.

All of you went inside the van and start to sing a song while Seungwoo and Yunho drives since you guys separated in two groups.

You guys laughed and started to play games while on your ways to the beach. A few minutes later, you guys fell asleep while still on your ways to the locations.

While sleeping, you dream about Yuqi standing in front of you while smiling.

You smiled back at her and went to hugged her as tight as you could. When you broke the hug, she hold your hand and began to talk.

"Thanks for everything you did for me, Y/n." She said while smiling sweetly towards you.

You shake your head and start to shed a tears while looking at her in the eyes deeply.

"No... I should be the one who said that and I'll grateful to have you as my sister in my life." You said while crying.

She just cry together with you and wipe the tears off of your cheeks with her thumbs. She put the strands of hair behind the back of your ears and cupped your cheek.

"I can't stay any longer and I have to go now,Y/n. Mom is waiting for me there and hope you don't mind if I go cause my job is now officially done."

"I wouldn't mind at all and go on, you can go." You said while crying.

She patted your head before made her ways to your mom who has a big smiled on her face while looking at you.

"You've grown up as a gorgeous women, Y/n. I'm sorry that both of us can't stayed with you no more since our jobs is done."

"It's okay... I understand that you need to go. I'll let you guys go." You said while smiling.

"I promise that you'll stay healthy and safe around them and don't forget that we'll always love you for who you are."

With that they're gone as and white dust, flying in the air before slowly fading away.

You smiled and just stood there feeling grateful for everything..
