Whispering Rock

A picture of a brain is shown in front of a stage in the woods and then a tiny man in army wear walks in front and speaks to the people.

Olender - The human mind six hundred miles of synaptic fiber, five and a half ounces of cranial fluid, fifteen hundred grams of complex neural matter... a three-pound pile of dreams but I'll tell you what it is. It is the ultimate battlefield--and, the ultimate weapon. The wars of this modern age--The Psychic Age--are fought somewhere between these damp, curvaceous undulations. From this day forward, you are all Psychic Soldiers. Paranormal Paratroopers! Mental Marines who are about to ship out on the adventure of their lives! This (points to the brain diagram) is our beachhead! And this [points to his head] is your landing craft. You shall engage the enemy in his mind! You shall chase his dreams, you shall fight his demons, you shall live his nightmares! And those of you who fight well will find yourselves on the path to becoming international secret agents. In other words Psychonauts!! The rest of you will die.

The people Coach was lecturing were a group of terrified children and this made a boy with a tinfoil helmet cry in terror

Dogen - WAAAAAA!

Then three other people showed one was a man with a cold demeanor, the other was a woman wearing a bright dress, and the last was a man with Black hair and a large dog walking next to him.

Sasha - Oh, Morry.

Chase - They're just kids.

Milla - Children, you are not going to die.

Oleander - Well, if you're not a Psychonaut, you might as well be dead!

Cut back to the campers the boy with a tinfoil helmet is still crying

Dogen -  [sniffling] They told me this was a summer camp...

Dogen gets comforted by a girl with pigtails and a checked dress

Lili - Oh, Dogen. Don't worry about ol' Coach Oleander. I've been coming here for years, and trust me--nothing ever happens.

Then a boy with sizeable orange hair speaks to Dogen

Bobby - Yeah, Dogen. Lili's right! You don't get anything to worry about... 'except for that giant monster in the lake I was tellin' you about.

Dogen shacks in fear until Coach speaks up 

Oleander - Bobby Zilch I told you to stop scaring people with that ridiculous old legend, I don't want the kids to be afraid to go out at night and walk alone on the perfectly safe paths of Whispering rocks psychic summer camp, and we don't want to scare our guest superstar Sasha Nien, Chase Sliver, and Milla Vodello.

While the Coach is speaking a shadow looms over the campfire in a nearby tree Sliver's dog Nebula begins to sniff the hair

Chase - What is it, girl you smell something.

Chase crouches down and rubs Nebula's back and links up to her psychically

The shadow moves closer to hear and then falls out of the tree and lands in the bushes scaring the campers

Dogen - Lake Monster!

Sasha - Formation!

The four get into formation as the shadow rushes through the bushes

Milla - It's resting.

Chase - I have a lock on it.

The four focus on me and then I pull the shadow and is floated towards the stage to reveal to be a boy

Milla - Quick bring it over here!

Sasha - What is it?

Milla - It's just a little boy! What's your name, darling?

Oleander - I'll find out!

The Coach tries to pry into the boy's mind but fails

Oleander - Can't... get... in... ach!

The Coach lets the boy go and he lands safely on the ground

Boy - My Name.

Oleander - starts with a "D"

Raz - is Razputin. [Coach growls softly] But everybody calls me, Raz.

The girl with the pigtails looks at Raz with interest and attraction

Dogen - Please don't kill us, lake monster!

Sasha - Compelling.

Oleander Armored like a tank!

Chase - I didn't even detect his psy - aura

Raz - Sorry I'm late. I don't want to disrupt your briefing, Agent Oleander. Agents Nein, Vodello, S. Please, continue.

 Oleander - Where do you think you're going?

Sasha - You've broken into a highly-classified, remote government training facility

Raz - I know! Isn't it great? Listen, why don't I just sit over here quietly with my fellow PSI cadets-- Hey, how's it going? [to Dogen] I like your hat [Dogen smiles]

Sasha - We need to have this young man taken from here immediately

Chase - I agree he's lucky that he made it this far

Milla -  I'll call his parents

Raz - What? But, don't you train Psychonauts here?

Milla - Yes, darling, but--

Raz - To soar across the astral plane? To wage psychic warfare against the enemies of free thought?

Oleander - That is what I wrote on the front of the pamphlet...

Raz - Those words are why I'm here, Coach Oleander. Do you remember what you wrote on the inside of that pamphlet? "You were born with a special gift. But the people around you treat it like a curse. Your mother was afraid of you, and your father looks at you with shame in his eyes. Come to Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp, and you can show them all! Back home, your powers make you a loner, an outcast, a circus freak. But in this dojo, in this psychic dojo, they make you a hero."

Oleander - Get that soldier a bunk!

At the cabin area, the other kids wearing to their bunks while Milla was talking to Raz outside the boy's cabin but Lili overhears her talking

Milla - Now darling you can stay here for a few days until your parents come for you but we can't let participate in any paranormal training, without your parent's consent I'm sorry.

Mia walks away Raz sits down on the cabin steps as Dogen joins him

Dogen - Wowee you're so lucky, you get to go home soon.

Raz- Home, back there I was just like you are Dogen punished by my own family for having powers I didn't ask for, but here I have a chance, to be something to make a difference, they come for me Dogen, but they looking for Raz the boy but they are going to find, what they don't expect is Raz the psychonaut.

Dogen - And, then you make their heads explode.

Raz - No do you do that

Dogen - Ounce kinda but now I where this special hat wanna try on

Raz - No no no

Back with the adults Mia joined up with Sasha, Chase, Nebula, and Oleander

Sasha - But he has mental defense like I've never seen in someone so young if I just get him in my lab for some experiments I'm sure he can withstand more than the others.

Chase -  I'll give it to him he ain't no rookie I wanna see how he handles in the ring.

Oleander - That kid is one in a million Nien, Sliver but not gonna let you turn him into one of your guineapigs or punching bag, I've got big plans for that mind.
