Twenty-One | A Wedding (Last Chapter)

No Ones POV

"Be very careful." Rachel Hudson told her 27 year old daughter, Elle Hudson- soon to be Elle Bentley. Elle carefully pulled her mothers wedding dress out of the box, gazing at the beautiful white wonder of lace and diamonds.

  "You're sure I can wear it, mom?" her daughter looked at her unsurely.

  "Of course! Just remember after the ceremony and pictures, give me the dress back and I'll help you put your dress on so you can take more pictures in that." she kissed her daughters forehead and helped her get squeezed into the tight-fitting dress.

  "Geez mom how did you squeeze into this while you were pregnant with me?" asked a struggling Elle. Rachel laughed and shook her head.

  "I was only two months along with you at the time, and it was honestly too big with the corset on underneath." Rachel said while zipping up the dress. Elle gracefully walked over to the full length mirror and smiled at her self. I'm at

  "Thank you mom." Elle waddled over to her mother and hugged her. A single tear went down Rachel's cheek as she took in the moment.

"You're growing up." Rachel told her little girl backing away from their hug. "Okay. Let's get you out of here and go get you married." Rachel wiped her tears and led her daughter to the main entrance, where her husband Finn Hudson was waiting for his daughter to make her entrance, so he could walk her down the isle. Rachel quickly kissed her husband and made her way to her son, Dalton Hudson, her partner to walk down the isle with. "Ready my son?" Rachel asked him. He kissed her cheek, and the music cued for them to walk down the isle.


"My daughter Elle, is one of the reasons why my life is perfect." Rachel smiled, while holding her champagne glass. "When I gave birth to Elle, I thought motherhood, was going to be one of the hardest things in the world. But I was wrong." she smiled at Elle and her newly-wed husband. "Letting her get married was the hardest thing." everyone laughed at Rachel's speech as she continued. "Mr. Bentley, I have a few tips for you about Elle." Rachel smiled at the boy. "When Elle is in pain, she doesn't like to come out and tell you. She likes to bottle it up inside, and then there's always a breaking point. It's the same way when she gets angry." Rachel smiled as Elle put her hand on her forehead, embarrassed by her mothers toast. "Elle is someone who can't keep secrets very well. For instance, when I was pregnant with Dalton, I was going to surprise Finn with the news but Elle beat me to it." everyone laughed at her as Elle covered her face. "Oh, and Elle can hold a grudge, very well. Once, I told this boy about Elle's crush on him, and she didn't talk to me for a week." Elle smiled at her mother, knowing where she was going with her toast. "But, that very boy was you, Landon." she smiled at Elle's husband. "And look where you two ended up." she smiled and raised her glass. "To my beloved daughter, and son in law. Cheers!" Rachel raised her glass as all the people copied her. Rachel sat down and Finn smiled at her. He started talking.

  "And to think, all this wouldn't have happened, if it wasn't for us being psychic."
