
Look said Lassiter, this is where the girl was last seen. Taken from added Henry, By Ethan. No proof said Shawn, and i think Ethan's a good guy. You think. Really whined Shawn, You're supposed to be on my side! No said Lassiter, there's Ethan. I knew it said Henry returning to his crime to take more people. Well said Gus, it doesn't look legal what he's doing. Ethan and a man in a black suit were laughing and pointing at a girl across from them. She was crying. Ethan was wearing a buttoned suit black with an orange tie. Ethan's friend pointed to the girl again. Her Ethan scoffed, too easy. You won't get far, I'll bet you 200. Ohh high roller Ethan said giving him the money. As he did, Ethan put on his black glasses and walked toward the bar and sat next to the girl. Do you mind he asked nicely. No it's fine sobbed the girl. okay he asked. I'm fine, thanks though. Want me to buy you a drink? I'd love one she replied with kindness in her eyes. may i ask what's wrong? You may she laughed. Well, what's wrong? My boyfriend, broke up with me. Oh he said, my girlfriend left me. Why? She uh died. Oh i'm so sorry. Ever since then i haven't been with anybody. Me neither. How long she asked. 2 years. Wow, mine was about 10 minutes ago. Hey he said, i have an idea, you come on a walk with me, talk about your boyfriend and i'll just listen. With that she gave a confused look than kissed him. Good Juliet isn't here said Lassiter. Why asked Shawn. None of your business spencer. What about juliet asked a voice from behind them. They turned to see Juliet. What about me? Oh nothing said Lassiter a bit concerned. He stood in front of Ethan and the girl. What are you hiding Lassiter? Nothing he replied. Your boyfriend is cheating on you complained Henry. My boyfriend? Him he said pointing toward Ethan who was kissing the girl. He stood up. How bout we go the girl asked rubbing his face. Will do. The girl removed Ethan's glasses and his blue eyes that cast an ocean. Your eyes are amazing the girl sighed. How about we go? Ethan put his suit jacket over her. He escorted her out towards the door, got a high five from his friend and the 400 bucks. He walked past the detectives giving them a smile until he saw Juliet then shamefully looked away. Then he walked out. Even though you hate him Henry said Gus, he's got skills, you have to admit. A Manipulative SOB. Ethan's friend started to come towards the detectives. Juliet just kept her shocked expression. You like him, don't you asked Shawn. I may Shawn, but, out of respect for what happened to him, i won't date him unless he says it's okay. What about what i say? Shawn said Juliet, i need to do what i want, and what i want to do is be with Ethan. Don't do it said Henry, don't fall for his tricks. I'm not having this conversation. Wait Juliet stay away Henry called after her.

Juliet's POV

I hated that about Ethan. That he could never be with someone at the station. Even if he had a bad experience that i respected, he needed to recover. I'd get one of my friends t go out with him, then when he's ready, i'd swoop in and ask him. Otherwise, if it didn't go well, i'd stay away. forever. As i fought with myself over this idea i felt a drop of liquid from above. Rain i repeated. No other water dropping though. I decided to look up. To my horror was a man, dripping blood from a top the building above. The man had a stab wound with a frightened look on his face as he fell towards the ground below.
