It was a bit hectic getting through security and finding seats but once you where all sat down you and sam go find a Starbucks and get everyone drinks. When you get back you see everyone's either asleep or looking at a screen. You and sam walk over giving people coffe and tea. You sit next to woods resting your head on his shoulder and Hugh resting his head on your lap.

After half an hour you go and check to see how long till your flight and see a delayed by 2 hours sign under your flight and walk back over to the others with a big groan. "You guys are ginna love what I just saw," you say sitting back down as heads turn to you. "What?" Sam asks. "Good or bad? Is it food!" Tanner asks excitedly. "Snacks?!" Matt asks. "Bad, no and no. Our flight has been delayed by 2 hours so we're due to leave at 11am instead of 9am" you explain with a sad tone. With lots of groans you put in your airpods and fall asleep.

Your woken up by woods gently saying "cmon it's time to get on the flight." You slide up stoll half asleep and walk over to the cue to get on the plane with Hugh at your heels panting. After a 10 minute wait in the cue with a rude Karen a few people ahead of you, yiu get on the plane. Seating:-

Ryan sam         you woods connor
Tanner haily      matt luna Amanda

you get inot your seats and squeeze Hugh below you. You text your dad a brother while you wait to take off. Once on the air yiu check your emails and see a email from John doe.


I have heard news that your uncle has been under
Arrest as I am not certain please do not tell your
Friends. I wish for it to stay between us. Your father
Has contacted me about your safety and asks you
To come into hiding with me and your mother.
You do not have to come but he does think it is
Best. Your mother will be happy to see you if you
Come. Please take safety a big priority and make
Sure to not get any harm as your father will come
To me about it and I do not want to deal with that.

John Doe.

You read the email debating whether it would be safer if yiu went into hiding. You then see an email from your mum/mom.

Hi honey!

How is your life? Please contact me
I know you have contact with your
Father and brother so what about me?
I do however request that yiu come and
Love with me in hiding for yiur safety.
And I do not wish yiu force yiu but I dont
Appreciate it if you don't. I know it is your life
And yiu should live it but you will be safer.
If you need to talk more to family just email
Me I will be way more understanding of
Your situation than your father and

Mum/mom x

You lie back in your chair your mind going crazy over whether yiu should stay or go and hide. After a long think but not a decision you fall asleep again. You wake up a few hours later and check how long till you land. You decide you wake up the others since there's 10 minutes till you land.
