Chapter 13 - Problematic... really problematic

Shia LaBeouf as Robb

The energy in the room was crazy. I knew some people in the viewing room but many of them were part of the american crew. My best guess was that some of them had already heard of me because of Robb but witnessing this exchange between him and RM was in a different level.

I thought about going on twitter to see what was the public opinion but I quickly put some sense in my head and decided to stay in the dark. I could sense everyone looking at me, I think I even forgot how to breathe. In a matter of minutes - that looked like hours - the commercial break was over and the cameras were rolling once again.

"We are back!!" Jun Hyun-moo announced with his usual enthusiasm. "Let's move on to the last segment of our show... We have already used the left side of our brain with the logic exercises, and the moral exercise gave us the perfect kick start for the right side of our brain to wake up gentlemen."

I could only hope that the producers had the decency of controlling the mood during the commercial break so that the tension would not be so noticeable during the second half of the show.

But it would be impossible to stop what was about to happen...

"Most of us - if not all - had the opportunity to experience what is usually called young love - usually associated with the first time one is in love while being a teen or young adult. What is your opinion about this topic? Have you experienced it? If yes, what are the main realistic and unrealistic topics associated to this experience?" - Every word Jun Hyun-moo was saying was like a knife in my chest.

I noticed Ha Seok-jin trying to save the situation going first, he was an amazing friend...

"I don't think one can talk about young love as a generic concept because it can be a totally different experience depending on a lot of factors such as age, maturity, the examples of relationships we have in our life, the duration of said relationship... For some people this young love may be a very intense crush of 5 months that starts and ends as quickly but it is very intense, and for others it can turn out to be a 5 years relationship that is not so intense but leaves scars when it ends." The crowd was happy with his response. I was glad he had such a great response that didn't touch his own personal experiences... maybe the others could follow the lead.

The camera focused on Robb's face and his eyes were just excitement. He couldn't be happier and once in time that was the kind of face I loved in him but it was now the face I learned to fear.

"You may call me romantic but I believe that the young love is the most pure form of love there is. You give yourself fully to the other, your soul and your body. I had the chance of being the young love of a girl that gave herself fully to me - my dear Liza" Then he turned to Namjoon. "She was so sweet and innocent. All of her was mine. To conclude, I believe there is a good reason why that expression exist, and I will even say that you never truly forget or get over that first young love... all the rest will be just a way to try to forget what you lost."

The live audience was all melting with his sweet words. If only they knew how toxic he was... But Namjoon was boiling.

"Ah!" Said Namjoon "Now I understand what happened... You were not able to get over Liza when she broke up with you, so that is why you decided to lie to the world about her cheating on you and you breaking up with her. I guess you are right, young love is really hard to forget."

I didn't even know what was happening anymore. In a second Namjoon was talking and in the next Robb was jumping over his table and preparing to punch Namjoon in the face. I just got up and started running to the set.

Let this just be a nightmare, Let this just be a nightmare...

When I got to the set it looked like the end of the world. Two security guards were holding Robb and Namjoon was on the opposite side of the set with the rest of the Korean crew on his side.

"I can't believe you punched me!" Robb was yelling. "I am warning you... that bitch is mine no matter how many times she keeps your bed warm at night, and she will pay for leaving me! And you will pay for this, damn you!"

I couldn't fully comprehend what was happening. Did Robb just admitted I was the one breaking up with him? Did Robb actually said on live TV he knows I am sleeping with Namjoon?

The producer was going crazy trying to end the live but the network was not prepared for this and as we were not in our normal Korean network there was not much he could do alone.

Jun Hyun-moo was about to take control of the situation when Robb noticed I was on set.

"There she is!" He yelled pointing at me. "Tell him honey, tell them all you still love me."

The camera was turned in my direction. Mental note: not trust american networks when it comes to getting higher ratings no matter what

"Liza, you don't have to answer to this lunatic" Namjoon said starting to walk in my direction.

"Shut up, you are nothing." Robb was now trying to be gentle. "Don't think you can make up for everything that happened between me and Liza. We love each other. Don't we darling?"

I looked him in the eyes and just said "I must have loved you once, because that is the only explanation for what I had to put up with, but I don't love you in years... Not ever since you started mixing obsession with love. Especially not since you lied to the world and spread lies about me, which made me lose my internship opportunity abroad and made me move to a different country just to be away from you and your lies."

The next seconds were a totally blank - I just remember Robb being able to get rid of the guards and running in my direction and Namjoon stepping in my direction as well... Then nothing.

I woke up with Ha Seok-jin next to me. I was still on set but everyone from the audience was now gone. There was no sign of Robb nor Namjoon.

"Calm down!" Ha Seok-jin said when I tried to get up. "You must have fainted, you need to rest."

"Namjoon?" I asked. This one word question made Ha Seok-jin smile.

"He is ok, he is just talking with his management team. He kind of punched a celebrity in the face on a live show... I mean, I am totally for it, if he hadn't been quick enough I don't know what Robb was going to do to you. However, you know this is not the kind of attitude Korean Boybands' members can have." He looked me in the eyes. "Don't worry, I will also put a good word for him, if he hadn't done it I would, so I kind of owe him one."


Late that night in the hotel room I heard someone knocking on the door. I quickly got up and didn't even bothered changing from my pajamas.

I opened the door and Namjoon was standing in front of me with black cargo pants and a yellow shirt... and a huge bandage in his right hand.

"Hi" He said sweetly. "Can I come in?"


Hello!! So I am going to participate in an award with this book for the first time!! But if it goes through the second phase of evaluation I won't be able to update for a while. So I will try to write as much as possible until then :)

I am really nervous for the next two chapters... 

Question time:

Have you ever been in a Kpop meet up? If yes, where? How was it?

I went to my first one yesterday in Lisbon and got the chance of meeting 

lovelyandbubbly and 


It was amazing!!!
