The End....


It is I, the creator of this fanfic. It's been awhile hasn't it?
Well as most could see I haven't uploaded sense March of 2020, very long ago. I'm sorry to say but I'm dropping this fic. I started this in the heat of a moment and had no plan or even a plot, ⟟ just jumped in. I reread the chapters and ⟟ cringed at myself for there was no clear direction.
I'm sorry to those who enjoyed it, it was ⏃ good run!

On another note, this past year ⟟ have been working on one that has a plan and plot that ⟟ might post on here one day. Most likely when I have more chapters typed up.
For now though this will be my good bye!

Thank you to those who have supported me and this fic!❤️
