Princess Darce One

My name is Darcy Kiera Matthews. I'm 17. My brother Dylan Seamus Matthew, his my twin. So that means his 17. We both have blue eyes and brown hair. His 6'5. I'm 5'4. "Morning Darce" said Dylan. "Morning." said Darcy. I grab an apple and my porridge and eat and go get dressed. 

I go down. "What are you wearing?" asked Dylan. "Oh clothes, ma tell him" said Darcy. "She is right, only clothes. And Darcy, Dy is driving your car is in getting uh repaired" smiled ma. "Okay come on Dy" said Darcy. We get in the car and drive. We go in. I see Noah Ryder McDermott standing there. He has jet black hair and dark brown mysterious eyes. He is 6'3. He is wearing a tight black shirt, skinny black jeans and a leather jacket with black converse. "Oi, Dylan your sister is smoking hot" smirked Noah. I blushed. "DON'T SAY THAT ABOUT HER" yelled Dy. I grab him and pull him into school. "Shut it, he could make your life hell" said Darcy. I go to my locker and get my books. I got my looks from my ma.

My hair is long but at lunch my ma is bringing me to the salon to get my hair done. 


"Come on, Darcy." said ma. We go and they do their thing.

My hair is short and brown and blonde. I go back to school. I go to History. "Glad you could join. Okay this project on American Revolution, I am picking the partners. Noah McDermott and Darcy Matthews.... Lilly and Jaymi...... Michael and Yasmin."  Ms Beckham. We all nod. I go sit beside him. "Your brother doesn't like me." stated Noah. "No shit. But no, he hates you" said Darcy. Noah smiles. "You smiled! You usually smirk" said Darcy. "Shut up. I don't want people to know. They have to fear me" laughed Noah. "Yeah and your name is Noah from the Noah and the flood that God created so you can't be that bad" smiled Darcy. "Oh sh." blushed Noah. "Your blushing. I thought you would be mean to me, yet your so nice" smiled Darcy. "What I said this morning I meant to say you look beautiful not hot" said Noah. "I know. I could tell. Anyway my house after school? For the project, Noah" smiled Darcy. "Okay what if Dylan tries to kill me" said Noah. "I won't let him. Meet me after school. You have a car?" asked Darcy. "Motorbike, I could give you a lift" smiled Noah. "I would love that, Noah. So meet me at the front gates" smiled Darcy. "Of course, Princess Darce." smiled Noah. I blushed. 


"Darce come on" smiled Dy. "No. I'm waiting for a friend. Uh they are giving me a lift. See you at home" said Darcy. He leaves. Noah comes. He hands me a helmet. We drive to my house. We go in. "What is he doing here?" asked Dy. "He is my uh partner in History. Dylan please don't try and hut him, his not bad. His actually nice" said Darcy. He walks to his room. "Come to my room. I'm sorry. Really I.... dad what's up?" asked Darcy. "What's wrong with Dy?" asked Dad. "Uh he doesn't like Noah. His the bad boy" said Darcy. "Oh now I know why. I was the bad boy. But your ma fell for me, and I can see History repeating. You know what's funny.... I was only nice to your ma. Like Noah is to you, so I approve if you date" said dad. I blush and he walks out. "Your dad was a bad boy" smiled Noah. "Seems so" said Darcy. We start working. It gets to 8. "Stay for tonight Noah and have Chinese with us" smiled ma. "Uh okay if you don't mind I'll pay for mine and Darcy's" said Noah. "Noah.... I can pay myself, and dude just let my ma pay for you" smirked Darcy. "No princess Darce" smiled Noah. I hug him. I steal his wallet and hide it. "Now ma has to pay" smirked Darce. "Seriously you guys actually like him?" asked Dy, with disgust. "Yes. I was a bad boy. Your ma a good girl. She has a Twin, Jason. Your uncle and he was like that to me. So sh" smirked dad. "Ugh" said Dy. He sat down. "Don't mind him son." smiled ma. "Okay" said Noah. The Chinese came and we all digged in. I go get changed. I go and see Noah on my bed. "Oh okay I'll sleep on my sofa." said Darcy. "No we will share, I don't bite" said Noah. I lay next to him and snuggle. We fell asleep.
