
The leaves crunched on the floor beneath your feet, your eyes cautiously on the look out for the male.

"Come on,"
You whined silently.
"He couldn't have gotten far."

Your search was cut short at the sound of an excited holler, your eyes instantly snapping towards the sight of inosuke happily riding a wolf's back. In front of them, a pack of deers.

"What is he doing...?"
You questioned yourself with an amused smile.

A wide grin sat on his lips, his eyes filled with childishness as he guided the wolf closer towards the pack of gentle animals.

"He's playing."
A deep but feminine voice called out, your eyes snapping behind you where a mama wolf stood tall and threateningly.

Your eyes widened as you staggered a few feet back, spit accumulating in your mouth as you struggled in swallowing the suffocating substance.

The wolf growled, showing its pearly whites before turning away with a huff.
"Stop looking at me like that, it's not like I'll kill you."

You let down your guard the slightest bit, still being wary of the dangers as she circled around you. Sniffing and studying you.

"Why aren't you resting? I though my son made it clear that we wanted you to leave as soon as possible."

"With all due respect, I came out here in search of inosuke to assist him in defeating the monsters."
You gulped.

A low chuckle was heard from the large animal, her huge head intimidatingly leaning close to yours.

"My son can handle that alone. You're just a wimpy human, you won't be able to assist him in a task as big as that."
She sneered.

Your heart beat loudly in your chest, your feelings of course hurt by her words. But now wasn't a time to show weakness or hurt feelings, you needed to stand your ground, so with a straight face, you wrapped your arms around her snout and nuzzled into her fur. Only holding on tighter when she tried to pull away.

"Your son almost died yesterday if it weren't for me taking two shots for him. I may not be strong or super fast like him but at least you know that I'm willing to be his shield at any given moment without a doubt."

Her movements died down as her beady eyes widened. You were right, no way in hell were they gonna find another person who'd be willing to throw themselves in front of him in the presence of danger.

With a sigh, you let her go. Keeping your hands on the side of her snout.

"Please allow me to assist him. I can promise you he'll return safe and sound."
You whispered.

Her eyes studied your own, a soft look taking over them as she softly licked your hand.

"Take care of him."


"Lower your damn voice inosuke."


You sweat dropped at the interaction between the two feral creatures, the mama wolf trying to get some sense into the thick skull of her son as he huffed and whined and cried.

"She will protect you inosuke!"
She huffed, growling slightly as the male waved her off.

"I'll be fine on my own! I don't need anyone's help!"
He crossed his arms, glaring at his smaller wolf brother who snickered at him.

"That's not what it looked like when that village was shooting at you and she took two shots."
He snickered as the blue haired male not-so-secretly threw the middle finger up at him.

Mamá wolf sighed, shaking her large head before turning to look at you who instantly sat up under the gaze of the family.
"I believe she will be of great help, also helps interacting with those of your kind."

Green eyes narrowed on you, the look making you freeze up and your soul to leave your body as he huffed.

"Fine! But the minute you're in danger then you better not expect me to save your ass or anything!"
He warned, stomping away to grab his boar mask and spear before walking towards you where he gripped onto your arm.
"Let's go."

You stammered, standing to your feet as he began dragging you out of the cave.
"Where are we going?!"

Inosuke rolled his eyes, turning to give you a glare as he scoffed.
"Where do you think?! To kill the king of monsters!"

"The king of monsters?"
You questioned quietly, jogging to keep up with his fast pace.

"Never heard of him?"
He side glanced you as you shook your head, a sigh leaving his lips.
"The king of monsters is basically the being that created all of those monsters you hate so much, they depend off of him. If we can kill him then the rest will die almost immediately."
He explained as you nodded your head.

"Oh, almost like a heart."


A smile graced your lips as you walked next to him, happy to at least have found some peace between you both.
