🧑 20th June 🧑

The next day, Craig began to put his amazing acting skills to work. Acting ill so he wouldn't go to school. And since by luck his mom was in a rush to get off to work she said "Okay sure, have the day off just don't set the house on fire" and left.

Craig could have hugged god if he could for this. But he didn't. He had too much pride to hug anyone but Tweek. The same boy he was ignoring.

Just because he said he loved Tweek.

Though Craig relied on logical basically his whole life, logic was the one thing he was lacking today.

And really, things were going great for Craig after the kicked his sister out the house since she also tried to get the day off. Craig made himself some pasta and a small salad for Stripe.
The he watched the new season of stranger things since there was some fruity people in that.

Craig loved stranger things, Tweeks and Criags first sleepovers consisted of then binge watching the first season. Craig had never seen Teeek cry do much.
So, for Tweek, he hated stranger things fir how 'emotional' it is.

But the time Craig had finished watching the second episode and was on his third portion of pasta there was a frantic knock on the door. At first, Craig ignored it. There was no good reason for him to answer the door.

The knocking didn't stop though. Craig tried to ignore the knocking but it didn't go.
Unlike his problems, the knocking didn't just go.

Having to huff, Craig got from his comfortable place on his bed, leaving his baking bowl full of pasta on his bed. As he walked down the stairs, the frantic knocking turned to banging.

Craig forced the fount door open, "what?" He hissed at the person at the door, only to realise it was his darling Tweek. "Tweek?'

"Nghhh- Oh thanks god!" Tweek panted, seeming to have held his breath before wrapping his arms around Craig's waistΒ  squeezing him as tight as he could. Which was pretty tight so Craig couldn't breath.

"Hey babe? What are you doing here?" Craig asked and pulled himself from the blondes tight grip

Tweeks head snapped like it usually did when panicked "gahh- i-i thought you had killed yourself!!" He screeched and pushed himself into the house closing the door.

"Uhhhh why?" Craig couldn't help but laugh, gentaly holding one of Tweeks hands, which the blonde was quick to crush.

Tweek let out an over exaggerated huff "yousaidyoulovedmethenyoudidnttextmeagainnorcometoschoo!"

"Wow, honey, calm down, repeat what you just said" the ravenhead said, having to let go of Tweeks hand since the grip was too intense.

"You said you loved me, then you didn't reply to my messages nor come to school today!" Teeek repeated, pouting slightly "what else would I be thinking?"

Craig patted Tweeks shoulder "well, for one no way in hell would I leave you to suffer by yourself of this planet" he sighed, hearing tweek mutter a small 'thank you' as Craig continued to talk "and two, I just didn't want to come into school today"

"Ack- so you w-were willing to have me suffer at school?"Β  The blonde whined, lightly punching Craig in the stomach.

Craig winched and took a step from his small boy "jesus twerk, okay, I'm sorry! Dont hit me"

Tweek nodded his head "sorry... I-im pissed off man!" He complained.

"I can tell, come on though, I'm watching stranger things and so are you now" the raven head the pulled teeek up stairs to his room. Tweek didn't really complain, he knew any time with craig was a blessing. Even if he was wasting special school time.

The two sat on Craig's bed, getting comfortable. Tweek couldn't help but eye the large bowl of pasta. He let out a small giggle "do you have enough pa-pasta there?"

Craig count help but scoff. "Yeah, it's really nice" he nodded his head and sighed. Tweek giggled again.

The two focused on the series, tesrs wereΒ  basically in Tweeks eyss the second he started watching it. 'It was very emotional' as Tweek would claim, while Craig didn't even feel the need to cry.

Sniffing, Tweek looked over at Craig "Craig" he called out to him. Craig turned his head, looking at his boy expectingly "I love you, craig"

Craig's face went bright red, his mouth dropped open, he was too flustered to say anything. Tweek smiled and pressed a kiss on Craig's jawline.
