Chapter 34: Shadows Left Unspoken


Chapter 34: Shadows Left Unspoken

Midori left her apartment early the next evening, using the excuse of 'going for a walk' to Chibi-Usa so as not to arouse suspicion. She needed to fulfill her meeting with Sailors Uranus and Neptune as she had sent them a message during the day detailing a time and location for their meeting. She then found a private spot to morph into her Sailor Soldier identity and used her power to create an energy bubble around herself, allowing her to glide across the skies without worry of any pedestrians seeing her.

Meanwhile, Uranus and Neptune had already reached their destination; an outdoor garden and park situated on the roof of a high-rise apartment complex in the Sankakusu area of Tokyo's Taito ward, where they got a clear view of Infinity Academy. This was one of their preferred hangouts for gazing upon Tokyo from high above. If danger ever lurked within the city, they could easily sense it from here. With it approaching nighttime as well, everyone would be turning in for bed, reducing the risk of their meeting being interrupted.

Uranus asked her partner, "Do you think she'll show?"

Neptune closed her eyes and gave a light smile. "I have faith that she will. I saw how she rejected her own friend's proposal to join them."

"A rather violent refusal, to be sure, but at least her message was clear to all of us."

"Indeed. Since she's demonstrated no interest in joining the Syndicate, I believe she has no other option than to trust us. I'm just curious to see how much she will be willing to divulge to us."

Uranus frowned a little. She knew that Neptune was still worried about the blackness in Hyena's soul, and they both understood that the alien Soldier had masked this presence far better than anything she had up to this point. Prior to the meeting, Uranus had agreed to ask all of the questions and let Neptune listen for any discord in the dark ocean that was Hyena's heart.

After a few more minutes of waiting, they heard a pair of light footsteps touch the pavement behind them. They glanced back to find Sailor Arsenic Hyena standing poised and professional as she asked, "Have I kept you both waiting?"

"No, your timing's perfect. We were just enjoying the view until you arrived," Neptune said.

Hyena joined them in observing Tokyo's night life from far above. After a short pause, she said, "I must admit, I'm a little jealous. I have a hard time appreciating such simple moments, no thanks to the state that my world is in."

"You said you would talk about that," Uranus reminded her. "And of your connection to the Camarilla."

"I did. It will be a long tale, but I will do my best to be as concise as possible."

With that, Hyena proceeded to tell the pair everything that had happened to her up to that point, mainly about her relationship with the four Camarilla and what she believed the Syndicate's objective was. She also talked about Eris and Sailor Upala's conquest, the Alkiman war, the fragile politics holding everything together, and her desperate journey to Earth to ask for the queen's help. It was a lot for the duo to absorb, but Hyena patiently explained anything they didn't understand. Once the conversation was over, they noticed that the sky had grown much darker than before and the moon shone over them.

Uranus took a moment to parse everything she just heard, then said, "It's almost too unbelievable to imagine, yet it explains everything at the same time."

"As it should. Having to fight my own comrades would have been too difficult a truth for the princess to handle. I wish there was a better way to explain it to her, but I can't think of an alternative method," Hyena shook her head. "In the end, I cannot afford to waste any more time trying to convince my former friends to leave the Animus Syndicate. It's an issue best left quiet until the threat is resolved, then I will explain it to her in a rational manner."

"You really are in a difficult position, aren't you?"

"Nothing I can't strategize my way out of. Whether it is plotting the movement of troops or contending with matters of the heart, a solid plan will always prevail."

"You make it sound like the Little Lady's behavior is something you can plan in advance."

"To be frank, she is predictably straightforward when it comes to social relations. If she sees even a modicum of tension between people she likes, she won't hesitate to charge in and try to resolve the problem in a big way, even if it winds up making her pushy as a result."

Uranus chuckled and shrugged. "Can't argue with you there. But we're really digressing. Since you're telling us all of this on your own volition, it's safe to assume that we can pass this information along to the queen and king, as well as our comrades, right?"

"Correct," Hyena nodded. "With my knowledge of the Syndicate's members, this should provide you all with enough knowledge to fight them at an even level."

"I'm sure the queen would appreciate that. It certainly offsets the roundabout manner in which you'd been acting until now."

"Don't make false assumptions unless you have proof. It was my job to remain secretive, and I have no intention of absolving myself of any imaginary guilt you may think I have."

"Hey, hey, no need to be so scary," Uranus became defensive. "I'm just glad we're putting all of that behind us now."

"Very well," Hyena concluded, then glanced at Sailor Neptune, who had been standing behind her partner in silence. "Is there anything you wish to say before I depart?"

"Hmm... There's something I wanted to talk to you about," the aqua-haired Soldier mumbled. Then her expression became firm as she admitted, "I've been seeing something within you... Or rather, something within your heart."

"'Something'? Like what?"

"An impenetrable blackness in your soul."

Hyena raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly that – total darkness dwelling within you. It doesn't resonate anything malicious, but is rather perfectly still. Yet, it prevents anyone from seeing who you truly are."

Neptune seemed to have trouble picking her words out, and the women became deathly silent. After a few long seconds of listening to nothing but crickets from the rooftop park, Hyena murmured, "Are you asking rhetorically, or are you seriously expecting a clear answer to something so vague?"

"I'm just saying, is there anything else going on here? Is there a burden you're dealing with that no one is aware of? Such darkness wouldn't cloud a person's mind unless they were possessed by evil or under intense stress, and you don't appear to be either."

"I can't say. I wouldn't know what my soul looks like. Whatever fantastical things are happening in my subconscious, they have nothing to do with how I appear before you right now."

Neptune tousled her wavy hair and replied, "So it would seem. At this moment, you are you. I have no doubt about that. I'm just afraid of what would happen if we left that darkness alone."

"Then what would you propose I do? I still have my duty of fighting the Syndicate, and I need Chibi-Moon's help to destroy their minions. For me to continue, you would have to trust me to work alongside her in the near future."

"Well..." Neptune began nervously, then said, "I'm confident that you wouldn't want to hurt her willingly. If anything were to happen though..."

"You would do everything in your power to stop me."

Uranus nodded. "Sorry, but the princess' safety is part of our duty."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from fellow Sailor Soldiers. Even if I were to become the enemy because of this 'darkness', I would still have utmost respect for those who abide by their vows," Hyena said, appearing forlorn. "I would like to think there are still Soldiers who cherish their sworn duty above their own desires."

"Good. Then we have no argument. Right, Neptune?"

"Yes. We'll investigate the Syndicate on our end as well."

Hyena acknowledged the end of their discussion and said, "Then I will be leaving. Do take care in your future endeavors."

She turned around and floated away in her energy bubble again, rising high enough so the duo wouldn't see where she was going. To be extra cautious, she took a roundabout flight path over the Taito, Ginza and Azabu districts for about ten minutes before returning to Ginza proper. The familiar Wako clock read 11 PM, and Hyena found her safe spot again to return to her civilian persona. Now safe from detection, she returned to her apartment and prepared a bath.

She removed the bow in her hair with a flick of the ribbon, breaking her long ponytail. She washed her locks under the shower before tucking it all beneath a shower cap. Her movements felt routine and robotic compared to the many thoughts coursing through Midori's mind. She felt a tremendous amount of relief from finally telling Uranus and Neptune the bulk of her primary mission, but it was a short-lived reprieve as Neptune's bizarre questions had caught her by complete surprise. Midori actually surprised herself by the way she had improvised out of that situation; it had not been part of her plan to explain anything beyond her objectives as a Sailor Soldier.

I should have realized it though, given Sailor Neptune's penchant for sensing evil. I have been making too many careless mistakes and oversights over this last while. But I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on myself for these blunders, given that so many revelations have been made in such a short while.

The girl gently stepped into the piping hot water, letting her skin adjust to the temperature before sitting down and reclining against the tub's edge.

A shadow lurking in my soul, hm?

Midori closed her eyes and soaked her lower face into the warm water.

I never imagined that Earth's guardians would come even remotely close to finding out my darkest secret...


Back in Sankakusu, Uranus and Neptune had already changed back into their civilian identities and continued gazing over Tokyo's cityscape. The quiet night breeze billowed their hair and jackets. The scene would have been perfect were it not for the worries plaguing Michiru.

"Is this okay?" Haruka asked. "You didn't want to discuss with her about the possibility of Midori and Hyena being the same person?"

"I hoped she would confess on her own, but she had instead taken every measure to not reveal who she was," Michiru frowned. "It bothers me that she has no trouble talking about her life in Alkima and her current mission, but she's trying so hard to hide everything about her personal life from us. And to have to fight her own Sailor Soldier comrades on top of that... I wonder if all of this is what's causing the darkness within her soul. If it ever goes out of control, I worry about how Chibi-Usa will react to it."

Haruka could sense her partner's anxiety, so she placed her arm around Neptune's shoulders and asked, "Should we tell the Little Lady?"

Michiru contemplated the suggestion for a short while, but then said, "Let me see if there are other ways to discover what's going on before we talk to Chibi-Usa. If she finds out, she may try to confront Midori about it, and that could risk causing the darkness to go berserk and put her in danger. Eris may also see that as an opportunity to take advantage of any potential discord between them as a result of this news."

"I agree. We shouldn't be too rash yet. Besides, all this only proves is that Midori and Hyena have some kind of strange darkness lurking within them. It's not conclusive evidence that Midori is Sailor Arsenic Hyena, so we should treat them as separate individuals until it's proven otherwise."

"You're right. I had jumped to conclusions too early," Michiru nestled her head on Haruka's shoulder.

"That seems a little out of character for you."

"Sorry. I'm probably just tired from everything that's been happening."

"Then let's spend all day tomorrow taking one long nap."

"That sounds lovely..."
