
After watching Pogue's girlfriend being taken away to the nearest hospital in an ambulance, Jessica walked back to her dorm room to wait for Caleb. She was worried, and it was evident for her that this was a curse made by whomever or whatever attacked her. She also sensed that it was related to the darken Caleb saw in her visions.

The person using power somehow managed to get closer to her friends, so she dialed Dawn's number on her cellphone.

After hearing three rings, Dawn finally answered.

"Dawn, are you alright? Where are you?" Jessica asked with a worried tone of voice.

"Yes, I am fine. I'm tutoring in the library. Is everything okay?" Dawn replied.

"Everything is fine. I was just worried. I forgot that you tutor during the evenings a couple of days a week."

Dawn and Jessica exchanged a few new words, and then they hung up the phone. Jessica was relieved that her friend was alright. She paced back and forth inside her room as she waited.

There was a knock on the door, and she knew who it was. She walked to it and opened it. When she saw Caleb, she hugged him.

"Oh, Caleb, I'm so scared," she said, placing her head against his chest. She felt when his hand embraced her in a hug, and that's when she felt some tears run down her face.

"We should head to the hospital," Caleb suggested. Jessica nodded her head.

"Did you tell Pogue? Is he there?" she asked, knowing that her brother was going to be more worried than her.

"Jesse, Pogue had an accident," Caleb replied, making Jessica look at him with a confused expression.

"What do you mean he had an accident?" Jessica said, starting to freak out. Her brother was the only family she had left, and she couldn't lose him too.

Her heart raced a million beats per minute when she waited for Caleb's answer.

"I told him about Kate, he left my place in a hurry. I tried to stop him, but you know how stubborn he is. He was attacked. He is in the hospital where Kate is," he explained. She couldn't believe it.

"I want to see him," she said, shouting. She was nervous, angry, and worried.

"We will, but please calm down. I can't have something happening to you too," Caleb said, hugging one of the most precious people in his life.

She pushed him softly and backed away.

"Calm down? I can't, Caleb. He is the only family I have left. I'm scared for him, for Kate and even for you. Why is this happening to us?" she said, crying. She couldn't hold her tears any longer. She was frustrated, and she hated the person messing with them. Whoever it was, it was winning by taking them one by one.

"He is not going to get away with this, I promise."

"What do you mean with him? Caleb? Do you know who it is?" she asked.

"Pogue and I did some research before we met at my house," he said. Jessica looked at him to hear the end of it, but he wasn't talking.

"Who is it?" she asked in a demanding tone of voice.

"Chase Collins," he said after much hesitation.


"Chase is one of us, he is the fifth son of Ipswich," Caleb replied, regretting every word spoken. He didn't want to worry Jessica more than she already was. He didn't want her to do something against Chase because she was going to get herself killed.

She couldn't understand the information Caleb just shared. It was shocking to know there was a fifth son. She couldn't believe that he was using his powers for evil. Why did he want to destroy them all? It was the million-dollar question.

Jessica had felt him in her visions. She indeed wanted to kill him because he messed with her family. He was too strong and powerful. She understood that it was going to be a hard fight. After anger started to boil in her veins, she began to calm herself. It wasn't going to be of any good if she became angered instead of planning something against Chase with the rest of her friends.

She wanted to check up on Kate and see her brother. They were the #1 priority.

"We need to go to the hospital," she said, walking to the front door. She opened it, and as soon as she did, they both met Chase. Her eyes blackened. She raised her hands, but right before she was going to strike him with her powers, he pushed her back to the room.

Caleb's eyes went dark. When he was about to use his powers, Chase ran to Jessica in within seconds. He had his hands in her neck, trying to choke her. Chase blocked Caleb from coming to her rescue with his powers, so Caleb couldn't move or reach her. He felt useless at that point.

Chase smirked, and with a single movement with his hand, the entrance door of the room closed, leaving the three of them inside.

Jessica's sight blurred to darkness. He had a tight grip on her, and she was unable to use her powers against Chase.

Her breathing started to slow down until she was utterly unconscious.

"Stop hurting her!" Caleb shouted in anger.

"Whether she lives or dies, it's entirely up to you, my friend," Chase replied, losing the grip he had on Jessica's neck.

After Jessica passed out, Chase placed her on top of the bed, and he laid next to her.

Chase wrapped one arm around Jessica's neck, and a spider came out of his hand.

"If you leave that spell on, her she will die," Caleb said, worrying.

"I know," Chase smirked.

"What is this all about? What do you want?" Caleb questioned with anger.

Chase became furious as he stood up from the bed. He walked closer to Caleb.

"I'm Chase Collins, and I have everything that I want. It's not what I want. It's what I need, and that is more power!" Chase responded.

Caleb concluded that Chase was addicted and that he was going to do everything in his power to have what he needed. Caleb understood that Chase was messing around with his friends, just to get to him. Chase wanted Caleb's powers. He was about to ascend soon, and he knew that it was Chase's opportunity to have it.

Chase moved his fingers, and more spiders came out of his hands. He wanted to accelerate the process because he was getting impatient.

"What are you doing?" Caleb asked, frustrated, stepping closer to Chase to stop him.

"I'm making my point," Chase replied, smirking. Caleb's eye went dark. He stepped in front of Chase, but he was too strong. Chase pushed Caleb against a mirror.

Chase walked closer to where Caleb's was, and he laughed. Using his powers, he punched him in the stomach. Chase elevated Caleb and threw him against a lamp that was next to Dawn's bed. Caleb was angry because he was not able to beat Chase at his own game.

Caleb was vulnerable, and that made his powers not useful. The person he loved was dying in front of his eyes, and that was something he couldn't control at the moment.

"As much fun as this is, you can't beat me because I am more powerful than you, besides, you are not yourself. Stop trying to be a hero, you are only making things worse," Chase replied, angrily.

Caleb stood up and ran towards Chase. After trying to hit him, he was stopped. Chase was agitated.

"What do you want from me?" Caleb asked, looking at Jessica.

"You will give me your powers tomorrow night, birthday boy. Meet me at the Punard Barn, so I can get them at the same time you ascend. If you don't do as I say, she will die, and I'll kill your friends, your mom, and the rest of your family, too," Chase responded, smirking.

Caleb closed his eyes for a second. He couldn't defeat Chase because he was way too strong.

"Think about it because it is either them or you, brother," Chase added, walking to the entrance door.

"Wait! Don't leave her like that because she will die," Caleb begged. Chase turned around and smirked.

His eyes were black. After he moved his fingers, the spell was removed. Chase left, leaving Caleb and Jessica alone.

"Jessica," Caleb whispered, trying to wake her up. She opened her eyes. She looked confused.

He didn't want her to speak or make any sudden movement after what she was under.

"What happened?" she asked, trying to get up.

"Don't get up," Caleb said, placing his lips against hers. After he kissed her, he stopped. Caleb embraced her. They both hugged without speaking until he was ready to explain everything to her.
