I'm surprised 'Cirque Du Freak' wasn't the name of my school

No authors note this time, it's 2 am and I've got school at 8.30 :-) Hope u like my little drawing tho xxx

Gee where the fucking hell did all that bullshit come from? Time to repress and cause problems like a silly little Shakespeare villain or Family vlogger. Whichever takes your fancy.

Anyway, I lied before, I did fall asleep, just for an hour or so before Creps lightly kicked me in the back of the head and grunted for me to get up. Grr, might really put the guy in a coffin if he does that again. I took all my strength not to roll over and nip his ankles, go for a proper chomp.

We didn't eat breakfast -dinner? - but instead headed straight out onto what is hopefully the final stretch of the journey cos if I have to go through the actual TRAUMA that is piggybacking off someone for another night, I might just die. Luckily, the final few hours flew by, quite literally seen as we were flitting.

"Where are we?"


"Who the fuck is Trevor?

"treFOR. It's a place,"

"What is it, got a population of 3, what are we doing here?" I asked "Thought you said we were catching up with the cirque,"

"Yes, we are. Have you ever considered patience as an option?" Creps sneered

"Nope, not once."

He sighed, "This way,"

We hobbled through tall grass, the wet weeds smacking against my cheeks, Creps was perfectly fine though, being the lankiest stick-insect looking man ever. Didn't offer to carry me through this part! I'm gonna look like I've just walked off the set of the walking dead soon enough, not exactly a good third impression for the people at the cirque. I mean my other two introductions were spot on either, seeing as the first one involved me oohing and awing at the performers like a child entranced by Just Dance while their parents argue in the kitchen and the other involved me drenched in fresh blood and bubbling with unchecked anger. Like if it didn't already look like I listen to Mother Mother now I'm practically the poster boy for Hayloft but NOT in a fun way. 

Tired, freezing and irate; I stumbled along the field, following the faint crimson meandering ahead of me. The moon was at its highest now and the wind was not my friend. But along the howls, I heard faint music, cheering and singing, laughing and screeching. Soon it was so loud, the entire sky was eaten away by an absorbing amber glow. I broke free of the grass, sprinting eagerly to catch up with Creps. We stood side by side, well he was a little in front, before an empire of red and white swirled tents and lanterns that shone happily like merry little glow bugs.

The buzz was intense. The hustle and bustle of performers all barging past each other, slipping and sliding from one side of the camp to the other.

"How did you know it was here? You don't have super hearing do you, cos that's insane, but also seems really annoyin-"

"Shush. " He whispered, "If I had 'super hearing' I would have offed myself the moment I got it. I like quiet," so that puts my firm on the list of 'things Creps does NOT like' okey-dokey! "No. No, I have a telepathic connection with Mr. Tall the ringleader"

Oh shit oh shit oh shit. Vampires really can't read minds. Um, cool things: uhh boobs, blood uhh lego star wars, not that last one. Not sure about the first one either.

"I can't read minds," He interrupted my internal freakout

"Then how did you know I was thinking that" I retorted

"I saw you panicking, and that is exactly the kind of idiotic thing you would ask." 

"No!" I stuffed my hands into my pockets before they formed fists, "Not me! I would never!"

"You just told me you thought that exactly,"

"You've got the wrong guy, is there a speedster around here?" I darted my eyes around nervously, shit, Creps IS the speedster, "Let's go into the camp,"

"Not yet."

"Don't tell me we have to be invited in!"

"We do not have to do anything, but manners still exist in the world of Vampires, " his gaze lowered, "cross one wrong and it's the hall of death for you,"

"The what?" I jumped.

"I am joking,"

"Didn't know you could," I said, "very funny."

"Getting along then?" A voice echoed from behind us.

Remember when I said Creps was the tallest man I'd ever seen. Scratch that. Wipe is completely off the board. Next to this guy, Creps was an ant! There must be stilts under there surely, though this is a freak show so I wouldn't put it past them.

"Larten," He began

"Hibernius" Creps nodded.

"Welcome back,"
