The Ring

"I wonder why Dumbledore won't let Professor Snape become the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," Hermione asks.

"Well, it's obvious Hermione. Dumbledore doesn't trust him. Everyone knows Snape is associated with Voldemort. Anyways, speaking of Snape..." Ron replies before turning to look at you. "How is Potions class going with 'Mr. I Bleach My Hair' as your partner?"

"Don't call him that," You reply. "And it is going fine. He is a good partner." It had been a week since Snape had assigned you and Draco as Potions partners. It really was going well, you hadn't lied to Ron. Draco was smart, and he did his fair share of work. He talked, but only when necessary. You think he was warming up to you though. He had talked to you more this past couple of days. You were about to tell Ron, Hermione, and Harry just that before you heard the telltale screech signaling mail time. You look down at your food, knowing you rarely get mail. You had nearly gotten a bite of mashed potatoes into your mouth before a letter is dropped on your plate, barely missing the glass of pumpkin juice sitting next to your plate.

"Ooh, you got a letter, Y/N? You never get letters." Harry exclaimed.

"No need to rub it in," You reply before examining the envelope, searching for a name or address to signal who it was from. To your surprise, you didn't find anything.

"It doesn't say who it is from,"

"There might be a letter. Open it, Y/N," Ron demands. You did as he said, but only after you shot a glare in his direction. You tore the envelope open, finding a familiar ring on a silver chain, and a letter. You pull out the letter first.

"What does it say?" Hermione asks.

"I put the ring on a chain. Your fingers are too small to wear it without the chain anyway. Keep it. It looks better on you anyway." You read. You knew the ring looked familiar. The handwriting looks familiar too.

"That's odd. Someone must fancy you, Y/N." You blush as you put the chain around your neck.

"I don't think so, Hermione." You respond. Once the Golden Trio had drawn their attention away from you and your mysterious ring, you sneak a glance towards the Slytherin table. Staring back at you was Draco Malfoy. 
