The Mountain of Despair

Y/n's POV

On top of the mountain, blocks of black granite and marble littered the floor. Each piece was as big as a house. There were also broken columns and crumbled bronze statues everywhere. The statues themselves looked like they had been melted at one point.

"The ruins of Mount Othrys," Thalia whispered in awe. 

"Yes," Zoë confirmed. "It was not here before. This is bad." 

Percy frowned. "What's Mount Othrys?" 

"The mountain fortress of the Titans. In the first war, Olympus and Othrys were the two rival capitals of the world. Othrys was-" Zoe cut herself off and winced as she clutched her side. 

"You're hurt," I notice. "Let me see. Maybe I can help."

"No. It is nothing," Zoe assured me. "As I was saying, in the first war, Othrys was blasted to pieces. It moves in the same way that Olympus moves. It always exists on the edges of civilization. But the fact that it is here, on this mountain, is not good. This is Atlas's mountain where he used to hold up the sky." 

Finally we reached the summit. Ahead of us, gray clouds swirled in a heavy vortex making a funnel cloud hover over the mountaintop. Where it should have touched the mountain, it rested on the shoulders of a young girl with auburn hair and a tattered silvery dress. Artemis. Her legs were bound to the rock with celestial bronze chains.

"My lady!" Zoe cried out and rushed forward.

"Stop it!" Artemis called out. "It is a trap. You must leave now."

Zoe didn't listen. Despite Artemis' protests, Zoe surged forwards towards the goddess who was drenched in sweat. Never in my life had I seen a goddess in pain. I thought it was impossible. But now I was learning that nothing was impossible in Greek mythology. Zoe tugged at the chains on Artemis' legs, and as she did, a voice boomed from behind us.

"Ah, how touching," the General cooed. At his side, Luke was waiting with a half a dozen dracaenae bearing the golden sarcophagus of Kronos. Annabeth stood at Luke's side with her hands cuffed behind her back. There was a gag in her mouth, and Luke had the point of his sword at throat. 

"Luke," Thalia snarled. "Let her go." 

"That is the General's decision, Thalia. But it's good to see you again," Luke admitted. 

"I still cannot believe you," I mutter. "I used to look up to you. I used to call you my friend. My brother. And now..."

"What did I tell you over the summer, Y/n? You can always join us," Luke noted.

"I will never join you," I spit at him.

The General chuckled. "So much for old friends. And you, Zoë. It's been along time. How is my little traitor? I will enjoy killing you."

"Do not respond," Artemis groaned. "Do not challenge him." 

"Wait a second," Percy interrupted. "You're Atlas?"

"Poseidon's spawn, always so stupid," Atlas insulted. "Yes, I am Atlas, the general of the Titans and terror of the gods. Congratulations for figuring it out."

"Hey! Do not insult my brother. And do not bring up my father's name," I seethe.

Atlas clicked his tongue. "You must be Y/n. I've heard a lot about you. You're right, Luke. She does have quite the sharp tongue. No matter. I will kill you and your brother presently, as soon as I deal with this wretched girl." 

"You're not going to hurt Zoë," Percy growled. "I won't let you." 

"You have no right to interfere, little hero," Atlas sneered. "This is a family matter." 

"A family matter?" Thalia questioned. 

"Yes. Atlas is my father," Zoe disclosed. "And father, I demand that you let Artemis go." 

"Perhaps you'd like to take the sky for her," Atlas suggested. "Be my guest." 

"No!" Artemis declined. "Do not offer, Zoë! I forbid you." 

"You see, daughter? Lady Artemis likes her new job. I think I will have all the Olympians take turns carrying my burden, once Lord Kronos rules again, and this is the center of our palace. It will teach those weaklings some humility," Atlas grumbled.

"I don't understand. Why can't Artemis just let go of the sky?" Percy asked. 

Atlas laughed. "How little you understand, young one. This is the point where the sky and the earth first met, where Ouranos and Gaea first brought forth their mighty children, the Titans. The sky still yearns to embrace the earth. Someone must hold it at bay, or else it would crush down upon this place, instantly flattening the mountain and everything within a hundred leagues. Once you have taken the burden, there is no escape. Unless someone else takes it from you. So, these three are the best heroes of the age, eh? Not much of a challenge." 

"Fight us and let's see," Percy challenged. 

"Have the gods taught you nothing? An immortal does not fight a mere mortal directly. It is beneath our dignity. I will have Luke crush you instead," Atlas put forth. 

"So you're another coward," I say. "I should have expected as much."

"Thalia," Luke mumbled almost weakly. "Join us. Call the Ophiotaurus. It will come to you. Call it and you will be more powerful than the gods." 

"Luke," Thalia started, her voice was full of pain. "What happened to you?" 

"Don't you remember all those times we talked? All those times we cursed the gods? Our fathers have done nothing for us. They have no right to rule the world!" Luke claimed. 

Thalia shook her head. "Free Annabeth. Let her go." 

"If you join me," Luke promised, "it can be like old times. The three of us together. If you and Annabeth are with me, Y/n will join too, and we'll be fighting for a better world. Please, Thalia, if you don't's my last chance. He will use the other way if you don't agree." 

"Do not, Thalia," Zoë warned. "We must fight them." 

Luke waved his hand, and a fire appeared. A bronze brazier with a glowing flame. A sacrificial flame. Behind Luke, the golden sarcophagus began to glow, and as it did, I saw images in the mist all around us. A terrible palace was being erected right in this very spot. A place made of fear and shadow.

"We will raise Mount Othrys right here," Luke pledged. "Once more, it will be stronger and greater than Olympus. Look, Thalia. We are not weak." He pointed down to the ocean, and my heart dropped. Marching up the mountainside was a huge army. There were dracaenae, Laestrygonians, monsters, half-bloods, hellhounds, harpies and so many other creatures. "This is only a taste of what is to come. Soon we will be ready to storm Camp Half-Blood. And after that, Olympus itself. All we need is your help." 

"You aren't Luke," Thalia whispered. "I don't know you any more." 

"Yes, you do, Thalia, please," Luke begged. "Don't make him destroy you." 

"I'm sorry," Thalia apologized and stepped back towards us. "But I know where I stand, and I'm not changing sides."

"Well that was a relief," Percy breathed out. "I guess there's only one thing left to do."

And then we charged.

Percy went straight for Atlas while Thalia and I charged towards Luke. Thalia's shield met Luke's sword Backbiter, sending arcs of lightning everywhere. My sword was in my hand too, and with it I attacked the dragon women holding the golden coffin. Even though I was outnumbered, I trusted my skills. Whenever my blade touched the women, they turned to dust, and soon, I was standing in the middle of a golden circle of grime. 

I then turned to see where I could offer my help, and just in time to see Percy take the weight of the sky from Artemis. I wanted to run and help him, but Atlas intercepted me.  I barely managed to dodge his javelin as he swung it at me. I didn't even have a second before he was attacking me again. He swiped at my legs, catching me at the ankles, and I fell back to the ground. I groaned as my back hit the floor, but I couldn't stay down long. Atlas stabbed down at my head, and if I was a mortal, I would have been dead. Thank the gods for my ADHD and battle reflexes. I rolled out of the way, and when I did, Artemis stepped in to fight Atlas. Zoe was somewhere behind me shooting arrows at her father to keep him at bay, and I took that moment to run over to Percy. My brother was slowly sinking lower to the ground, and his forehead was beaded with sweat.

"Percy, let me take over," I offer.

"No," Percy opposed. "You'll be crushed."

"You mean like you're about to be?" I counter. "Come on. I can do this. Just trust me." I could tell Percy wanted to decline again, but he didn't. Instead he let out a breath.

"Okay," Percy gave in. "Get under here."

I slid under the clouds, and after bracing myself on one knee, I put my hands up to release some of the weight from Percy. While we shared the weight together, it was still the heaviest thing I had ever held. Percy dropped his hands seconds later, and he dragged himself out from under the clouds. When the full weight of the sky hit me, I almost passed out. My muscles felt like they were on fire, and my breathing became labored as I tried to keep my arms up. It didn't take long for my vision to get fuzzy, and at one point, I wanted to give up and just collapse. But I kept pushing. I lowered the sky slightly to put more of the weight on my back, and while it helped, it still felt like I was holding a thousand pounds.

"Get ready, Y/n," Artemis spoke in my mind. "When it is time, you must let go."

I watched as Atlas swept his javelin and knocked Artemis' legs off the ground, sending her to the floor. He then went in for the kill, but Zoe stopped him by firing off an arrow that buried itself in Atlas' forehead. Atlas let out a cry of anger and swatted Zoe aside with his hand. She flew into the black walls that seemed to be getting taller with every second that passed. Atlas went to stab down for the second time, but Artemis knew what was coming. She grabbed the javelin's shaft and pulled it backwards, kicking the Titan Lord over her head. He came flying back towards me, and that's when I realized what was going to happen. I loosened my grip slightly, and when Atlas slammed into me, I didn't even try to hold on. I was booted out from under the rock, and the weight of the sky dropped down onto Atlas' back.

"Noooo!" Atlas bellowed. "Not again!" 

"Y/n!" Percy called out and crawled over to me. "Are you okay?"

"No," I exhale and lay still on the ground. "Everything hurts. How are you feeling?"

"The exact same," Percy admitted and collapsed down next to me. 

Together, the two of us watched as Thalia backed Luke to the edge of a cliff. Luke had a bloody slash across his chest, and his face was glistening with sweat. Thalia didn't back off though, and she slammed into him with her shield. Backbiter spun out of Luke's hand and clattered to the rocks, leading Thalia to point her spear to his throat. For a moment, there was silence.

"Well?" Luke quizzed. 

"Don't kill him!" Annabeth shouted, finally free of her bonds.

"He's a traitor," Thalia pointed out. 

"We'll bring Luke back to Olympus," Annabeth pleaded. "He'll be useful." 

"Is that what you want, Thalia?" Luke sneered. "To go back to Olympus in triumph? To please your dad?" Thalia hesitated, and Luke took a chance and made a desperate grab for her spear. On instinct, Thalia kicked him away, and he lost his balance, tumbling over the edge of the cliff. I don't know where I got the strength, but I scrambled off the floor and over to my friend. Down below, I stared at Luke's broken form laid out across the rocks. At one point, he had been my best friend. I had loved him like a brother. I wanted to believe that he would get over being with Kronos and come back to Camp Half Blood, but I knew that wouldn't happen. And after what just happened a few seconds ago, it was impossible.

"Kill them!" a giant growled. Thalia, Percy, Annabeth, and I ran towards the rocks where Artemis was holding Zoe in her arms. She was breathing, and her eyes were open, but she was still. Very still.

"The wound is poisoned," Artemis revealed and motioned towards the large bite on Zoe's side where she had been bitten by Ladon.

"The stars," Zoë murmured. "I cannot see them." 

"Nectar and ambrosia," I bring up and scramble to grab my backpack where it laid at the edge of the mountaintop. "Come on! We have to get her some."

But no one moved. Not even Artemis. Grief hung in the air as Kronos' army continued to hike up the mountainside. Just as they reached the top, a strange buzzing noise hit my ears, and a Sopwith Camel swooped down out of the sky. 

"Get away from my daughter!" Mr. Chase yelled and peppered the ground with bullet holes that sent the monsters scattering. "Run!" 

"Come," Artemis urged. "We must get Zoë away from here." She raised her hunting horn to her lips, and its clear sound echoed down the valleys of Marin. Mr. Chase sent another barrage of bullets towards the monsters. As the moonlight brightened, a silver chariot appeared from the sky, drawn by the most beautiful reindeer I had ever seen. It landed right next to us, and Artemis waved us inside. Once we were all loaded in, Artemis pulled the reins, and the chariot sped away from the mountain. We landed at Crissy Field after nightfall, and while Annabeth ran to her father, I stayed with Artemis and Zoe, the latter of which was not doing well.

"Can't you heal her with magic?" Percy inquired. 

"Life is a fragile thing, Percy. If the Fates will the string to be cut, there is little I can do. But I can try," Artemis said. 

"Have I served thee well?" Zoe mumbled.

"With great honor," Artemis replied softly. "The finest of my attendants. Rest. At last." 

"Zoe, you knew the last line in the prophecy was about you all along," I realize. "You knew you'd have to face Atlas, but you took the quest anyways."

Zoe smiled weakly. "We must be brave, even in times where it feels like there is no courage left in the world. I knew I was right to bring you along on this quest, Y/n. You proved yourself more than I thought you would."

"You're different than I originally thought too, Zoe," I say.

"Thalia, I am sorry we argued," Zoë apologized. "We could have been sisters. And Percy, you spoke the truth. You are nothing Hercules. I am honored that you carry this sword." A shudder ran through her body. "Stars. I can see the stars again, my lady." 

"Yes, my brave one. They are beautiful tonight," Artemis concurred. 

Zoe fixed her eyes on the night sky, and like that, she didn't move her head. Percy pulled me back towards him, and the two of us hugged tightly. Artemis cupped her hand above Zoe's mouth, and after speaking a few words in Ancient Greek, a silvery wisp of smoke exhaled from Zoë's lips. After a few seconds, Zoë's body shimmered and disappeared, and Artemis released the dust into the sky. For a moment, I didn't see anything different, but then I noticed the stars were brighter, and they made a pattern I hadn't noticed before. A gleaming constellation that looked a lot like a girl with a bow running across the sky.

"I guess this is goodbye," Annabeth assumed.

Artemis nodded. "I must go to Olympus immediately. I will not be able to take you, but I will send help. Annabeth, Thalia, Y/n, you are all very brave women. If you ever choose to, you will be welcome amongst my hunters."

I bowed. "Thank you, Lady Artemis. But for the moment, I think we are okay. Or at least, I am."

"Be careful, child," Artemis lectured. "Remember what Aphrodite said. You will face great hardships when it comes to love."

"I just held up the sky. After that, I can take on anything," I claim.

"Perhaps you can," Artemis agreed. "And Percy, you did well. For a man." And just like that, she was gone. But she was replaced with three pegasi that descended from the sky. I recognized two of them immediately: Blackjack and Skipper.

"Yo, boss!" Blackjack greeted. "And Lady Boss! I brought some friends. You know Skipper, but this is Guido and Porkpie with me." 

"Skipper," I breathe out and embrace the neck of my Pegasus. "Gods I've missed you."

"We need to get to Olympus," Percy insisted. "Can you take us there?"

Skipper neighed. "Of course we can. Climb aboard."

Annabeth hugged her dad and bid him goodbye before climbing on top of Guido. I mounted Skipper and Percy climbed onto Blackjack, leaving Thalia with Porkpie. She hesitated, but eventually slid onto his back. Together we soared over the bay and flew towards the eastern hills. In no time, San Francisco was a glittering crescent behind us.
