Finding a Job.

Rowan POV.
It was about. 2 in the morning.. I was scrolling through job applications and at this point I was getting desperate.. I have been scrolling for a good 2-3 hours now. And I was really tired. I found myself clicking on random links, taking me to some weird websites. One about. a Day care, and another about working at a Café. But none of these really pulled on me and made me think..
Hmm.. I wanna do that.
I click off of one link and I click onto the next. My eyes widen at what I saw.

P-porn?!  Why the fuck would this be on a job info page?!

I thought to myself. I blushed at the things I saw. Deciding.. Fuck it. it was late. I applied for the job. Putting my Name, Age, and height into the bars provided. A small description on what I looked like, and any additional details; like my number, and my email. I clicked the small 'send' button as I closed my laptop and crawled into bed. I closed my eyes and slowly began falling asleep.

~The Next Day~

I wake up, lifting up. Dark circles under my eyes. I get out of bed, I walk to my closet and I grab a hoodie. I pull it on. After, I grab a pair of shorts and I pull those on also. I pull my phone off of the charger, grabbing my bag I walk out of my room and downstairs... Father wasn't here... My mother looked at me and smile as she ran up to me and gave me some toast.
"It's toast! " she said, like she was excited.  I laugh a little at her excitement and I eat it.
"Thanks mom-" I say as she looks up at me and poked my cheek.
"No problem! " she says, running back to the kitchen. I smile and I grab my keys I walk out to my car and I start it. I get in and I drive to school.

(This is his car BTW)

(It's beautiful 💕)

I park and I get out.. It was honestly a lot. Even though we were struggling mother bought me the best car she could find, it was fast, efficient, good mileage, plus she wanted it to look nice. I close the door and I lock it, walking into the building my friends look at me.
"Welcome back- " Aliza spoke,
"Yep. I'm back sorry for being gone for so long" I speak.
"It's fine! Where were you? " Felix spoke.
"We went to Vegas to meet some family" I say.
"Oh! Cool! " Aliza added.

~Around the middle of the day after lunch~

I get a text, I pick my phone up, I see a message from a number asking if I would be willing to come in for an interview today. I blush a little.
"Mr. Rowan! " I hear my professor speak as everybody turned to look at me. I set my phone down and I look at him.
"Please put the phone away. " he spoke.
"I'm sorry! " I say as I put my phone away and I stand up.
"I really need to go! " I say as I pick up my bag, everybody stares as I run out of the room. I pull my phone out.
I began texting the number back.

Text messages with ###-###-####.
Me: hello! And yeah I don't mind, what time exactly?
??? : 3:15 if that works for you.
Me: sure! May I have an address?
??? : - - on ___ avenue. It's a big white building.
Me: I'll be there.

~Ending messages~

I run out to my car and I get in. It was around 2:30 right now and by the time I get there it was 3:00 and everybody was leaving school. It was SUPPOSED to take 5-10 minutes to get there but I swear to God I got lost like 20 times. I pull into the parking lot and I park. I wait until 3:10 and I walk up the beautiful white stairs into the huge white building with 5 minutes to spare. I walk inside and a woman stands up and runs up to me.
"Hi!! You must be Rowan! It's nice to meet you!. You look a lot more adorable in person. " she spoke. I blushed a little.
"T-thank you" I hum.
"Are you ready for your interview? " she asked as I nodded.
