.(bunzo bunny x reader).

Requested by:@nguyekk
Hope you injoy :)
Hello I'm y/n and I'm 14, my family are known for working for playtime co, my parents would often take me to playtime co and I got early access to see all the new things like mommy long legs or candy cat but the place I liked the most in the factory was musical memory. I was a bata tester for the game since I was 5, this is also how I meet bunzo my favourite character, we played all day and me and bunzo grew closer but you didn't think this story was nice did you? No, let's turn time faster.

Y/n's pov
"What do you mean you QUIT?!" "Im sorry honey we can let you get hurt from those things" mom looked at me pleadingly trying to calm me down, you just looked at you mother with venom spiking the air.I ran to my room and slammed the door and hid in my purple cover.

Bunzo's pov
We're are they? They should be here?! There mine why aren't they here, I have checked every were I'm done playing hide and seek now please come out y/n I'm sorry for hurting those orphans please.
Bunzo started to cry as tvs illuminated him in his dark room.

3 years later

Y/n pov
"Bye mom and dad I'm going to play out" I finished putting my converse on and picked up my purple blanket and wore it like a cape and ran out the door, I'm going out side of playtime co to meet up with my friends Melanie,josh,Sophie and Jake. Then we're gonna break into playtime co because it's been abandoned for years and jake wanted content for his channel, I just wanted to see my childhood again.

"Hello y/n" josh waved as you ran up to him and gave him a hug "hello josh"you screamed in his ear, you turned to Melanie, Sophie and jake "are you done hugging before we break in?" "Ew jake we are only friends but follow me i now how to get into game station" you jumped the fence that rapped around playtime co in ran around to the side of the building and climbed up to a window and fell in. You landed in a container full of foam balls but Sophie missed the container and you all heard a hard crunch "AAAAAAAAAA-" Melanie slapped hear hand over Sophie's mouth.

Bunzo's pov
What was that?! Is it a new friend? Or maybe my love came back for me.. I should check.

Bunzo walks out musical memory and bribes open the door and looks around the game station, you hear the screeching of the doors and hide.
Ps you forgot about hiding your friends

"Oh is the birthday gang!"
"What the fuck are YOU?!"


Melanie try's to run away but bunzo pulls her hair and stands on her chest watching her struggle, Sophie try's to crawl away and jake stands in shock and disbelief. Y/n looked up from there hiding spot to see her friends getting killed, you get up and charge at bunzo and drop kick him.
"Ahug you pest..y/n?" Bunzo quickly swipes your legs and hugs you tightly "how do you know my name!?" Bunzo ups the end of your hoodie/ shirt on a hook on the wall and goes back over to Melanie and crushes her chest and kills jake with a blow to the head with his cymbals,Sophie was bleeding out already so bunzo brought you back into a warm hug, your face was wet because of tears.
"You're mine y/n and always will be"

I'm so sorry this chapter might of sucked but I didn't want to delay this request but I have been quite sick lately but am starting to feel better.
