Poopy Protesting.

Please read all disclaimers before proceding with story! Disclaimers are in the description.


I walk toward the place,the place where i will stay for the nexst 9 hours. I am doing this only,because my mom forces me to. I am neutral about pride,and yet here i am walking towards a vital road to block it. To block it as a part of a larger protest against pride. The fact that i am part of this protest is not the worst to me. We are well equipped to stay put for many hours. We have food,water,warm clothing and umbrellas. But we also have diapers,the thing I like least. I will not be allowed to leave my spot for either pee or poop. I am expected to do it in the diaper. The worst thing about this diaper thing is,that it is the only thing covering my private parts and bottom. I do not have a dress or pants,not even panties. When i use the diaper,everyone will know. The idea of wearing only a diaper is to show how devoted we are.

As we reach the site of the protest and sit down,we see people shouting and police officers maintaining law and order. We are not a welcome protest,as this is the pride day. I hear whispers about a counter protest being headed here. I hope the police can maintain order.

As the protest grows so does my need to pee. It had been three hours since we arrived at this road. The traffick jam is horrible. A lot of angry people are shouting at us. Some are also laughing at us. Some of us,including my mom have already used their diaper. Many of them are yellow,but none are brown. The fact that many have already used their diapers makes me relaxed. I decide that it is time to use mine.

It takes a bit of effort to release my bladder,but i am succesfull. I feel the floodgates open and go red from embarasment. A warm feeling spreads across my crotch as i start to sob lightly. Why did i not fight joining this protest more. My mon notices that i had used my diaper. She says "Kathy,that is what diapers are for.There is no need to be sad". She may have no reason to be sad,because she is here willingly,but i am not. I was forced to come here and embarass myself.

An another hour goes by and i start to feel the pressure in my tummy growing larger. I dont want to be the first one to poop,but it seem that no other protesters have yet pooped. I decide to hold it,so that i wont be the first to soil my diaper. I look at my klock. Twenty minutes goes by and the pressure is becoming unberable. I once again look around,and see no others in soiled diapers. It seems that they remembered to use a toilet before making their way here. I know that i am fighting a loosing batle. I beging to tear up as i feel my time running low. I feel the heavy pain. My mon notices it and says "Just use the diaper,there is no point in holding it". I know that she is right but still I say "No". But as I say this ,my stomach cramps.

The cramp forces me to cluth my stomach and squat a bit. This turns out to be my undoing. Something wet and mushy enters my diaper. At first i do no realize it,but when i feel the back of my diaper getting heavier. I realize that i had a accident. I realize that there is no point in fighting. I push a litle and let the nature do its thing. I feel a second log of poop enter my diaper followed by a warm feeling around my crotchs. I am peeing. The pee makes the poop even more mushy. A third log enters my diaper. As i finish messing I see reporters broadcasting the protest  laugh. Upon seeing this i collapse to the ground and beging crying. When i hit the ground the poop in my diaper mushes all over my diaper area. My mom says to me "Really you should be happy that the pain is gone and you can continue protesting for our cause". I do not respond.END
