012 - Stargazing

Start writing your story

The car ride was awkward to say the least. We both sat in an awkward silence, thick enough you could cut it with a knife, while listening to the whistling breeze and soft melodic notes coming from the car radio. There were a few times we would try and start some type of conversation, but it just didn't flow like it normally would, only ever answering with a simple 'yes' or 'no'. 

In the silence I am able to notice a few things, like the way Walker holds himself. The way he has on hand on the steering wheel and the other resting with his palm up, almost tempting me to connect our hands. The way he changes the radio station whenever a country song comes up, and then the way his voice smoothly hums the beat of songs I thought he would never have listened to. My curiosity took control of me, wanting to find more of these hidden quirks, I turn to face the blonde and appreciate his side profile.

"See something you like?" Walker says, glancing at me with a small smirk growing on his face, snapping me out of my trance. "Nope, not at all." I say rolling my eyes at his statement, "Also shouldn't you keep both eyes on the road, I don't really feel like dying tonight. Especially not by some blonde guy in his Honda Civic."

Walker laughs but then faces the front again, and after a couple beats of silence, "By the way, about what happened at the party. I am really sorry I just got caught up in the moment. I mean Lila was right there and she was so smug and I just couldn't deal with it, and you know I would never do that without your consent I'm just-" 

"Hey, clam down it doesn't matter. I knew what I was signing up to when I agreed to this 'relationship'" I say, cutting off the panic-struck blonde, "Besides did you see the look on her face, she so was mad, it was actually kind of funny." 

I turn to Walker and catch a glimpse of a small smile, but my gaze is quickly brought back to the road as soon as we take a sharp turn to the right. "Was that really necessary. That literally scared the crap out of me, you should re-take the driving test to see if you're truly qualified" I say, hand on my heart feigning shock. "Shut up, it wasn't that bad, besides I am a great driver!" He quickly retorts, and as soon as I open my mouth to create a witty comeback, I am cut off by Walker saying, "Okay, we are finally here!"

I take a look around, finally realising we had parked. The parking lot was small with Walker's grey Honda civic being the only car occupying it currently. Beneath the where the car was parked there was a hill of grass, it was the kind you would see in a dream, the grass was vibrant and had growing daisies scattered throughout the landscape. It was truly a sight, especially with the dim lighting of the moon and car lights creating such a calming mood. 

"This place is so nice, how did you even know this existed?" I ask, turning to already see Walker already looking at me. "That is a secret I will never tell" He replies, looking at me for a moment before opening the car door and getting out.

I promptly follow, due to the fact I still have no idea what we are doing, "You didn't by any chance bring me out here to murder me...right?" I ask, meeting Walker at the trunk as he takes out a bag. "Like that bag doesn't just have a chainsaw or something...right?" He turns to look at me, rolling his eyes as he slams the trunk door shut, "No, you weirdo, I am not here to kill you. Unlike you, some of us aren't psychopaths." 

Just as I am about to respond, he turns and starts walking down the grassy dark hill, and I quickly run after him, "Are you sure, because normal people don't just bring innocent girls somewhere without their knowledge, take out a bag that contains mysterious objects, then start walking ominously into the dark. Like seriously giving me serial killer vibes here Walk."

He abruptly stops and lets out a laugh, one of the most genuine full-bellied I had heard from him all night, which brings a small sense of accomplishment to my mind, although I quickly push it deep down. "Did you just call me Walk?" He says, between laughs, "Yeah? Its not that weird. What do you want me to call you? Run? Jog? What about Speed-Walk?" I reply, genuinely confused, how does a guy that has deemed my nickname Ant, say that 'Walk' is a bad nickname for Walker.

"No, no. I like Walk.. just, never mind." 

"Anyway, what are we actually doing here?" I say, out of true curiosity. I don't get an answer straight away, as Walker grabs my hand and drags me to the middle of the hill, flashes me a smile and says, "We are stargazing!"



HEYYYYYYYY! Lets ignore I haven't updated in a month? 

Sorry about that....It was exams yk and I am in love with academic validation so I had to try my hardest. This chapter is rlly rlly short but I just wanted to get a filler out so I could add on later. Also I have decided to create a posting schedule which I could hopefully stick to. So I think ill do every Friday I will update (including this week). 

Anwyay even tho it was short hope u enjoyed this chapter, just wanted some more banter from the pair that defineitly do not have feelings for each other ;)  not edited yet :P

Question of the chapter:

What tropes/situations will you like to see in this book? (Ill take recs but can't promise i'll deliver all)

Word count: 1003 

Lots of love

- Rabbit x
