time for a ship

(Request by @dontlookatmedude )

Bede was sitting at his desk, reading a textbook, when Raihan knocked on the door,

"Hey Bede, you got a letter."

Bede walked to the door and opened it, "A what?"

Raihan pushed the letter into his chest,

"A letter. The sender told me not to share any details."

Raihan shut the door and Bede sat down at his chair, he opened the letter,

'Dear Bede,
This may seem a bit awkward to write in a letter, but please listen to me. Can you please meet me at Motosuke Stadium at sunset.

Your Secret Admirer'

Bede immediately threw the letter into his desk drawer and shut it. He covered his face with his hands. Later, he stood up and paced around his room, ranting,

"Who would like me? I barely know anyone outside of this family! All I really know are those orphanage kids but almost none of them actually WANTED to be friends with me. Outside of that... I know that random kid who somehow became the champion and saved the world TWICE and Leon's BROTHER. But there's no way Leon's brother would actually like me! Maybe it's just a prank... I shouldn't go..."

Raihan listened through the door, he ran to his bedroom and called Leon,

"Leon. We've got a problem."


"Bede's thinking of not going to the stadium. He thinks it's a prank."

 "Oh shit um OH maybe I could escort him there?"

"Leon. You know I love you like a bro but you are hopeless with directions. You got stuck in the slumbering weald for a week."


"You only got out when Opal lead you the way out."

"That was one time!"

"That was last week."

"Ok so maybe you have a point... but how do we get Bede to the stadium?!"

Raihan scratched his head, "Maybe Kabu can help? I mean... he's the gym leader of Motosuke."

"RIGHT! We got this!! It's gonna work!!"

"Alright, see you later, Leon."

"Bye Raihan!"

They hung up and Raihan ran to Kabu,

"Kabu! I need your help!"

Kabu took a sip from his water bottle, "What is it, Raihan?"

"So... we need Bede to meet someone that likes him in Motosuke stadium, but he doesn't want to go. I need you to get Bede in the stadium."

Kabu nodded, "I'll see what I can do. What time does Bede have to be there?"

"Sunset, so around 6 at the earliest. It's 10 Am now, so take him to Motosuke at around 3 or 4."


Later, Bede was working on one of Opal's tests, when Kabu knocked on the door, 

"Bede. Can you come shopping with me?"

"Is this related to the secret admirer prank?"


"Alright then."

Kabu and Bede walked to the train station, waiting for the train. Bede looked next to him and saw Hop on a different bench, "What's he doing here...?"

Before Bede could investigate, the train pulled in and Kabu nudged him to get his attention and they got onto the train.

The train pulled into Motosuke and Kabu took Bede around the shops, trying to pass time until 6 pm, when the sun started to set.

Bede yawned, "It's getting late... Can we go home...?"

"Yes, just... wait in the stadium for me?"

Bede was too tired to ask why, he just walked to the stadium and sat on the floor.

Later, Hop walked to him, "Hey Bede..."

"What are you doing here?"


Hop seemed calmer than usual... It struck Bede as off,

"Well there is something... um did you get a letter?" 

"Yeah I did... Wait did... did you..."

"Um... I'll be in the battlefield... meet me there... ok?"

Hop walked to the field, Bede followed him, 

"So... what did you want to tell me?"

Hop held his breath, "Um..."

He exhaled, "I like you... in that... couple way."

Bede blushed,

"Y-You what...?!"

"I like you... at first... when I first met you.. I hated you! I thought you were some snobby stuck-up rich kid, but... when I started to get to know you, you were actually pretty cool! You're powerful and actually kinda nice... not to mention you look...really cute. It's ok if you don't like me in return, I just wanted to say that."

Bede stood there, 

"I like you too--"

He covered his mouth and just spat out,

"I-I mean-- No I don't!! Y-You're stupid...!!"

Hop chuckled,

"You know I heard the first thing you said." 

"N-No you didn't...!!"

"So... you like me too...?"

Bede looked down, "Maybe..."

Hop hugged him, "It's ok, you can be honest with me."

Bede hugged him back, "Y-yeah... I do... is... is it ok if I stay the night... with you?"

"Of course!"

They walked out of the stadium, Bede held Hop's hand.

Kabu jogged over to them,

"I am presuming it went well?"

Hop smiled, "Yep! Bede wants to spend the night at my place, is that cool?"

"Yes, that should be alright."

Kabu pulled out his phone and called Melony,

"Hello? Is it alright if Bede spends the night at Hop's place?"

"Ah! Yes it's fine!!"

"Thank you."

Kabu hung up, "It's alright."

Hop smiled, "Yeah!! Let's go Bede!!"

They went to the train station, waited for the train, and rode to Wedgehurst.

(Ima end it here, there will be a part two of them just vibing together.............................. and possibly Bede having a nightmare and Hop has to comfort him--)  
