The Unova League Champion

They semi finals of the Pokémon league begins. Grim and Cameron both enter the field.

Cilan: this will be an interesting fight

Stephan: yeah, how will grim get past hydreigon

Iris: remember it one back to back wins before losing to pignite 

Ash: don't worry, grim got a plan of his own.

Bianca: yeah

Referee: like before the battle will be a six on six. Trainers ready

Cameron: Yeah

Grim: you bet

Referee: then battle begin.

Cameron: now you know who it is, go Hydreigon.

Out flies Hydeigon.

Grim: then he's the leader of my team, gliscor get ready to rumble 

Gliscor: gliscor 

Gliscor lands on the field then flies up. Both Pokémon trading glares.

Freddy: it's hydreigon vs gliscor, truly a battle in the sky

Cameron: awesome let's make in an air battle

Grim: already had that in mine

Cameron: hydreigon tri attack

Hydreigon fire tri attack consisting of flamethrower, thunderbolt and ice beam.

Grim: dodge and use fire fang 

Gliscor flies through all three attacks an bites hydreigon. 

Cameron: no way 

Freddy: amazing, gliscor is the first to dodge tri attack.

Cameron: her close and use double hit

Grim: fly away and use brick break 

Gliscor flies high up with hydreigon on his tail. When close they two circle each other dodging the attacks.  Gliscor closed his wings and falls back, over hydreigon. He spread his wings and flies closer. He hits brick break in his back. Hydreigon falls but gets back on his pursuit. They take a nose dive to the ground and fly just close to the ground. They past the trainers.

Cameron: grab gliscor and fire dragon pulse

Hydreigon fires close and gliscor turns around and hydreigon other mouths bites his arms.  He prime head prepares a dragon pulse.

Grim: use your tail and then use x scissor 

Gliscor drag his tail on the ground and slides back out of hydreigon grip. He jumps use x scissor sending him into the wall. Hydreigon fly out the smoke and faces gliscor. Breathing heavily.

Cameron: no way

Freddy: gliscor speed and agility has weaken hydreigon 

Iris: so that's  why he used gliscor

Ash: yep when a gligar he had special training and now a air master of the wind.

Cilan: impressive 

Bianca: wow

Grim: yep no flying Pokémon can stop gliscor in the air, and if there is we'll get stronger.

Cameron: man didn't see that

Grims gliscor return

Cameron: wait what

Gliscor flies down and walks to grim.

Grim: but his job was just to get hydreigon tired. My true weapon is right here. Haxorus get ready to rumble.

Haxorus lands in the field an roars.

Iris: go Haxorus 

Axew: Axew 

Haxorus: hax 

Cameron: dragon on dragon no problem. Use tri attack

He fire it and haxorus tanks the attack.

Grim: not good enough, use dragon rage

Haxorus fires it and it sends hydreigon into the ground. He flies back up.

Cameron: oh no, hydreigon use dragon rage 

He flies up and uses dragon rush at Haxorus. It causes Haxorus to slide backs.

Grim: alright use giga impact. 

Haxorus runs under hydreigon and use giga impact.   But he flies past hydreigon.

Cameron: ha you missed, now use

Grim: did I

They look to see Haxorus going back down crashing into hydreigon. They crash into the ground.

Cameron: no hydreigon, wait giga impact stuns the user. Fly out and use double hit.

But hydreigon couldn't, when the smoke settled and they see hydreigon being head by Haxorus.

Grim: see I knew he'd be stunned, show we had him train who just such an occasion. 

Hydreigon struggles to get out the grip.

Grim: now use dragon rage

Haxorus reels his head back then fires a massive dragon rage. After the explosion hydreigon falls to the ground fainted. Cameron returns hydreigon.

Freddy: and with two Pokémon still in fighting conditions, they defeated hydreigon.

Bianca: amazing

Ash: yeah way to go

Pikachu: pika

Grim: so what's your next Pokémon 

Cameron: oh man, hold on 

He does his thing an stretched his headband. He lets go as if snapped 

Cameron: I got it, go swanna

He shown swanna. Grim return Haxorus. 

Grim: eelektross get ready to rumble 

Eelektross lands in the field.

Cameron: use pluck

Swanna dives at the him. She hits Him multiple times. 

Grim: grab her.

Eelektross grabs her and slams her into the ground.

Grim: use thunderbolt.

He hits them and it hits.swanna gets out of this but it's damaged.

Cameron: use bumble beam

Grim: counter with zap cannon

They attacks collide but then zap cannon burst through and hits swanna. She falls and fainted. Cameron returns her as he knows who go get.

Cameron: go ferrothorn 

Ferrothorn lands in the ground.

Grim: eelektross return for now, thanks a lot

Eelektross: eelektross

He returns him and the next Pokémon comes out.

Grim: darmanitan get ready to rumble.

Darmanitan enters the field 

Cameron: use Metal claw

Grim: use hammer arm

Both attack hit the other as they slid back.

Cameron: pin missile

He fires it as the attacks as it hits.

Grim: use flamethrower 

Darmanitan fires flamethrower as it hits.

Cameron: ferrothorn use thunderbolt 

He fires but he dodged the it.

Grim: use flare blitz 

Darmanitan charges and lands the attack as it hits and sends ferrothorn flying. He lands and see ferrothorn fainted.

Referee: ferrothorn is unable to battle. Darmanitan is the winner.

Freddy: now it's grim with the back to back wins

Cameron: take a good rest ferrothorn 

Ash: awesome 

Bianca: you amazing grim keep it up.

Cameron: alright watchhog your up.

Watchhog lands on the field. Grim smirks and returns Eelektross.

Grim: zoroak get ready to rumble

Zoroak gets on the field. Out of disguise.

Iris: but why is zoroak not in disguise 

Cilan: it's probably since they are so close to being in the finals, that he wants to give it his all in this battle, no disguises.

Stephan: totally understand, shows just how manly he is

Ash: yeah 

Grim: alright zoroak shadow ball

Cameron: watchhog bullet seed

The attack collided resulting in a explosion. Zoroak then runs to watchhog.

Grim: night slash

Cameron: use low kick

Watchhog hits zoroak causing him to fall.

Cameron: now use iron tail

He used iron tail and Snashed him further in the ground. Zoroak slowly gets up.

Cameron: finish this with another iron tail.

Watchhog jumps into the air. As it got closer to him.

Grim: night daze go

Zoroak unleashes night daze causing him to be flung back. When he lands he slowly gets up.

Grim: use night slash

Out of no where zoroak appears in front of watchhog, shocking him. He hits the attack as the was past him. Watchhog got on his knees then fell, fainted.

Referee: watchhog is unable to battle the winner is zoroak 

Grim: way to go zoroak.

Gliscor: gliscor 

Zoroak: zor!!!

Cameron: ah man,

Lucario then roars catching his attention. He runs to the field facing zoroak.

Cameron: you wanna fight lucario.

Lucario nods as Cameron smiles.

Cameron: alright use force palm 

With great speed lucario faces speak and hits his gut, unleashing a powerful energy blast sending him flying. He hits the wall, fainted. Grim returns zoroak.

Referee: zoroak is a unable to battle

Grim: well played Cameron.

Cameron: thanks

Grim: alright darmanitan get ready to rumble

Darmanitan enters the field.

Grim: darmanitan use hammer arm 

Darmanitan jumps and swings hammer but misses lucario.

Cameron:  use copycat

Lucario analyzed his move and uses it. He hit darmanitan sending him back.

Grim: use flare blitz 

Her charges with full force.

Cameron: now circle throw

He circle throws Darmanitan taking half the full force damage as darmanitan was sent into the wall. Darmanitan gets up but then they see a lucario in the air.

Cameron: Aura sphere 

He create aura sphere as he throws it hitting him into the darmanitan. He Lies on his back fainted. Grim returns darmanitan.

Cilan: lucario is a dangerous opponent, earning back to back wins,

Ash: he'll pull through

Bianca: yeah we just got to have faith

Stephan: yeah

Cameron: lucario, take a break.  Go samurott.

Lucario returns and is replaced with samurott

Grim: finally you bring out samurott. alright scrafty get ready to rumble.

Scrafty comes out and glares At samurott.

Grim: let's do this, scrafty use zen headbutt 

Cameron: use aqua jet 

The two attack collided. 

Cameron: use razor shell

Grim: dodge and use hi jump kick

Scrafty dodge both shells and hit samurott in the chin. She slid back.

Cameron: alright samurott use hydro canon

Samurott fires the water orb at scrafty causing an explosion.

Cameron: good luck dodging that

Grim: who says we dodged it.

The smoke clears as the see scraty holding his loose skin, blocking the attack.

Freddy: he used his skin to block the attack, he's completely fine. But it looks like that attack took a lot out of samurott 

Grim: scrafty use focus blast

Scrafty charged up focus blast, he throws the attack. The attack gots closer ad samurott freak out. She screams as the attack hits, after the attack she fall down fainted, Cameron returns samurott.

Cameron: I'm counting in you lucario.

Grim: thanks scrafty return. Eelektross get ready to rumble.

Eelektross stands before lucario.

Grim: use thunderbolt

Cameron: dodge and use force palm

He dives thunderbolt and touches Eelektross chest. He looks down shock, and looks at lucario. Who smiles and fires the blast.

Grim: eelektross!!!

Eelektross falls to the ground.

Referee: eelektross is unable to battle. The winner is lucario.

Ash: he's down three Pokémon left

Iris: just like you were

Bianca: oh no

Stephan: this is not looking good.

Grim: what to do

Gliscor: gliscor 

Gliscor flies onto the field.

Grim: gliscor?

Gliscor looks at him and he understands.

Grim: I get, you won't to deal with lucario, cause this is personal, between the two aces. Alright let's go use fire fang

Cameron: go force Palm

The two charge at each other, gliscor bites his shoulder and lucario hits his chest. Gliscor is hit with a blast and lucario with a explosion. They were both send back falling to the ground.

Grim: gliscor

Cameron: Lucario 

The two get up.

Cameron: This is the best fight ever grim, both of us in the unova league, let's go

Grim: I couldn't agree more, let's rumble

As both trainers cheered the same went for their Pokémon as they cleared the smoke and roar in the air. The two charge.

Grim: use brick break

Cameron: copy cat

They both did a brick break giving each other an onslaught. 

Cameron: circle throw

Lucario grabs gliscor and flips him over.

Grim: land on your tail and use earthquake 

Gliscor lands on his tail. He grabs lucario arm and flips him over and slams him into the ground unleashing earthquake. 

Cameron: lucario

The Pokémon look at each other, now a battle of will.

Grim: fly up

Gliscor flys with a tail boost straight up. High into the air. Lucario jump from  under him.

Bianca: wow he  went up so high

Iris: it's the bond of grim and gliscor

Ash: just like me and pikachu

Pikachu: pika

Bianca: I want to see them continue, go you two.

Ash: go

Grim: alright finish this with x scissor 

Cameron: use aura sphere 

He dives straight down. He gets up at the last minute and flies around the ring. Then behind grim he smacks his against the wall an boost at grim. He turns and used x scissor. While all this lucario charges aura sphere.

Grim/Cameron: let's go!!!!

The two square off, glaring at each other. Lucario jumps with aura sphere. The attacks collided against each other.  Neither of them back down as the glared at each other. But exchanged a smirk. But then everything went white. A massive explosion happen creating a large flash and force of wind. Everyone shielded their eyes as the trainers notice their Pokémon fly past them. When the light past everyone sees the Pokémon wedged into the walls.

Freddy: unbelievable, both Pokémon have been knock out. Is that mean the battle is a tie. 

Grim: no way, it's not needing like that, Gliscor!!

Cameron: no way lucario will be defeated, lucario

Out of nowhere, both Pokémon twitched. The slowly and struggled but got out the wall. They fell to the floor and slowly get up and walk to each other.

Grim: let's end this in one move Cameron

Cameron: you bet

Grim: fire fang go

Cameron: force palm

Before Pokémon prepare the attack. But then exclaim in pain and fall. Causing everyone to gasp. They all look to see gliscor on his arms breathing heavily as Lucario is on the floor.   

Referee: lucario, is unable to battle the winner is gliscor which means the victor is Grim.

Freddy: amazing, gliscor has slice through aura sphere, and claim the match. The fang scopion Pokémon has earned is trainer grim a spot in the finals.

Grim: unbelievable we one.

Gliscor: gli

Grim runs to gliscor as the high five and wraps around each other. Cameron runs up and helps lucario. 

Cameron: hey grim sediment fight. Gliscor that x scissor was intense

Grim: thanks the same for lucario. Back to back wins and a deadly aura sphere, truly anyones match. But now, I'll win this for you, ash, and all our friends

Cameron: couldn't be happier

They exchange hand shakes. Later it was during the finals as grim was dueling his opponent. 

Freddy: This a battle worthy for the finals. As Grim has gliscor, darmanitan and eelektross while his Haxorus faces off with His opponent dino's druddigon. 

Dino: druddigon use dragon rage

Druddigon fires the attack but Haxorus tanks it.

Grim: dragon rage go

Haxorus fires the attack sending druddigon off his feet.

Grim: draco meteor go

Haxorus: Haxorus!!!

Haxorus unleashes draco meteor as the comets hit druddigon. The attacks sends druddigon flying.  He lands on the ground fainted.

Referee: druddigon is unable to battle,  Haxorus is the winner, which means Grim wins the match, and the championships

Grim: we did, we really did it we won.

Grim and gliscor run and hug Haxorus.

Grim: we did it guys.

Haxorus: Haxorus!!!

Gliscor: gliscor gliscor

Freddy: Haxorus ultimate move draco meteor scored a direct hit. So after an intense battle. The man who stands tall as the champion of the unova league is Grim

Grim jumps in the air with gliscor. As the heroes clapped for them. Grim land on the floor and lay down.

Grim: gliscor thnaks a bunch

Gliscor: scor

At night fireworks went off as Grim and Gliscor stood on a podium as every trainer was on the fields. As grim holds the unova league trophy.

Freddy: ladies and gentlemen live from vertrice city, we bring a curtain down on another exciting unova league. Let's give another big round of applause for Grim and his Rumble Crew, who have emerged victorious after battling a field of skilled competitors.

Grim: rumble crew, I like that

Gliscor: gliscor 

He nods happily. Later the heroes walk off meeting Virgil.

Ash: hey grim congrats on your win

Pikachu: pika 

Grim: thanks ash 

Gliscor: gliscor 

Cameron: no doubt that your rumble crew was awesome but your won't beat me next time.

Grim: can't wait to find out

Virgil: you know after competing Eevee is more confident than ever before. We're really great full to you and everyone else too.

Eevee: Eevee

They see his brother Davy in the chopper fly down next to them.

Davy: hey Virgil, great job doing you best. Congrats on the victory grim. 

Grim: thanks

Davy: wait till you see the party dads having

Virgil: a party that sounds  so awesome 

He hopes in the chopper as they fly off

Virgil: thanks for everything 

Ash: see yah Virgil 

Pikachu: pika pika

Iris: best wishes

Axew: Axew Axew

Grim: until we meet again. 

Gliscor: gliscor gliscor 

???:  out of my way Way way way way way!!!!

Ash and Grim look on to see Bianca plow right through them sending both into the pond.

Stephan: hey ash, grim are you aright.

Bianca then comes right back shocked.

Ash: is this ever gonna end

Grim: now I know have you feel

Ash: right

Bianca: sorry sorry sorry sorry. Ah just miss him. And I brought him a surprise.

Ash: what you mean

Bianca: I'll just give them to you.

He then gives all of them ice cream. Give special two to grim and gliscor.

Stephan:  wow thanks a lot it look delicious 

Cilan: castilia cones

Bianca: when I told them they were all present for Virgil and Grim. They made them especially for me

Then lucario and Cameron scarf them down in unison.

Cameron: yummy 

Iris: why did you eat them so fast

Cameron: see we got to step on it and start training for the next competition. We'll catch you all later. Let's go Lucario.

They run off fast.

Ash: see yah Cameron bye

Grim: bye

Pikachu: pika

Gliscor: gli

Cameron: later

He said as they run off later.

Bianca: gotta go I do got to go home an see my dad once in awhile. Bye-bye

Iris: doesn't that girl ever stop

Axew: ew

Cilan: well on the go makes Bianca Bianca 

Ash: see yah later Bianca

Pikachu: pika pika

Grim: till we meet again

Gliscor: gliscor 

Stephan: how does a hot Sauna sound about now.

Ash: great idea 

Grim: count me in

They relax in the sauna, but gliscor laugh as pikachu couldn't stand the heat.

Stephan: so what's up ash and grim

Ash: Huh

Grim: what you mean

Stephan: your plans are you heading back home.

Ash: no the thing is

Grim: well 

Stephan: off course you not. Your gonna stay on your journey and keep getting stronger. So we'll be all set for our next battle

Ash: off course I will 

Grim: yeah

Stephan: then I'll get stronger and the next time we meet are you gonna be ready.

Ash/Grim: yeah

Later they were all packed and grim walked around. He heads to the stadium.

Grim: I can't believe I one the unova league gliscor.

Gliscor: gliscor 

Grim: and to think I just became a trainer. Bud, you and the others fought real hard. But, look at Cameron and Virgil. I be honest with you that we just got lucky with those fights.

Gliscor nods.

Grim: and take ash, he's been on his adventure more than we have, and has Pokémon stronger than the ones he used. Now if that's not telling me we still have growing to do then I don't know what. So let's Conroe our journey through unova

Gliscor: gliscor 

Then they see ash on the field as the sun rose.  They one down and see  him.

Grim: hey ash

Ash: hey grim.

They both watch the sun rise in all its glory. It was magnificent. As it rose they remembered all they been through. Right to the unova league.

Ash: and now everyone is on their way to new adventures and that's just where we going

Grim: is too ash. Let's meet again 

Ash: yeah

They exchange a hand shake then iris calls their name. They smile and run to them. And so the unova league has drawn to a close, but when one door closes another time opens. And when meeting new friends and discovering new Pokémon, ash and grims dream of becoming Pokémon masters and journey to make that a reality continues.

Boom that's it for the chapter, how you like it, grim wins the unova league. Next chapter. A break to relax the mind and body in, The Poke Spa.
