Irritated slaps





I don't want to see him, not now not ever. I can hear him he's close by, dam it! Why does he know I'm avoiding him? I wish he'd leave me alone! He brings back bad memories, and I don't want to go through that pain again. Trying to catch my breath, I hid behind a wall at the side of the school, hoping he wouldn't find me. My heart is racing as I breathe in deeply; I need to find another hiding place before he gets to close. Yet more likely get home.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'Flash Back'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I enter class the next day hoping that it will go well and stuff. Now I just need somewhere to sit, but where? I think the back corner looks good. You can see the whole class from there and it's quiet, hopefully... I walk up to the seat and take my books out one at a time. Small groups of students walk in getting ready to start class as they take their seats; soon the room was filled with students.

The one that sat next to me greeted me as a new student, her names Rika. With her blue eyes looking at me, we kept talking about people in the class and other things like how teachers can be so annoying. As I was talking to her, I noticed that she had deep brown wavy hair that reaches her waist, she was fit and skinny, and so I guess her an athletic of some sort.

"Rika-chan, by the chance do you do any sports?" I asked her wanting to know more about my new friend. "Yes indeed, I'm in the Kendo club" she was proud to announce.

I knew she did something like that! Looking at her you can tell that she's strong and that she's much focused. "Do you do any sports Amu-chan?" I want to but it's hard to explain that you have a heart condition to a person you just met a few minutes ago.

"I want to try cheerleading or basketball." Damn this condition! If it weren't for Ikuto, I could have done all sorts of activities by now. "That's great!" As soon as thinking about the devil, he had to walk in at the moment. I pretend not to see him as he annoyingly stares at me while walking to his seat.

The bell rang signalling for class to start, the teacher walked in and started writing equations on the board. Maths. The one word had me excited. I love Maths, I find it so unique the way it solves problems straight out, unlike English were you have to debate you opinion with or against something and try to convince the reader that your right.

"Hey Amu-chan, there's a note for you" Rika whispered to me and handed me the note. "Thanks" giving her a smile I opened the note.

To Hinamori AmuWe need to talk about things. Meet me at the tree in front of school at lunch. Don't be late and I'm sorry.-Ikuto

I'm sorry is that all he can say? Sorry for what? For leaving me on my birthday and those other times, or for that accident that happens to be your fault? Answer me Ikuto. Answer me! I know that asking myself the questions that was meant for him is crazy, but I just crunched up the note in my hand irritated and very angry.

"Amu-chan are you ok?" Rika looked worried. I nodded my head and I roughly write on the back of the note after un-crunching it.

To Tsukiyomi IkutoLeave me alone! And are you sorry for leaving me on my birthday and those other times, or for that accident that happens to be your fault?-Amu

"Hand back to sender" I whispered to Rika. She nodded and I see every one handing the note down to Ikuto's desk. I see that he gripped the paper hard and he looked back up at me only to get a death glare. He looked was of regret and sorrow, good I want him to feel what I felt and to suffer what suffered. I want him to know how it felt to be abandoned and left in the middle of the road.

LaterThe lunch bell rang and we were dismissed from class. I grabbed my lunch from my locker and was trying to find Rika so we can eat lunch together. I walked through the halls but Rika was nowhere to be found, I look out the window and saw Ikuto leaning on the tree near the school gates. No way am I going to talk to him, I'll just leave him there waiting.

Later laterIt's the last class for the day, I've been avoiding him since lunch, by him I mean Ikuto. And he's been trying to find me too. Thank god he's not in this class, I don't what to talk to him or see his damn face!

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'End of flashback'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Ikuto POV

Where the hell is she? She didn't meet me at the tree and I haven't seen her since our first class. She avoiding me I just know it, I see a glimpse of pink here and there and I know it's her. Damn she's just making me regret what happened even more.

I walk around looking for her, the wind blows strongly and pink hair flows with it from the side of the school. Pink hair... PINK HAIR! Found her! With my cat like ears, I can tell that she is trying very hard to avoid me.

Her breathe slows down every time she inhales air, she doesn't know that I can see her hair which gives it away. I approach her slowly and quietly like a cat, I lean against the wall waiting for her to notice me.

"So how long are you going to stand there?" She glared with anger. "All day if it takes me" I smirked back at her. "Let me repeat this for you. .ALONE!" She said it like I couldn't understand English.

She was walking off and it made me grab her hand, "I'm sorry" I quickly said. She stood still bangs covering her eyes, "For what? For leaving me with the pain or for suffering this heart condition?"

"Heart condition?" When the hell happened to her? Did I hurt her that bad to make her have a heart condition? "Yes, I have a heart condition!" Stop playing with me Amu! "How?" That was like one of the most stupidest question I've ever asked.

"You want to know? I'll tell you! After that accident, I was in a coma for 4 years! 4 years Ikuto! I lost 4 years of my life!"

How come I didn't know about this? She started tearing up.

"And when I finely woke up, I found that my heart would never be the same again, I can't pressure my self, I can't do any sports, I can't be excited, and I can't be surprised I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ANYMORE! I can't feel too much emotions either. How do you think that feels?" She continued and I only wish that was me instead of her.

"Now will you let me go?" But I still gripped her hand tight, "I'm sorry" I repeated. "Is that all you can say?" Struggling to get out of my grip. "I was only trying to protect you from Kutsumi" I really feel guilty for what I did to her.

"You were getting hurt an I-" she broke me off. "I didn't care if i got hurt! Like I told you it was only a few scratches here and there!" She wasn't struggling anymore but I still couldn't see her eyes.

"But I couldn't see you getting hurt." I really couldn't! Every time I saw her I was reminded of what a bad friend I was. "You know what hurt me even more Ikuto? What hurt me even more was that you told me to forget about you and make new friends!"

She looked up with her honey gold eyes. "Do you think that it is easy to make friends? Until I did I would of been all alone, have you ever thought of that?" She had a point, as always. "I sor-"


"Would you stop saying that?" She clenched her free hand. "I really am sor-"


I was getting irritated with this apologising and getting slap thing! So I pulled her towards me and roughly kissed her. She look shocked, "I'm sorry for leaving you alone by you self, hurting you physically and mentally, kissing you, loving you so much that it hurts and for repeating that I'M SORRY!" I kissed her again before she could reply. I couldn't stand it anymore so I let my feelings into the kiss. Her eyes were closed and tears were streaming down her face, she kissed back and it was passionate and loving.

That's all folks! Till next time sayonara!
