song: it's definitely you   –V, JIN

16| pillar of life

the sun was setting and the light pink-orange tint took over the sky.

"sunoo-ya, would you reconsider? i like you."

"hyung, you know i don't see you like that."

"how long will it take for me to enter your heart? i'm willing to wait–"

"you'd have to wait forever then because i'm not letting him go," sunghoon's voice echoed as he stepped out of the trees.

sunghoon had been pacing up and down near the hills that overlooked sunoo's house and noticed a man who looked around his age on sunoo's porch trying to get sunoo to accept his confession.

why does sunoo attract all the men in korea?

sunghoon watched the man getting closer, too close in his perspective, to sunoo. his hand caressing sunoo's cheek.

i'm the only one who can do that. he's mine.

"you'd have to wait forever then because i'm not letting him go." sunghoon tugged sunoo away from the man creating a reasonable amount of distance between sunoo and the stranger.

"sunoo-ya do you know him?" the stranger asked.

"yes he does and now you leave."

"who are you to order me around? i was asking sunoo."

sunghoon shrugged off his overcoat revealing the aspen emblem specially customised for the prince on his chest. "as your crown prince of the country, i am now officially ordering you to get off of his premises."

seeing no argument coming from sunoo, the stranger sighed before heading out.

"leave sunghoon. don't come here again." sunoo muttered before turning away.

"let me explain–"

sunoo's stony gaze and balled fists shocked sunghoon. he's never been this cold. this emotionless.

he's never looked at me this way.

sunoo showed the ring (royal pass) on his finger. "leave before i make you stay in the dungeons of aspen."

"just let me explain, will you?!" sunghoon yelled in frustration.

sunoo's balled fists loosened. his eyes glazed. the sadness and defeat swirling in them is ever so recognisable. after all, he saw the same look in his own eyes when he looked into the mirror for the past month.

"what more is there to explain? why do you make things difficult for me? i felt awful and miserable whenever i indulged myself in your touches and your eyes. i felt jealous whenever you looked at someone else other than me hyung.

the kiss haunts me every day and night. i hate myself for loving how amazing it felt. i hate myself that i couldn't look at anyone else since i laid my eyes on you. it was my mistake falling for you when i knew that you only liked me as a friend. so get out of my sight–'' sunoo pushed sunghoon away from him.

"you're wrong."

it's my turn to walk to him.

sunghoon gently cupped sunoo's face in his palms. his thumbs gently wiping the tears falling from sunoo's eyes.

i hate whenever you cry sunoo. especially when you cry because of me.

"i love you. i realised how much of a lovestruck idiot i've been since you left. i couldn't sleep or eat properly. i couldn't even breathe properly, felt like i was drowning in an endless pool longing. my whole being craved to be with you, hug you and cling onto you so that you'd never leave me. i never felt anything before in my life until you showed up and made me feel countless unnamed emotions. i felt jealousy. i felt empathy. i felt possessiveness. i felt longing. i felt desire. i felt greedy. i felt joy. i felt pain. you make me feel sunoo.

i hated it whenever you clung onto jake, niki or jay. i wanted to be the only one you had to rely on, you had trust in, you could cling onto. i felt jealous when a child wanted to marry you. i felt like killing everyone in the aspen guards who were in the garden staring at you for being so pretty. i wanted to mark you badly, make you wear my emblem on your chest, chain you to me so that no matter where you'd go you'd always be with me. it took me a while but i finally understood what you mean to me. i love you sunoo."

sunghoon's heartfelt confession lingered in the air. sunoo's heart thudded against his ribs hard and fast. he knew when sunghoon tugged him away earlier, that there was no going back. his heart would forever belong to sunghoon no matter what.

"can i kiss you sunoo?" sunghoon mumbled, his eyes flickering back and forth from sunoo's eyes and lips.

sunoo shyly nodded, a light pink blush tinting his cheeks. their soft warm lips glided over each other's slowly, their love for each other pouring into the kiss. teeth clashing as sunghoon's tongue wet and warm traced sunoo's cupid's bow sucking and nicking at his lips as if trying to memorise how they feel.

sunoo's fingers tugged at the roots of sunghoon's hair eliciting low groans from the older while the younger let out soft moans when sunghoon's arms got tighter around his waist. their hearts thumped in sync as they slowly parted catching their breath.

sunoo buried his head into sunghoon's neck shy from the kiss they shared as sunghoon's face lit up with a broad smile, his teeth shining as his arms held sunoo in place close to him.

where he belongs.

they made their way to the cliff where the aspen pillars were and sat down watching the sunset on the horizon together, hands intertwined, hearts beating as one.

"the first time i met you was here. you were standing near the pillar of life and you looked stunning. that was the first time my heart raced." sunghoon confessed.

sunoo leaned onto sunghoon, "i saw you there too but i thought my parents had sent for you to take me to the palace so i ran away until it necessitated me to come to the palace."

sunghoon fondly gazed as sunoo's crescent eyes crinkled, cheeks flushed and lips swollen from their kiss.

now he finally understood what life means to him. it is love. his life is sunoo. sunghoon knew that in every life he'd choose sunoo over and over and over again.

sunoo is his pillar of life, forever and always. 


the end.

how was it?

started writing new sunsun fic called:

the stars aligned for us do check it out and vote!

