
One of her favorite sounds was easily Leni's heartbeat.

There are times when she would lay on her chest with her head over her shirt and she would listen closely to every beat, smiling at the steady rhythm. Sometimes, she would simply put her hand over her chest and tap her fingers along to the sound of her heart.

But now, she lays on top of her, head resting on her chest and fingers playing with the hem of her pink shirt sleeve. It was comforting, a perfect way to destress after a long day at work. Leni's slender fingers ran through her hair, brushing her hair and slowly helping her to get to sleep.

She could've fallen asleep right then and there if it weren't for the thought that if she moved so much, she would find herself rolling off of her and onto the hard marble floor of the room. So, Risa remained still and awake, taking in every tick of the clock with Leni who was probably closer to falling asleep than she was.

"You know what, love? I like this.."


"I like being this close to you," she hummed lightly, counting her heartbeat like she would always do. "Love, parang your heart is a little slower than normal? Do you feel any unusual thing? Are you okay?"

"No. Maybe.. because I'm relaxed right now and just thinking about you, mahal." she replies, almost incoherently as she speaks with shut eyes. Leni was drifting off and Risa had a soft blanket ready and waiting in case she did. "I'm thinking about how much I love and miss you these days."

Her fingers tap against Leni's chest, "Miss mo ako?" she babytalked.

"Mhm.." she says. "Everytime I'm gone doing meetings and events, sobra kitang namimiss. I miss this, having you with me lang."

Leni always spoke a little more when she was tired, she tended to be more sweet and romantic too with slurred words. Risa loved it.

"Then.. don't leave. Just stay here for a little longer or take me with you."

"That's a great idea, ibubulsa nalang kita so you could come with me everywhere. Don't go to your work na, just stay with me always." She stretches her legs, pressing a kiss on the top of Risa's head.

It wasn't a real kiss— it was kind of messy and a little sloppy but Risa appreciated the tired effort of her hardworking attorney.
