2: No Party

Jade lay in a white king sized bed in a dark room, her hair in a messy bun and wearing a T-shirt and shorts. She had heard her phone ringing at 3 am. She sat up and breathe out a "..hello..?" A growel can be heard from the other side of the call, "hello JADE." A female voiced hissed at her. Jade blinked and looks at her phone noticing it was Dave number. Oh craaap. She thought to herself, please let it not be Vriska bothering her about stupid stuff. "Vr..vriska??" Jade asked, sitting up in bed turning on the lights. "Listen here you wh- Jade. Me and Dave are throwing a Christmas party tomorrow, and I DO NOT want you there. So when Dave invites you make up some stupid crap about you can't make it." The voice from the other end hissed. Jade cringed and sighed "okay. If it makes you haply, then I won't go. Merry Christmas eve-" the phone was hung up. Jade sighed tossing her phone on the other side of her huge bed. She laid down on the left hand looking at the empty space. She wanted to cry. She feels so alone. She doesn't want to be pushed away from her friends. She just wants Vriska to like her on okay terms. She wants to be with someone to spend her time with. Someone to care for her. Someone who can love her and she can love back. Is that REALLY that hard to ask for???
Jade eyes were dry instead. She didn't do anything. Her hand began shaking, right then a white furry dog stuck its head in the door way. This was Jade best friend, or furry friend Bec. Pun intended. Bec whimpered and jumped onto Jade bed laying down next to her on the empty space. Jade opened a eye seeing Bec, she smiled and closed her eyes going back to sleep. Maybe she does have someone. Her dog.

There was a knock at the front apartment door, Jade got up and walked over to the door sit in what she slept in. She opened the door to find Dave wearing a red hoodie and black jeans, still wearing his cool shades. "Mornin sleeping beauty." He said leaning against the door frame. Jade smiled at him warmly with a chuckle "good morning Dave." Right then Jade noticed his black car. A blonde with blue strands in her hair, a blue shirt, and pale skin person was in the passenger seat watching them with dead cold eyes, oh right, Vriska. Dave smiled at her showing his teeth, "so me and Vriska are throwing a Christmas party tomorrow." Jade nods and turns her head down making a fake cough and sneeze "oh, yeah?" She asked looking up at him. Dave noticed that she was faking it and lifted a brow "well, I came here to see if you wanted to come along." Jade frowned and shook her head "sorry, but I don't feel well. It might get worst tomorrow." Dave sighed and glanced over at Vriska, and turned back to Jade mouthing 'Vriska told you not too?' Jade sighed and nodded. This wasn't the first time this happened. "Sorry Jade.. Aye, how about we meet up for lunch later?" Jade leaned against the door frame oppiste of him and nodsn "sounds good." Dave leaned in to give her a hug, back Jade backed up covering her mouth coughing "Vriska". Dave nods and waved her good bye, and made his way back to the car. As they drive off Jade watched and waved at them until they were out of sight.
In the car Vriska was smirking. Dave wasn't. He believe that she shouldn't had told Jade not to go. Jade was Dave close friend but he couldn't do anything to change Vriska mind. As they drove Vriska spoke "hey dave, I was thinking. When we have they baby should we put it through adoption or put it on someone door step like in movies-" Dave cut her off and looked at her "wait wait wait- what?!" Vriska snicker and looked at herself through the camera on her smart phone. "We aren't keeping the baby, stupid." This panicked Dave. He pulled over onto the grass and stopped the car. "What do you mean we aren't keeping the baby?!" Dave shouted looking at her. Vriska rolled her eyes "Dave, I'm not going to have a brat around wasting my money." Dave sighed and drove her back to the hotel, instead of parking he stopped at the front door. "Out." He said coldly. "Excuse me? You do not treat me-" he cut her off again. "We are through." Vriska gasped and got out shutting the door. She looked at him and crussed him off. Dave drive away, the pain in his chest was aching.
