Chapter 3

The door opened and a very pretty lady appeared. "Oh. You must be Phoebe. I've heard so much about you. Come in. Brandon has a surprise for you." She winked at him.
Yeah I know idiot, he's gonna propose.

I smiled, straightened my posture and boldly went inside. Brandon followed, shutting the door.

His mom led  me to room with lots of furniture. Then she she placed a weight machine in front of me.

"Take off all you'd clothes." She ordered.
Oh, so that's what the starving had been about.

"Um I can take off my shoes, but not my clothes. Sorry." I looked to Brandon, who nodded in encouragement. Stand up to her, his eyes seemed to say.

"YES, YES. Of course." She motioned for me to do so. So I took off my flats and stood on the scale. The numbers changed around before finally landing as at 118.
What? I couldn't have lost that much weight, could I?

"Yay. Welcome to our family. You are just under 120. I will leave you too alone." She again winked at him before leaving.

"So, I know my mom seems a bit crazy and-"

I cut him off with a slow, long, and passionate kiss.

"What was that for?"

I shrugged. "You have something to say?"

"YES," Brandon had a wide smile on his face. He leaned down on one knee.
I couldn't believe this was finally happening.

Wish, where did that thought come from? I guess I'M okay having to fake marry him, but this isn't true love.
Is it?

"Will you Phoebe Thunderman, take me Brandon Darklight as your husband.  Will you marry me.?" He asked.

I smiled widely too and said the one thing that would change my life forever. "I will."

He smiled and got up and put the ring on my finger. I hugged him and he grabbed my legs and then somehow he was carrying me bridal style and I was kissing him.
This is just for show. I reminded myself.

Yet I couldn't help but feel like I really love him.

So Sorry about the short story but I have to go to school. I promise I will update soon and thank you to all of you readers. I wasn't going to continue this story, but you guys commented and that really encouraged me. Thanks again.
