Part 50 - So fücking much

*Play the song if you want*

Taehyung POV

It was the middle of the night. I was sitting on the chair near her bed still looking at Raehee. I couldn't sleep one bit and my eyes were shutting every few seconds because of it.

I walked to closed the curtains in the room and looked down back at Raehee. All I could think about was just seeing her scream at me. Seeing her wanting to push me away.

I sat back down on the chair while reaching out to her hand beside her, placing mine on top of it. I  stroked the top of them with my thumb as I checked whether her mum was asleep.

"I- I know you probably hate me. I know that maybe I did something wrong. But believe me when I say this. Don't ever think I don't care. Even when I push you away. Even when I act jealous. I still care. I know you feel hurt by something and I know this isn't just about the post. Even if you never want to speak to me, just know I still love you.."

I tried to be strong. I tried to convince myself loving her was wrong because of everything she's been through. But maybe I was wrong. Maybe I could look after her instead of leaving her.

I decided to sleep and rested my head on her bed. I just hoped she would wake up by tomorrow.

Raehee POV

"NO! I HATE YOU! I TOLD YOU NOT TO!" I screamed crying and hitting him on the chest. I tried hard pushing him away. My punches grew weaker as I collapsed and cried into his chest.

"You don't mean that. I know you don't mean that."

"Why.. why would you do that?" He said in almost a whisper.

"Look at me." He said as he tucked my hair behind my ear. I looked down still in shame. How embarrassing this was for me.

"I can't."

"No. You can. Please.."

I slowly lifted my head with tears still flowing down my cheeks. But he wasn't there. Nothing was. Everything was dark.
"Well then change them. I don't want to be near you if your going to be like this; just go..." Taehyung suddenly appeared. His face angry and dark.

"T-Taehyung. I-I'm sorry." I said. But he just dissolved in front of me as I felt water around me. I was drowning and I felt myself drifting until I hand reached out. It felt so real. I was being pulled out as a voice spoke.

"I- I know you probably hate me. I know that maybe I did something wrong. But believe me when I say this. Don't ever think I don't care. Even when I push you away. Even when I act jealous. I still care. I know you feel hurt by something and I know this isn't just about the post. Even if you never want to speak to me, just know I still love you.."

He still loves me?

It was dark again. My eyes were closed but they were watering. I let the tears fall as they slowly opened. I looked up seeing a light above me. I turned my head to see Taehyung sleeping on my hand.

I slowly moved my hand from underneath hoping I wouldn't wake him up.

I lifted my hand and moved it closer to his cheek and held his face in my hand feeling the warm of his cheek.

"You stupid stupid boy. How could you love me?" I whispered to myself. I moved it towards his hair and just played with it, brushing it away from his face with my hand.

I slowly moved my hand away but I felt something grip my wrist. I looked to see it was Taehyung.

"Don't." Taehyung said still laying on the bed with his eyes closed. I didn't know how to react I just looked at him laying there and his grip on me.

"Don't let go of me." He lifted his face and looked at me in the eyes and I did the same. I couldn't look at them for long since I was still ashamed of myself. I just stared down onto my bed.

"Is it really that hard to look at me?" He said. I couldn't help but let a tear fall. He stood up from the chair still with the grip on my wrist and sat on the bed beside me. I felt his other hand under my chin lifting up my face so our eyes met for longer.

I looked at his eyes which was as if I was looking at the whole world in front of me. He moved closer towards me as his hand under my chin moved to holding my chin to my cheek. Tilting his head he closed his eyes and before I knew it his lips were against mine. I didn't hesitate to react back.

It was as if I was hungry for them. The first time we kissed was the kind where the feelings were weak and unsure. But this was one was different.

It was the kind where we were all we needed. It's the kind of kiss where all the feelings just pour out. I had never been so desperate to have his lips pressed on mine.

I felt something wet against my cheek. I thought I was crying but it was him. We both pulled back for air and just stared at each other in the eye. He was crying heavily and hung his head low.

I moved closer to him hugging him and whispering.
"I'm okay." Hoping it would comfort him.

"You don't know what I would have if I had lost you." He said as he cried into my patient gown.

"Shh. I'm here safe with you." I lifted him up and wiped his tears just as he did for me. I hugged him just as he did for me. I gave him comforting words just as he did for me.

"Why did you do it? Please tell me." He asked.

"You must have seen Mina's post and what everyone thinks of me." Just thinking about it made me feel angry and misjudged.

"I saw. And I promise you she isn't gonna get away with it. But are you sure there isn't more to it?" He said giving me the same look he gives to me when I'm lying.

"Well. Mina is part of the problem and what she done to me. But it's stupid things that made me do this." I said to myself. Now that I think about it what was I thinking.

"Don't ever say it's stupid. If anything makes you upset it's not stupid. Never." I felt reassured knowing that.

"Well Eunah has been ignoring me because Mina threatened her with a secret she has against her. And apparently it would hurt me and someone else. I miss her but she listened to Mina rather than me." I don't understand why she couldn't have said no.

"I'm sure she's doing it to protect you. Some secrets are best left secrets." Maybe he's right. Sometimes o should really think about why someone does something.

"Well it's not only that. Jimin said something about how you two had an argument about me but he wouldn't tell me what it was about. I thought maybe I did something wrong and Jimin didn't trust me."

"Jimin does trust you but our argument...well.. that I can't even tell you right now. But I promise you it isn't even important." He said.

"Okay. I trust you on that then." I replied.

"I had one other problem. But I need to ask you something first."

"Sure." Taehyung replied confidently.

"While I was sleeping did say anything to me?" His eyes grew a bit wider at the question. Maybe my what he said was a dream.

"Well I did but why is that important to the problem you had."

"Well I thought that you didn't love me anymore. I thought you just wanted to push me away because I thought I did something wrong to hurt you and make you stop loving me." I look away from him feeling bad.



"I said your an idiot. Do you think I'd ever stop loving you? I thought if I kept loving you and you kept loving me it would hurt you since you have Philophobia. I didn't want to put you in danger so I pushed you away to keep you safe because I love you." He said smiling at me.

"Well I know that now since I heard everything thing you said while I was asleep." He went red in embarrassment and scratched the back of his head giving me his box smile. He was acting cuter than usual even though he might not think it. I gave him a quick peck on the lips without him expecting it.

"What was that for?" He said rasing an eyebrow. I moved closer to him and holding his head in my hands and looking at him with my lips smiling.

"It was because I love you Kim Taehyung. I love you so fücking much." I said smiling brightly. I gave out a slight laugh at his shocked face. He then held my face in his hands catching me off guard as now I was the one in shock.

"Well I love you too Seong Raehee. I love you soooo fücking much." He said smiling too as we both chuckled. I hugged him again burying my face in his chest.

We both heard a door creak which made up both let go and look at each other wide eyed. When I looked at the room door I saw Eomma trying to leave but only having half her body make it out.

"Ehh." She said. I looked behind Taehyungs shoulder to see Eomma looking awkward.
"Don't mind me. I was just leaving." She said as she waved me off.

"Do you think she heard everything?" Taehyung asked kind of surprised

"I hope not." I said replying in the same way. I thought she'd be crying and telling me how she didn't raise me like this.

"One question. How the heck did you find out about my Philophobia." I asked him sceptically.

"About that....."

A/N: whoop! I have a new obsession. James Charles memes. Pls send.

