
You answered Yes to Eren's offer to hang out  with some of his friends after school. 

(+5 points)

"Awesome," Eren smiles, nodding at you approvingly. "I'll text Petra right now and tell her you're coming with me after school. Christa, you in?"

"Actually, I've got Ymir off work this afternoon, and we're kinda planning on a night in," she replies. "You two have fun, though."

"No worries," Eren says in response, before you finish catching up over milkshakes, and get to know Christa a little better in the process. You return to school and finish out your classes before finding Eren again at the end of the day. 

"Hey, you ready?" he asks, pointing to the white prius he'd come to school in, parked and idling at the curb. 

"Yeah," you reply, shrugging your backpack further up your shoulders and following Eren to the car. 

"Hey, Petra, how was your day?" Eren asks as he climbs into the back seat, offering you shotgun. You are taken aback by the beauty of the driver up close. "By the way, this is (y/n). They were my best friend in, like middle school, but they moved away, but now they're back. (Y/n), this is Petra. She's the one I was telling you about."

"Uh, hi," you say, at a bit of a loss for words. Her long strawberry colored hair burns like fire in the setting sun and frames her petite, feminine features perfectly. She has warm, doe brown eyes that completely capture you when she turns her gaze over to you.

"Hi," she giggles, at your sudden lack of social skills before putting the car into gear and beginning down the road. "So the absentee best friend returns," she says with a smile. "But, Eren, you didn't say they'd be this cute!" You can feel a blush creeping onto your face when she says that, and look out the window to avoid attention. 

"Well, I'm sorry I see them as a sibling and whether or not they're 'cute' isn't really a super huge factor into that equation," Eren snaps jokingly at his friend, reaching forward and flicking her shoulder. 

"Good, I accept your apology," she huffs, at first sounding annoyed, but when you turn to look at her again, she's wearing a playful smirk on her face. 

"Whatever Ral, just keep driving," Eren chuckles, pushing his hair out of his eyes while Petra speeds up the car. 

"Okay, I am, Jesus," she sighs, shaking her head and smiling. "I swear to God, you sounded just like Levi, right then."

"Really?" Eren asks, a hint of pride in his expression bubbling up after he's heard that.

"Yeah, really."

The three of you continue driving until Petra pulls into a subterranean parking garage, her slender, upturned nose crinkling while she squints in the dim lighting of the parking lot. She pulls into a spot and cuts the engine. The three of you disembark and begin for the elevator, which takes you to the floor Petra's apartment is on. Petra unlocks the door for you, and thanks you when you hold it open for the other two, which, makes your face heat up a little. 

"Well, well, well, look who it is," a taller boy with bleached hair says to you as he looks up from his sprawled out position on the couch. 

"Um," you say, not really sure what else to respond with.

"That's Jean. We just ignore him," Eren scoffs, sitting on the couch and roughly shoving Jean's feet off of it.

"Ignore me? Excuse the fuck out of you," Jean snaps, grinning as he shoves Eren back. 

"Did anybody hear anything just now?" Eren asks sarcastically, grinning back at his friend who seemed to immediately catch onto the joke. 

"Nope, I didn't, Eren," Petra replies. "Why? Did somebody say something? Did you hear it, (y/n)?" she asks, sitting on Jean's lap and pretending to feel around for a second. "This couch feels weird, Eren. Was it like this when you bought it? This couch look weird to you?" she asks, turning to you for input. 

You shrug your shoulders and shake your head. "Nah, looks pretty couch-y to me," you reply, smiling as you take a seat beside Eren. 

"Oh, now you've got the new kid ganging up on me, too. See, Petra? Look what you've done," Jean laughs, driving his fingers into her waist, tickling her until she climbs off of him. 

"Aw, stick a sock in it, or I'll tickle you back," Petra giggles, her high voice sounding like lilting bells every time you've heard her laugh. "So, (y/n), tell us about yourself."

"Uh, what do you want to know?" you ask, unsure how to respond to such an open ended question.

"Well surely, there's more about you than just moving away for five years," Petra pushed, finally giving you a specific question. "Well, what's your favorite place?"

A) Somewhere Warm

B) Somewhere Cold

C) Somewhere Tropical

D) Somewhere Forest-y

E) Somewhere Desert-y

You respond with a brief description of somewhere you'd gone on a trip with your family the year before. 

"I've actually always wanted to live here. The weather's nice all the time, but not too hot either," Petra responds, smiling at you while she pins you with another question. "Okay, here's the one we gave to Jean when he first moved in: How do you feel about crime shows?"

A) Love Em!

B) Hate Em!

C) Meh, I'll watch it if it's on, but it's not something I actively search for.

You respond and Petra nods her head. "I fucking eat that shit up, my dude. Crime shows are my life! Okay, your turn to ask a question."

"Uh," you stammer, uncomfortable having been put on the spot. "Well, um, cats or dogs?"

"I have to say I'm a dog person," she grins. "Have you seen Max yet?" she asks.

"Yeah, actually, I knew him when he was a puppy," You say, fondly remembering playing with the young husky, with ears and paws far too large for the rest of its tiny body.

"Wow! I'll bet he was adorable," Petra replies with a warm smile. "What about you? Cats or Dogs?"

A) Cats

B) Dogs

You respond and Petra nods as she absorbs your words. "Nice, nice," she grins, but then Jean pipes up again.

"Okay, but before (y/n) gets the stamp of Jean-approval," Jean says, pointing at himself with his thumb, "I need to know one thing right now. How do you feel about our lord and savior, icon to all, Zendaya?"

A) 10/10. Would smash. 

B) Meh. She's a celebrity, what does it matter what I think about her?

C) Don't like her.

D) Zendaya, who?

You answer and Jean narrows his eyes at you before nodding, "Well, I love her, and if I wasn't gay I'd marry her." 

"I think a little more than just being gay is stopping you from marrying her, bro," Eren scoffs, rolling his eyes at his friend.

"You think?" Jean replies, raising an eyebrow. "I disagree."

"What about the fact that you have never even seen her in person before?" Eren asks, grinning at his friend, his jade eyes twinkling.

"Nah, not an issue," Jean shrugs, flipping his blonde hair across his forehead, clearing it from his eyes without using his hands. 

"Hey, where's Riva?" Eren asks, turning to Jean.

"He had a thing," Jean replies, rolling his eyes at his friend. "He'll be back from New York on Friday."

"Ah, yes, the famous thing. I've heard a thing or two about things in New York," Eren sighed, shaking his head. "Make sure to kick his ass for not telling you what he's gonna do."

"I will, thank you for your support," Jean says, as the four of you settle into the couch, watching movies on Hulu for a couple of hours before pausing to finish homework. After the homework, Petra offers to drive you and Eren home, which you both gratefully agree to. You've had a good day, and you hope to see Eren and his friends again soon. 

Alright, Here's the Key:


A) +3 points. Petra likes warm places, too. (She lives in SoCal, remember?)

B) -2 points. Petra hates the cold. Who will wear her skimpy clothing when she's out there freezing her tits off?

C) +2 points. Petra likes the idea of kicking back on an empty beach, sipping Piña Coladas and getting her tan on. If she didn't just burn. Poor pasty baby.

D) 0 points either way. Petra likes the idea of exploring a forest, but it isn't anywhere she'd particularly like to live.

E) +1 point. Petra loves the desert, just not when it's hot. Sort of a catch-22, she knows. She's sorry. She likes the atmosphere of a desert, but the sun bakes her poor ginger skin.


A) +2 points. Petra is all about her crime shows. She can't wait to watch them with you.

B) -1 point. Who doesn't like crime shows?? Petra doesn't know. She was a little shocked to hear that, but it's still redeemable. Maybe. 

C) +1 point. Petra is sure she'll be able to turn you on to a couple of good ones.


A) 0 points either way. Petra disagrees with you, but respects your opinion.

B) +1 point. Petra loves dogs, too! Now she will be sure to show you pictures of cute dogs when she gets the chance.


A) +2 points. No shame. Petra thought your response was cute.

B) +1 point. Petra respects your ability to separate your life from that of reality stars, but it was just a hypothetical question. Relax a little. 

C) Zero points either way. Hey, well, at least you're honest.

D) Zero points either way. If you don't know, you don't know. (Zendaya is an old star from The Disney Channel who has only become more fantabulous as she's gotten older, for those who don't know. Look her up.)


