Back to Pittsburgh


Even though we had a short flight but it felt like a six hour flight from New York we finally land back in Pittsburgh. "Back to where the drama resides." Octavia mutters making me laugh "I miss New York already." She said "Babe we've been off the plane for five minutes." I said "I know." she said "BRADY! OCTAVIA!" we here my mom yell "I love your mom." Octavia told me before running off giving my mom a hug.

"Octavia i missed you." I heard mom said "I missed you to mom." I said with my hands on my hips "Brady oh yeah i missed you too." she says  giving me a hug before taking our stuff and putting it in the back "I'll sit in the back." Octavia says "Alright you sure?" I ask "Yes brady I'm sure now get in the car." she said bossy woman

Thirty minutes it took from the airport to the competition my body is cramping up. "Alright guys we are here, Abby has your costumes inside and i have your makeup in there as well so lets go." mom says 


As we walk to the dressing room i hear Abby going off at someone "JOANNE GIANINA IS NOT DOING OCTAVIAS SOLO AND THAT'S FINAL!" Abby yells again. Brady looks at me "That's the second time she has tried to take my solo and give it to GinNina." i tell him "Really?" Brady asks "Yes." i said before pushing the door open. 

"Hey guys we're back." I announce walking in "Octavia! Brady!" the girls come running up to me before going back to what they were doing "There's my stars how are you's?" Abby asked while we gave her and Gia a hug "We're good, really happy with the results." Brady says "I'm so proud of you guys. Broadway and The Royal Ballet that's just nuts." She said 

"I know like i said on the phone Brady nearly fainted when they came up to us." I said laughing  "Okay Octavia, your solo is up first and Brady obviously get dressed in your outfits."  Abby says with a smile. It sucks that mum's not here because she's sick  but hey i got Tricia looking after me "How does this look?" I ask Abby "Beautiful for someone who's playing an axe murderer." she says "Octavia and Brady how was the competition?" Michelle asked 

"It was pretty good we're still undefeated and the senior company won as well so basically a clean sweep." I said  while doing my hair "So we heard from the girls that you both were scouted is it true?" Ashley asked did she just not listen to what Abby said "Yeah we did, Broadway and the royal ballet." Brady said "That's cool why didn't you give our girls the chance like that Abby?" Joanne questioned

"When brady and Octavia called me the other day saying they got scouted I've never been so proud." Abby said 

"I remember when Abby asked Octavia what's your goal and the first thing she said was The Royal Ballet and now she's going to be able to live that dream with Brady." Gianna said 

"Because i didn't want them too. None of your kids are up to the level where Brady and Octavia are." Abby said Oh shit. "You know what I'm sick and tired of you saying Gia isn't up to Octavia is so how about a one on one show down Octavia vs Gia. Because i know my kid is going to dance circles around her." Joanne says pointing at me 

"Excuse me Joanne i don't care if your an adult don't point your finger in my face, because i don't appreciate it i know you don't so why would i." I say with my arms crossed "You know what fine GiaNina vs Octavia next week lets see who's better my Golden Girl vs the Broadway brat."  Abby says "She's not a brat!" Joanne says "Well that's what you are and so is she." Abby said 

"I know my Gia is going to wipe the floor with Octavia. And she's going to make Abby regret the decision about not sending Gia with them to New York" Joanne said "I know i can win against her, she's Abby's golden girl and I'm going to take that spot away from her." GiaNina said with her arms crossed

"Alright, Octavia your solos is up so lets go." Abby said I walk backstage with brady holding my fake axe wishing to axe Joanne.  "You ready?" Brady said "Yeah of course, this is my favourite dance from Maddie." i told him "love you." "Love you too." he gives me a kiss

"Please welcome number 242 Octavia with Axe Murder." The announcer said 

"She's a perfect dancer, it's crazy that she can posses any dance to make her own. Maddie did an exceptional with this dance but Octavia is has done it better." Abby said 

"No matter the dance she's able to execute it and make it look effortless." Gianna said 

"I don't understand how she can make everything so easy looking." Brady said "She always sets the bar high doesn't she." Tricia said

Once i finished my dance i felt a weight off my shoulders i honestly hope Maddie is proud of how the dance looked. "That was fantastic babe." Brady said "Thanks how did it look?" I question "Amazing." he said as we walk back people begin to congratulate me which was nice

Walking into the dressing room I sit down and take my make up off not knowing how long till our duet. Abby begins to scream when she rolls in "Octavia.... That was perfect!" she yelled she has her arms open so i can give her a hug which i do "Thanks, now i have to get ready for the duet." I said  after 10 minutes of getting ready we finally can go.

"One last thing before we go, Octavia and brady remember to act well very psychotic as much as you can take Joanne and Stacey for that." Abby says before rolling away I try my hardest not to laugh and basically everyone is trying not laugh. "Lets go." I said trying not to laugh

"Really Abby psychotic." Stacey said 

"That was just uncalled for I'm not like that." Joanne said 

"I found it funny, i tried really hard not to  laugh." Brady said "Brady! Well your not wrong but still." Tricia said 

"She's savage." I said "Yes she is." Brady said while carrying the chair as we are back stage i whisper "Ready to be psychotic." I ask "Channel your inner Joanne and Stacey babe." he says causing me to snort "I love you." "I love you too." a quick kiss

Please welcome number 277 Brady and Octavia with Toxic 

"Perfect no mistakes what so ever." Abby said 

"To be honest i was worried about the lift because we only practiced for a very short period time because Brady and I had to leave for New York but we nailed it." I said 

"When we did the lift Octavia made like a squeak out i had to hold in my laugh. we were so serious until her squeak" Brady said

"I think we nailed it." Brady said to me backstage "Yeah we did that lift went really well." I said "Yeah it did baby." Brady said with his hand around my waist walking back to the dressing room. "I wanna sleep for the rest of the year." I told him he laughs at my statement 

After getting changed into our final routine I just realised I've danced with water once and it went really well but i don't think the others have ever danced with it before once we're backstage i say to them real quick. "I've danced with water before and it went great do not be afraid of the water and most of all be careful." I said before splitting up  


"We are going to start with the teen soloist in tenth place 'Hallie with a time in place...... Now with a perfect score is Octavia with Axe Murder! from the Abby lee dance company! " The announcer said  I stand up smiling I'm still undefeated and another perfect score  i see Abby clapping with a smile on her face. "duet/ trio in tenth place is 'Alec an hannah with why.'....... and now with another perfect score today is.... 'Octavia and brady with toxic'! from the Abby lee dance company" The announcer said

We both get up in excitement he spins me around "we've done it once again undefeated." he says to me. Lilly and Elianna's awards are next. "In third place is 'Elliana with Carrie.'..... And now in first place with a perfect score is 'Lilliana  with straight escape' Abby lee dance company!" the announced said I'm so proud of her she's had such a tough season so far but now she gets to join the club.

"And now in Jnr small groups. In fourth place is The Bermuda Triangle the Abby lee dance company!" Well we are fucked Abby isn't going to be happy  we get back to the dressing room celebrating the three perfect scores but the group award not so much.

After the whole situation with us loosing I hear "Welcome to the 300 club that has only been done several times and and most of them has Octavia's name to them as well as Brady's so once again congratulations." Abby said before leaving 

A/N: Sorry guys for taking so long for this chapter I've been really busy so here it is. I have a massive question who would like to see Octavia story from the beginning on the selective team? any who please remember to vote comment and drop a follow don't be a ghost reader. 💙😁
