7. Damon or Stefan?


The next two days passed smoothly without any further encounters with Hayden or Katherine. Daniel taught me to play chess today. Behind the tough exterior, he was actually a very sweet guy who managed to break through my loneliness and self-consciousness.

Then there was Caleb, who was not sparing a single chance of irritating me to the core. His double-meaning jokes and suggestive winks were enough to make my blood boil. But apart from all this silliness, he was harmless.

As far as Alessandro was concerned, he was usually out with Hayden so we didn't interact much.

Overall, life here was not as bad as I thought it would be, as strange as it may sound.

After finishing up all the work, I was sitting on the comfy bed, holding a copy of "To Kill a Mockingbird" in one hand and a cup of cappuccino in the other. It was almost midnight and I was in no mood to sleep. I had already changed into comfy pajamas and a tank top.

I was halfway through my book when a loud noise of glass shattering hit my eardrums. Placing the book on the side table, I stepped into my slippers and made my way to the living room.

I almost screamed when I entered the living room and witnessed the scene in front of me. Hayden was sprawled on the couch with a broken bottle of alcohol in his right hand. Blood was seeping through his hand, turning the white rug into a dark red.


"Look what you did, girl," he mocked as I held my stomach tightly, blood was oozing through the large gash he just caused.

My eyes closed automatically at the intense pain. Too exhausted to cry, I just let out a small whimper; my mind was slowly shutting down.

"Please, let me go," I begged, looking at him with helplessness.

"I will," he said with a sadistic smile and traced his fingers along the length of my arm.

"After I am done with you."

I shook my head to clear these images and rushed to him.

He was resting his head on the couch. His face was emotionless and his eyes were shut tight. I noticed he was wearing the same suit but the front two buttons of his shirt were open and the sleeves were folded to his elbow, giving a view of his strong, muscular forearms.

Realizing my presence, he opened his eyes. The alluring grey eyes were now brimming with a strange sorrow and dejection. For a minute, I couldn't tear my eyes away from him.

"What are you doing here?" His speech was slightly slurred.

"Your hand." I mumbled.

"Get out. Go back to your room and sleep," he ordered but I stayed frozen at the same place.

"Are you deaf? Get out," This time, he sounded angry.

Taking small steps, I returned to my room but instead of staying there, I picked up the first aid box from the drawer and walked back towards him.

His frown deepened when he noticed me again. My insides were shaking with terror which I ignored; I sat down on the couch, facing him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he barked when he watched me taking out the ointment from the box.

"Let me apply this ointment to your wound," I requested and he narrowed his eyes.

"I don't need your help. Get away from me," he said and moved away a little.

"Listen, your wound can get infected. Please let me clean it," I whispered, moving a bit closer and holding his bleeding hand in mine. To my relief, he didn't pull away. Instead, he just watched me with his deep eyes.

As I poured the alcohol on his cut, I expected him to at least wince but his expression remained the same. I could feel my face heating up under his scrutiny.

With shaking hands, I finished applying the ointment and created some distance between us. His eyes were still assessing my face and I bit my lower lip to stop it from trembling. This pulled him out of his trance and he turned his face to the opposite side with a jerk.

"D- do you need anything?", I asked him.

"No," he answered dryly. As I stood up, he lay down completely on the couch and closed his eyes.

After much contemplation, I moved back to my room and pulled the extra duvet out of the huge cupboard.

Returning to him, I kneeled down beside him and took his shoes and socks off. He looked like he was in deep sleep. I covered him with duvet, turned the lights off and walked back to my room for the third time.


"Damn this Damon sounds like a total jerk," Daniel commented.

"But he is hot and confident. Not to mention super funny. That's like the secret recipe for getting girls," added Caleb.

"Ok. If you want to argue, move somewhere else so that I can watch this show alone," I scolded them and sat up straight, pulling the laptop to my lap.

I was watching the Vampire Diaries on Daniel's laptop with him and Caleb shamelessly interrupting my session. We three were lying on our stomachs on my bed, with me in the middle of them. For some reason, they were enjoying a holiday from their "work".

"Don't you agree Vi, Damon is better?" Caleb asked for my opinion.

"Yes tell him Vi. Tell him that Stefan is better," Daniel grumbled.

"Ok fine. Damon is hot and charming," I admitted. "But Stefan deserves Elena more. Not because he is a goody-two-shoe but because he was her first love. And this is Stefan's story so he gotta get the girl."

"Dimwitted losers," A bored voice came from somewhere behind me and we turned around, only to find Katherine leaning on the door.

"Don't you both have any work to do?" she pointed towards Daniel and Caleb.

"Don't you have any guy to seduce?" Daniel retorted and she rolled her eyes at his remark.

"Talk like that to me once more and I'll make sure you don't see the next sunrise," she threatened, balling her fists at the side of her body.

"You are not the only one who knows how to use a gun," Daniel answered in a dangerous tone. This was the first time I witnessed his anger and man, he looked scary.

They both glared at each other for a whole minute. It was Katherine who averted her eyes first and turned around.

"I hope King finds some new members for this gang, considering you two are no more useful than a broken gun. All thanks to little Miss Barbie here," she scoffed before walking out of the room.

