Arc 1.1 Betrayal

Third person P.O.V.

Percy was chained on a chair in the center of the Olympian council and the majority of the gods and demigods were present and they were giving him murderous glare , then the king of gods spoke,

" Perseus Jackson, you are held for treason against the gods for this you shall be sentenced to Tartarus. The Olympian council will vote on this matter, may the fates be against you" he said with a deadly tone.

" I Poseidon hereby disown my son Perseus Jackson, you are no longer a son of the sea" said the sea god with clearly an ashamed tone.

Then Percy asked,

"Why are you doing this, what did I do to all of you!!????"

Apollo was looking at the hero, well he's a hero right?....... Apollo was looking at Percy with concern unlike 10 others gods that were ready to jump out of their throne and kill the young man.

" How dare you, say this you scum, you destroyed more than half of the Greek camp with a tidal wave , many campers are dead, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hermes, Demeter, many minor gods and my cabin are destroyed and many of our children are dead inside and don't try to deny it because many campers saw you raising that wave" an angry Aphrodite yelled at Percy.

Then Zeus spoke

" Now the council will vote, speak your mind for the banishment" said the king.

Zeus went first and said,

" I vote for banishment,he deserve it, he destroyed my cabin and the camp".

Poseidon went next,

" I vote for banishment, he destroyed my cabin" said the sea god.

Athena went next,

" I always knew that this boy will be bad for my daughter, I vote for banishment"

Percy looked at Annabeth but only see a glare that stabbed his heart and she spoke.

" I can't believe, that I dated someone like you , I hope you will rot in Tartarus" said the daughter of Athena, Athena smiled at her daughter comment, percy's eyes widening at her comment.

Percy started crying, his ex-girlfriend and father did something unforgivable.

Demeter went next,

" I vote for banishment, he killed my children and destroyed my cabin" said the goddess of harvest.

Dionysus went next,

" I vote for banishment, I never liked him, less demigods for me, great for me" said the god of madness.

Aphrodite went next,

" I vote for banishment, he killed my children and destroyed my cabin" said the goddess of love.

Hermes went next,

" I vote for banishment, he killed my kids and he destroyed my cabin" said the god of thieves.

Artemis went next,

" I vote for banishment, I thought that Perseus was different but he's like the others men" said the goddess of moon.

Hephaestus went next,

" I vote for banishment, he killed some of my children" said the god of blacksmiths.

Ares went next,

" I vote for banishment, I never liked this punk and because of him some of my children are dead" said the god of war.

Apollo went next,

" I-I --I vote against the banishment"the sun god said

Percy looked at the god of sun with curiosity, well the gods said that many half blood are dead because of him, every god in the room were dumbfounded, they knew that many children of Apollo died in that wave, why is he voting against banishment, did he see something in the future???

Then everyone looked at the three Olympian who didn't vote, Hera, Hades and Hestia, then Hera spoke,

" I will not vote this is ridiculous but I believe that Perseus is innocent " said the queen of gods

The others two nodded in agreement, but then a demigod ask her a question,

" Lady Hera, aren't you mad that Perseus destroyed your cabin????"

" why should I, I don't have demigods and that cabin I never liked it, I should thanks the person who destroyed that cabin" again everyone with a dumbfounded expression with her answer.

Zeus now out of shock spoke

" the result is clear now Perseus any last word before entering Tartarus????" Asked the thunder god.

" I-...I-.. I will get revenge I swear it by....." Percy stopped because a voice spoke in his head  swear it on the name of Chaos " ..... on the name of Chaos" the oath sealed, every gods in the room was scared, then a crack opened flowing of power stronger than the gods and Percy was pushed in it and fell again in Tartarus, but then Apollo yelled,


" what do you mean??" Asked Athena,

Apollo taking his breath back, now he was trembling,

" Percy was the only thing that restrained them from declaring a war on us........... I Apollo quit of my duties as a Olympian" now every Olympian were shocked, then his throne started to fade,
Apollo bowed to the Olympians" my lords and ladies I shall leave, I do not want to be their enemies in this battle" said the sun god while looking at the crack in the floor that didn't close up.

" why are you doing this brother and what do you mean by
not wanting to be their enemies" said Artemis trying to take his brother in her arms, but was cut by Apollo's glare.

" don't you dare to touch me, lady Artemis" said the sun God with a menacing tone, Artemis backed away by the surprise that her little brother just gived her.

But then Athena spoke,

" you didn't answer, which enemy????" Asked the goddess of wisdom.

" my apologies, Lady Athena, I can only say this.....a war is coming far more dangerous and worse than Gaea" said the sun god, then he jumped in the crack in direction of Tartarus with Percy in the lead.

The gods couldn't move they just saw Apollo quitting the council and jump in Tartarus.

Artemis was crying, Hestia tried to consol her but couldn't.

But now the Olympians are now stuck without a god of prophecies and a war far more dangerous than the war against Gaea.

Later in that day, many demigods were made immortal, the seven without Percy, and the cabin counsellor, Nico didn't because he didn't want it and couldn't believe that they banished Percy then he shadow travelled with his father to the underworld.
That night was filled with celebration for the new immortal.
That night no one did notice that the parents of the supposed traitor died.

Percy P.O.V.

Great Tartarus again I was falling again but this time... alone remembering what they did to me those prideful gods need to be disposed off....... they are the same as the titans. But I knew that something bad will happen but I didn't expect this, that man in white could have told me about this, but nooo I had to wake up.

Flashback in the dream

I was in a completely  black room and I couldn't see a thing in the room, then a light appeared ,it was well more humanoid,a handsome man in white clothes and he only told me a sentence, be prepared Perseus, something bad will soon happen.

Then the man disappeared, my flashback was disturbed by someone,I could hear my name again and again...

Flashback end

I open my eyes and saw who's was saying my name , Apollo was yelling my name...... wait Apollo!!!

"what the hell are you doing here"  I yelled.

" I am coming with you, the Olympians were wrong to banish you" yelled Apollo too

" how long are we going to fall??" asked the sun god.

" uh... I think it's an hour or two I don't really remember well" I answer him.

" does that mean that we are going to fall for a long time??" Asked Apollo.

I could feel my face becoming hotter.

" yeah" I said shortly.

" then let's talk, you can ask me anything" Apollo told while trying to be comfortable in the air.

Well he told me I could ask him anything, Apollo he's the only person that voted against my banishment and he even jumped with me here in Tartarus. That's kind of heart warming.

" okay then why did you vote against my banishment" I asked the god.

He shrugged

" know I believe that you are innocent, that you didn't create that wave, after all I am the god of truth too....." he said, but he seemed that he wanted to say something else.

" and....."I said while getting more comfortable.

" I will side at your side when you will accomplish your revenge in the next war" he said.

My eyes widened, a war..... and he will fight for me!!!!

" another war, when, how, against who????" I asked while others question were forming in my head.

" I can't say much, but this war will be in another category, your banishment was the last string, soon they will destroy the Olympians"he said

" and in which side I will be fighting???" I ask, I am really tired  of fighting for them, those selfish gods.

"You will fight against Olympus, that's the only thing I can say now... oh shit, Percy come closer to me" he said with a panicked voice I look below and saw that the floor was coming fast, I made my way toward Apollo. He took my arms and put them around his waist.

" brace yourself Percy!!!" Yelled the god of truth.

Then we hit the floor..... well more Apollo, because he protected me with his immortal body.

" are you alright??" I asked him a little bit worried.

" yeah, yeah no biggie,but-" he started but was cut by a roar of an army .

We looked around us and saw that an army of thousands of monster were waiting for us.

"KILL,KILL,KILL,KILL-" the roar was cut by a bright light, so bright that I needed to shield my eyes with my hands even Apollo shielded his eyes. Opening my eyes, I could see white dots in my vision, after clearing my vision, I looked around, every monsters around us were dead, we were walking in a sea of golden dust.

The bright light was still there but less stronger and I could see someone.....wait that's the man in white in my dream.

" Hi Percy " the being in white smiled at me.

Automatically I felt his power flowing around us it was immense and intense, then Apollo bowed.

" Lord Aether it's a pleasure to meet you" said the sun god.

" It's a pleasure to meet you too Apollo" said the Primordial god of light." I don't have enough time, I need to be quick " spoke Aether." I have two thing to say first Percy I need you to take my place as the Primordial god of light" said Aether.

" what, why!!???" I asked him, i mean he's an immortal why woyld he give me his place?

" because you are pure ,humble and your personal loyalty " Apollo smiled at me.

"Yes that's why, Percy you are the only one that can take my place" said the Primordial god.

I was thinking fast, Aether did nothing wrong to me and he even contacted me to say that I will be in danger I should accept.. right? But what about the other Primordials?What about my family, wait screw that, the Primordial gods aren't bonded by the ancient laws, but still the others Primordials.

" but what about Gaea, Tartarus and Nyx??" I ask.

" that is the second thing that I wanted to say... Gaea was under a powerful and ancient spell from Kronos and thanks to you, she's back to normal, Tartarus was only defending his territory and Nyx..... well she had a bad day, there was a fight between her and Hemera" said Aether.

"Then I accept your offer, but what will change in .... with me???" I ask.

He smiled a bit.

"Your name will change, your new name will be Aether too, since you will be the new the new lord of light you will gain all my power and my throne in the Primordial council.... are you ready??" The old Aether said

" yes I am" I answered him.

Then a bright flash of light came out of him and penetrated my body.

" Wow!!!" I exclaimed

I feel like I can take on a planet destroy it completely, It feels amazing, I feel great, I feel like I can take the entire Olympian council down myself, my thoughts were cut by the old Aether fading,

"Aether!!!" I exclaimed.

" yes Aether???" The old Aether said with a little chuckle.

" this is so confusing!!" Apollo exclaimed.

" have a safe trip" I said with a little smile.

He smiled back,

" thanks, Aether" the old Aether gave us a little smile.

Then he completely faded.

Another flash, announcing the incoming of an immortal. The fates appeared and spoke in their raspy voice at the same time.

" all hail Aether Primordial god of light, Air and heaven" they said in union, then they flashed back to whatever they were doing.

" so what do we do Apollo?" I asked.

Then he gasped when he saw me

" what??" I asked.

He only summoned a mirror and I gasped in return, my sea green eye were gone and replaced by a bright gold , my hair was completely white, even my clothes turned white, my skin is a lot paler than before, but my voice did change too.

"Lord Aether, I believe that we should go to the Primordial council" he said with a voice with a lot of formality, his voice made me shiver, I hate formality.

" drop it with the formality Apollo" I said

"I know, I.... forgot about it we should go to the Primordial council Aether" said the god of sun.

" yeah right" I said

I teleported us to the council, well because I am a Primordial god in Tartarus and Apollo doesn't have the power to get out of by giving all his power, he gave me all his knowledge of how to use his abilities.

When I opened my eyes, what I saw was just out breathtaking, if you think that the throne room in Olympus was the most majestic or just the biggest thing in the universe you are completely wrong, the Primordial council was more bigger,more.....just wow I could spend the eternity staring at the room and I do have the eternity.

The throne were beautiful too but on every throne there was someone sitting on it I looked around to see my throne and found it, well it was easy, try to find a bright,white throne that no one is sitting on it.

I sit on it and grow to the same height as them... around 40-45 foots. I made a chair for Apollo to sit on it.

" welcome back..... uhm... Aether???" A man in black with few galaxies and stars said I suppose he's Chaos the creator.

" yes that's my name" I looked at the creator.

Some of the people in room chuckled a bit and Chaos only sent me a big smile.

" thanks, finally someone who didn't bow to me, oh you can call me father if you want, Aether after all you are a Primordial god and I am father to all the Primordial gods" chaos said.

" if you say so father" I said and he returned it with a smile.

''so Aether do you want to say something to some of us" Chaos said.

"Yes father......Gaea, Tartarus and Nyx" I started and picked the interest of those three." I accept your apology if you wanted to apologize, the old Aether told me the truth" I said.
" we don't know who you were formerly, may we learn who you were before transforming into the new Aether" Nyx looked at me with interest.

" of course lady Nyx, my former name was Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon, the old Aether told me what really happened in the last war the spell that sister Gaea was under, the bad day of sister Nyx and that brother Tartarus was only defending his territory and not siding with Gaea" I announced.

Then the three of them smiled and spoke at the same time really creepy in my opinion,

" welcome to the Primordial family little brother" they said.

I looked back at Father and he was smiling at us.

" well Aether with your permission can we look in your memories I believe some of us want to see your former life *cough*cough* Pontus* cough*cough*" father said making Pontus blush a little,

I nodded at them and Father summoned a big screen made of mist and we could see my past until today.

They didn't know that the Olympians ruled this bad.
They were mad
They were speechless
They wanted revenge for their little brother.

" how can they do this to our little brother" said Pontus

" I know" said father.

" I can't believe they banished him after all he did" said Gaea.

" ...." oh that was Erebus!!

"Father I think it's time to destroy the Olympians" said Tartarus.

" you are right, I can't see the same thing I saw when they had little Percy with them, I did have hope for them, it seems that I was wrong, we shall wait for their next move I want to see more if they do the same error again, the entire council will declare war to the Olympian , but I will be neutral in this fight, but all of you" he pointed all of his children present in the room" shall fight against those puny gods" said now the creator of the universe, then a flash of sadness crossed the face of Nyx, everyone seemed to not notice it but I did,

" what's wrong sister Nyx???" I asked her getting the attention of everyone in the room.

She looked at me but started sobbing.

" -ry..*sob*.. I am..*sob*.. I am so sorry Aether...*sob*.. your mortal family is dead" she said now sobbing harder than before.

When she said that I felt my knees weakening, I'm lucky that I was sitting, if not I would have collapsed in the floor and started crying, but nothing of that happened, only a single tear left my right eye.

" how??" I asked

Everyone stunned by my behaviour.

" she was murdered..... by a sea creature at the beach with Paul" she said.

Now the tears were flowing on my face, she's a mortal why would they want to kill my mother she didn't do anything to deserve this, who's sick enough to do this!!!

With that the meeting ended Father showed us our palace to me and Apollo and I closed myself in my room for a week.

That week the day were dark like there was no light in the sky only darkness in the sky. A lot of tornadoes were forming in unlikely place like in big cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.That week the mortal through that it was the end of the world, even the gods were scared they didn't know what's happening, but when that week ended the sky returned to his former aspect of a beautiful azur in the sky welcoming the sun.

During that week Hemera became a great friend to me, she explained to me all the duties a Primordial should do and train his army...

Today I was meeting my army I didn't know what they would look like ... people made of light??? Is that possible, I opened two door with the insignia of arena on it I saw Apollo with four angels with majestical wings when the angel saw me they all bowed,

" it's a pleasure to meet you Lord Aether" one of the Angel said

" could you stop the formalities please I hate them" I said a little bit annoyed they all nodded

" ah sorry L- Aether we are the archangels, my name is Michael, my sister Gabriel, my brother Uriel and my other brother Raphael" he said

Those name I know them from somewhere.... the Christian mythology... no religion of course.
The day went great, the four archangel are my personal assassin to clear my mission, like maintaining peace in my favourite planet like planet 45 in the galaxy 67 a beautiful place without night only the day 24/24. I just love that planet and my warriors are protecting it.
